The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1145 of the Chapter 1145 of Wangzhao System of Tennis

"There is no way, it should be from this underwater, Burma, let's go down!" Night long wind turned to Burma, "I followed me, I pinched my hand!"

The night grew blowing in Balma's hand jumped into the deep well, and the two began to dive.

I dive more than ten meters, and there was a lateral channel, and the night grew flooded Booema directly drilled into the channel.

"Well? They all go! It seems that it is necessary to dive the past!" I have been quietly following the cloth (DBDC) Lu after the night, and the boolean. Lu is also jumping into the well.

The horizontal channel is not long. After a minute, the night grows to pull Burma directly float, and come to a new space.

Of course, it is mainly that the night grows with the vitality of Burma. If Burt is swim, it will not be so easy.

"Wow! I found it! It is it!" Burma and night long wind have a big treasure chest, the box is very large, it looks quite quite quite.

"I am coming!" Burmawa smats to push the treasure chest of the treasure chest, but how to push it, because it is too sinking.

"Or let me!" The night was laughing, holding the handle with the handle.

Dangdang, the treasure chest is opened by the night long.

bass! One time, a golden light puts the night long wind and Burma's face into a golden.

"Wow! A lot of money treasures, these things are worth the city!" Burma is coming.

A large treasure chest is a gold coin, and there are also various gemstone crown, and there are gold bricks. It can really be said to be a massive treasure.

More times more than the garrotes before the night, there are many times.

"Oh, embarrassed! These treasures are our red silk army!" Sudden water came out a high-profile man, it was Bruce.

"Red Silk Army?" Burma was shocked, hurriedly hiding behind the night length.

"I am a small, I am not interested, you can disappear within three seconds!" The night is cold and cold.

"The arrogant kid, I want you to come out for your arrogance!" Bruce directly rush to the night long, and the speed is more fast than the previous mechanical monster.

"Oh ... I seem to have a bit of fighting power!" Night long wind feels that Bruce is not bad on the earth, there should be a combat power of around 60 to 70, compared to the previous Hilba and Walt is stronger. less.

Unfortunately, he encountered a night grew well.

! When Brug rushed to the night length, the night-long wind shit was kicked in the abdomen of Bruce.

boom! The Brucery called the night to kick, the whole person flew out, the body hit the rock wall and hit the rock wall out of a big hole.

"Oh ..." But Bruis did not be killed by night long, he actually stood up, full of red, flowing in his mouth, and it was a bit miserable.

"You actually put me into this! Odor boy, I can't put you!" Bruce, his eyes died in the night, suddenly bright.

"Well? This guy is kicked by me. Do you want to kill me with your eyes?" The night's face looked disdain.

1081 chapter, Samsung Dragon Ball

Suddenly, the night's wind felt the vitality of the surrounding, and his body was actually done at this time.

"What is this? Is there any energy of others?"

"Oh, the little ghost now knows my super power!" Bruce slowly went to the night long, he used super-ability to settle the night, "" actually made me ugly, I want to kill you! " "

"Super ... Super Ability? How can there be this kind of thing!" Burt was shocked.

! When I walked out of the night, I came out to the night, and I suddenly swayed out a punch, and the wind and right of the right hand suddenly showed the boxing of Bruce.

"Ni!" Bruce is unbelievable, "How can you move! You are clearly in my super power!"

"What is the big point of the big, but it is gathered for a gathering of an invisible yuan. You have a very creative, but you have too weak, how can you sleep?" Night .

"Let me go!" Bruis called to break the binding of the long wind.

"You have a little bit of these red silk, it's really endless. Go back and tell you the leader, ask him to don't provoke me! Announced me, the consequences are very serious!" Night long wind flew up one foot, directly A heavy feet kicked in Bru's chest.

Hey, after a crisp sound, Bru's entire sternum is broken into a slag.

puff! Bruishen vomiting blood, I have been dull.

Night wind does not die, or if you can kick the Bruce, the night is far from the mouth, so I have left him a dog.

Otherwise, Brui is not just a fainting in the past!

"Wow! Good! Solved!" Burma cheered.

Bang! However, at this time, the explosion sounded, the top of the cave did not stop the crushed stone, and when the night is long, open the treasure chest to touch the organ, now this secret cave burying explosives began to explode.

"Ah!" The Burma screamed, and he kept slapted the gravel of the ceiling, "Worse, the long wind, here must collapse!"

"Where is Burma, Dragon Ball?" Asked at night and asked.

"Under this pool!" Burma glanced at Dragon Bao Lada, pointed to the poolway of the side, "Don't take the dragon ball, we will escape, you will not be anxious!"

"You go first, after I find the Dragon Ball, I will come up!" The night long turned and drilled into the pool.

"Changfeng!" Burma saw the night-hearted riser into the pool, and time is not anxious, and he will go back from the original road of the underwater passage.

On the other hand, the night is sneaked into the pool, so soon, I found a sparkling Dragon Ball under a big stone.

Among them, three stars are Samsung Dragon Balls!

In the hands, the night long wind is back, and the cave that is still collapsed. The previous treasure box and Bruis are already free. It seems that the treasure box is being used by Bruce. I don't know what method taken.

"Well ... If you count, anything is not an important thing!" Night live wind quickly jumped into the underwater channel, and slammed back from the passage.

The base of this pirate is constantly collapse, it seems to be detonated.

"Changfeng, here! Come in!" Burma waved in the three-use airship.

"Oh! It's coming!" When you wore an eye, you went to ä. In the average boat, it's not slow. Bulma quickly cried.

"I really hate, I thought you didn't come back!" Burt is a bit red.

"Okay! Even if I am collapsed, I can't die, you can rest assured!" The night long shot took the head of Burt, and then drove three airship, starting to return to the underwater cave passed here. .

At this time, the entire cave has been affected by the explosion of the pirate secret base. It has begun to collapse. From time to time, there is a gravel, and the night long drives the airship cleverly escapes this gravel.

"To the hole! We have to save!" Burma looked at the eyes of the eyes, "Changfeng, at a point, here must collapse!"

"I know!" Just when the night grew, it was necessary to enter the water to accelerate the airship.

Sudden ... The three-purpose airship is actually slower at a critical moment, and it will stop soon.

"What happened? How to stop?" Burma called.

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