The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1148 of the Chapter 1148 of the Prince of Tennis

"You are really the peach white?" Asked in the black man asked some questions.

"How ... Do you want to try?" The cold light in the peach.

"No! No!" The black is scared by the peach and white momentum.

!! At this time, knocking on the door suddenly sounded.

"Who?" Black exactly the topic and sight.

"It's me! Brui!" It turned out to have disappeared Bruce.

"General Brui ..." Ruide brows wrinkled, "come in!"

"Reporting the leadership, I am back!" Bruce.

"Hey! Dragon Ball is robbed, you still have a face!" Ruid's face is not good.

There is a cold sweating on the forehead, "that ... that is an accident, but I collected the treasure of the pirate!"

Bruce took out a huge gemstone and shiny.

"Well? Just one?" Ruid's face slightly slow.

"Other ... too big, there is no way to take away ... so ..." The pirate treasure is too too heavy, and Bruges only have to take a maximum gemstone.

Of course, this gem is also worthy of the city, and it has been taken away by Ruid.

"Well! You have a little credit, but I ordered you to get Dragon Ball. You don't have a task, you should die!" Ruide suddenly faced.

"Ah! Don't, Ruide leaders, I know is wrong! Give me a chance!" Bruis scared his face.

"Hey! Look at you in a lot of contributions to the red silk army for so many years, give you a chance, play with this peach white, if you can win, I will do it in the past. "Ruid pointed to the peach white, he wanted to try a peach in Bruce.

"No problem!" Brui is busy nodding.

After a few minutes, several people came to the training ground, peach white and Bruished, Ruide and black people watching.

"You are the peach white white white?" Brui heard that the name of the peach white.

"How? Do you want my signature?" Tao white has no expression of cold voice.

!! Bruges pinched his fists, he just had escaped from the night's life, and the combat power has improved, and it is very confident on his strength.

"Hahaha! You want to kill the world's first killer, I killed you, I am not the first new world!" Brucered laughed.

"If you kill this kid, can I get a reward?" Peach is white to ask Ruid.

"Of course! Let me see your ability!" Ruide nodded.

"Very good, deal with this kind of guy, my hands and feet are not available!" Peach white and white [out] HE head, "I only use she head enough!"

1084 chapter, no venue

"Hey! That's coming!" Bruce double punching, for the provocation of peach white, Brui is quite unhappy.

"Start!" The black acts as a referee.

what! Bruce is a big drink, it is directly in the face, kicking the head of the peach white.

call! Peach white almost escaped the speed of the Bruce, and suddenly suddenly changed, suddenly flashed into the side of Bruce, SHE head.

! The peach white She head has a sword to penetrate into the sun pocket of Bruce.

puff! When the peach is white, you will pull out your head in an instant, and the Bruges are bloody and arrogant. The scene is quite blood!

"Ah!" Bruce hurts his own temple, but how can you stop blood mad spray, the temple is an important acupoint road, once poke it, it will die!

"What!" Ruide was shocked by his black man, and they did not think that the peach white is useless. It is instant to kill Bruce.

! Struggling for a few seconds, Bruce directly fell to the ground, no longer climbed.

"Hey ..." The guy who killed such a trick is really unfortunate! "The peach is back behind him.

"I can't believe that I can't believe that I killed Brui in an instant!" Ruide is still very understanding for his own combat power. So Ruode will be so surprised.

"Too ... it's terrible, he is really peach white!" The black people behind Ryder were more sweating. He was afraid that he had anger to anger peach.

"Well! Game here, tell me your true goal!" Peach turned to look at Ruid, cold.

"It's this little ghost!" Black man handed a photo of the night to peach white.

"What? It seems like a baby who is unfair!" Peach white looked at the photo of the night. Some doubts.

"He is not a general boy, his martial arts is very high, very powerful!" Black replied.

"Oh! Is it? But it doesn't matter, as long as you pay, no matter who it is, I will kill him!" Tottles it nodded.

"Very good! This kid called a night long style, he should have four beads on the body, you will be in the way, I will come back! I will add a remuneration!" Ruide slowly.

"It's such a bead!" Black people have taken a dragon ball, "the location of the target is the Carlin at 2,300 kilometers in the northeast!"

"Yes!" Peach white agreed with the additional requirements of RRE.

"The helicopter is ready, please go here!" Black man indicates the airport of peach white to the headquarters base.

"No! The plane is too slow!" Peach turned to a support of the training ground, "I use this pillar!"

"Pillar? What do you want it?" Ruid smeared.

! Peach white is directly jumped, and it is kicked at the top of the column and the bottom.

! Peach is white, then holds the entire stone pillar and raises the stone pillar in the top of the head.

"Ah!" Ruide and black were watching. "

"Two thousand three hundred kilometers in the northeast! I will come back half an hour!" Peach turned to the Ruid cold channel.

Immediately, peach white lifted the sky, and the whole people drunk directly.

! The stone column is flying forward, and the peach white is jumped on the stone column.

Blink, people pioneing, there is such as the wind!

"This peach is white!" Black is amazed.

"Wow, haha! This 100% of Dragon Ball is me!" Ruide saw the power of peach white, haha ​​laughed.

The lens is turned back to the St. Karlin.

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