The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1146 of the Chapter 1146 of the Prince of Tennis

"Amount ... It seems that there is no oil!" The night is very good.

"Scorpio, what should I do? Is it going to die here?" Burt was screaming.

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"Okay! You can get a small table, I will take you out!" Night long winds.

"Oh!" Burma quickly broke his body with a reduced table, and drilled into the arms of the night.

"Grab the steady, my speed is much faster than this broken airship!" The night grew down reminded.

"Go!" Burma urgently.

bass! At this time, the night-catching wind opened three-use airship's hatch, and swim directly to the cave.

The night-hearted figure is like a flying fish, the speed is very fast, but the cave's hole is constantly collapsed and smaller and smaller.

"There is no way, it seems to be accelerated! It is only useful to use this trick under water!" The night's hands synthesize a calyx, and then it is awarded.

...? ..

Bang! Suddenly, a blue emblem was broken between the two hands of the night.

The anti-punching instantly pushed the speed of the night long, almost in the blink of an eye, the night-lived wind flashed the cave hole that was collapse, and returned to the sea.

! Moreover, this is quite amazing, after the night long wind returns to the sea, it actually pushed the night long-in-life back to the sea outside the hundred meters.

"Wow! It's so fast!" Burma was afraid of his eyes, nothing dared to see.

"Okay, you can open it!" Night-catching dance air stopped on the sea.

"Is it saved?" Burt slowly opened his eyes, it was a blue sky in front of it. Burt has never thinks so beautiful here.

"Okay! There is still a long wind!" The rest of the lifetime makes Burta mood.

"Hey ... I finally found the third dragon ball!" The night's wind got the third dragon ball, and the mood is also good. "There is only four Dragon Balls to search!"

"Well! Let's continue!" Burma took the Dragon Bao Rada pointed to the direction of the next dragon ball.

"Sitting, don't fall! Waste a lot of time, I have to speed up!" The night is in the air, and then it is a backward.

"Double Turtle Patient Qigong!" The night long-term rose, and the blue light column of the two arm is shot.

The bombard, the nightmare of the night, and the air of the sea, the air is in order to be integrated, soon disappear between the sky ...

Chapter 1082, St. Lalin

Red Silk Headquarters.

"Ruide commander, General Brui also failed, and Longzhu was taken away by the little ghost!" The black man reported to Ruidhui.

"Solo! Talk is a rice bowl! I want you to use!" Ruid's face is popular, "Brune?"

"General Brui was seriously injured, according to him said that the boy who was robbed dragon-ball is very arrogant, he also said ..." The black suddenly considers whether it is going to say.

"What to do, I will say, hurry up, what is the little ghost saying!" Ruide angered.

"It is best not to provoke him again, otherwise the consequences are at your own risk!" "Black people are old and old.

! Ruide suddenly stood up, smash the exquisite decoration on the front table, and the commander of the Red Silk Army is all his Ruide threatens others, everyone is afraid of him.

But now I don't know where to come out, "Jiuziqi", a little ghost, not only to take the dragon ball he wants to say, but also threaten yourself, this makes Ryder's lungs are fried, the chest is more It is no up and down.

"Where is the little ghost now?" Ruide asked with his teeth.

"Show from the radar, he seems to go to the west of Jere!" Black replied.

"Ox! That kid wants to grab the dragon ball in our army! Yes, the guy in Jere said that Dragon Ball has been discovered, but now I have gone?" Ruide asked.

"It seems that I have a little bit of trouble!" Black replies.

"It's waste! I TM is really a group of waste!" Ruide is already an omissit.

St. Carlin.

Here is a dense jungle, there is a pillar that can't see the top, no one knows what this column is standing, and it exists.

"I will have the beads, anything is useless to you!" The tiger pointed at a hand-held spear to threaten a strong man with the Indians.

"I am not interested in the beads, but I have to protect this holy place, don't allow you to come here!" The Indian looked.

"Be evil!" The tiger seems to be a little fear of Indians, even if we hold weapons, they don't dare to act rashly.

"Give me! You have few people left, don't glow eggs, I will let you have a whole army!" Indians drink.

"Dad, be careful!" There is a child in the tent behind the Indian to explore the head and remind yourself.

"Well?" Indians hurriedly turned, and the spear in his hand threw out.

! A middle-aged man who wants to attack from behind is directly pierced by the spear.

"Breast! Give me a gun, kill him!" The tiger was anger by the Indian people and screamed in his hand.

boom! boom! boom! The gunshots continue to sound, and countless bullets are shot on the Indians of the half of the barel luo.

After the white smoke is exhausted, the Indians are actually no injury. "I have said, I have said, this thing is not dead!"

The Indians began to take the initiative, and the three punches were playing the tiger's hand.

The tiger is taking advantage of this opportunity, turning over, quickly jumping into the propeller aircraft hidden behind the big tree.

Hunch! The plane flew now and quickly disappeared in the Indians' sight.

"Hey ... Despicable guys, have you escaped?" Indians did not expect anything to deal with all the hands of the tiger.

Snapped! At this point, the Indian child in the tent jumped out, excited to the Indians, "Dad is a great, playing them!"

"You wait first, I have buried these people first!" Indians louched these bodies to turn around.

On the plane, the previous tiger is the colonel of the Red Silk Legion, he is calling headquarters.

"I am Jiero, headquarters please answer!"

"What? You said that the whole army is not covered, there is one of you!" Ruid's black man connected Jere's call.

"Yes! Ask the headquarters to reinforce! The Indians are too terrible!" Jerev.

"Do you want to provoke a life? If you don't have all the price, even if you have a person, you have to bring the dragon beads back! If you fail, you will wait for death!" Black people looked back.

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