The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1147 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"Do you also redeem the famous Red Silk Army?" Ruid appeared behind the black people, "Jere! You gave me a good!"

"Yes! Ruide commander!" Jeremou listened to the voice of Ryder, scared to have no blood.

"Within an hour, if you can't get Dragon Ball, I will go to the white white!" Ruide coldly.

"Peach ... White ..." Jero heard the name of peach white, almost fainted ... [

"Ah, killer peach white, is there necessary to ask him?" Black people surprised.

"I must kill the kid!" Killing four shots in Ruide.

"Jere, I told you, if it is a failure, I will also call the peach white white to kill you, understand?" Ruide's voice.

"Yes! I understand!" Jero directly turned the head, "No, anyway, it is dead, I am not as good as fighting!"

"That Indians have a child, as long as I seize his children as hostages, Dragon Ball can go to hand!" Jere has thought of a wonderful idea.

The aircraft returned to the Indians' tent.

Jere closed the engine and let the aircraft flew down to the tent low.

"I have grown up to be as strong as Dad!" At this time, the small Indian in the tent is roast the fish alone, and he does not have any preparation.

Snapped! Jiero directly grabbed the back of the small Indian, then launched the plane again, raised the sky.

"Ah! Dad!" Xiao Indian shouted loudly.

"Upa!" The Indians have seen the plane of hijacking her own son, "Let my son come down!"

"Listen, as long as you make the beads, your son will be fine! Put the beads to the plane, you have heard it!" Jere stretched out [out].

"Bastard!" The Indian people have died, and they still took out a shiny dragon ball.

"Well, I will give you a bead, you first come first!" Indians said.

"I won't go to your time, hurry to throw the dragon ball!" Jere shouted.

"I am not as despicable, I will not play a means!" Indians said very innocent.

On the other hand, the speed of speed is suddenly booked by Burma, "the long wind, the dragon ball is here, not far!"

"Oh!" Night livestorm suddenly stopped in the air.

"Save me, Dad!" Suddenly a child's call saved in the ear of the night.

"Well? Someone is saving?" Night winds look to the sky circled plane, there is a sign of familiarity, "This is the logo of the Red Silk Legion!"

Night long wind is cold, then turn over to the propeller plane!

1083 chapter, killer peach white

"Changfeng, this fierce guy does seem to grab a child, save him!" Burma explored his head in the clothes of the night.

"Well?" Jere, who is driving a plane, suddenly felt that there were people behind him, and then he turned back, and the Indian under the plane also noticed the sudden appearance of the night.

"Small , you'd better let this child!" Looking at Jere, the night is cold, and there is no good feeling for the red silk military night.

Although these red silk army are all five slags, they always hinder the night long wind to collect dragon balls, which also makes the night growers.

"Stinky boy, you are!" Jero saw the photo from the fax photo.

! Night live wind is too lazy to talk nonsense, one foot is kicked out!

This Jere 's combat power is not as good as Brui. It is kicked from the driver's seat from the air, and it will quickly disappear in the sky.

"Ah!" And the child who was caught by Jere was at this time, from the high altitude, he did not stop.

"Come!" The night-catching wind turned down to the next acceleration, chasing it directly in the air and grab the continuous fallen Upa.

"How, the kid, you are fine?" The night's low looks at Upa -057-glance.

"Big brother, you are so powerful!" Upa's eyes lit up, and the worship of the face.

On the other hand, the newsletter of Red Silk Headquarters, Black and Jere, he hurriedly reported to Ruide commander, "commander, communication is interrupted!"

"The waste of Jere, I will know that it will be like this! You are called the peach and white!" Ruide bite his teeth, a hateful can't swallow the fierce expression of the night.


The lens is turned back to the St. Karlin.

The Indian shoulder sits on the shoulders, he is grateful to watch the night, "" Young people, thank you for saving my son! "

"Little means! We are very powerful!" Burma has returned himself to the original body size on the side.

"What is the relationship with you ..." The night is white, Berma.

"Right, Uncle, you have seen it ..." The night-old style wanted to ask the Indian people to see the dragon ball, suddenly notice that his hand took a dragon ball.

"It turned out here, Uncle, you will take the dragon ball!" Night wind pointed to the Dragon Bay in the Indian hand.

"Hey! Really, uncle, can this (DBEG) give us?" Burma reached out to the Indians to be Dragon Ball.

"You also want this?" Indians have some doubts, but I will deliver Longzhu to Burma. "In order to thank you for saving my son, I will give it to you!"

"Thank you!" Burma quickly thanked, "Too good, long wind, you see we find a dragon ball!"

"Well! There are four stars, this is not a four-star beads! I went to the first dragon ball seen in the Dragon Ball World!" The night long wind is happy, and it is close to the completion task. di

"Well ... they seem to be very happy, what mysterus is this bead? ▉ Indians are more confused.

On the other side, the red silk army headquarters. ""

"I am the world's first killer white white!" A smaller, a tumbish, and a big killing mustache, a big killing mustache, is standing in front of Ruid.

"Welcome, Mr. Peach Bai White!" Ruid did not dare to put a piece in front of the white.

"Let's talk, my charge is quite high!" Peach white cold voice.

"As long as you can complete the task, how much I don't care!" Ruide became a red silk military commander is naturally a rough, and the military expenses spent every year is an astronomical figure.

"Good! Kill a person, 100 million yuan!" Peach white coldly.

"100 million yuan?" The black man behind Ryder was shocked, which was more than ten times more than the second killer in the world.

"But you have a good luck, this year, I am holding the 20th anniversary of the killer. Now it is a special special offer, so I only receive 50 million ..." The peach is not expressive. The propaganda, almost let Ryder laughed ...

"Thank you ... Thank you!" Ruir took astly astonusement.

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