The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1149 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

The Indians asked the Night Wind to ask about Dragon Ball, and there is no concealment of the night, telling the Indians.

"It turned out that this bead actually had such a force, and the strange guys must be robbed!" Indians were amazed.

The night is shrugged, and he does not catch a cold at the Earth Dragon Ball, but it is just to complete the task.

"Yes, Uncle! What is the high stone pillar? It looks very simple!" Night long style refers to the stone pillar of the Indian tent.

"That is the Karn Santa Tower, no one knows how high it, the legend can climb the top of the top ... you can drink the holy water given by the immortal, you can increase your skill!" Indians Hearing the awe of this tower.

"Is there such a magical? Someone climbs up?" Night grows interesting, and the night's wind has always been interested in increasing the fighting power.

"I had already tried it once, but I didn't succeed. According to I know, so far, no one climbed to the top of the tower!" Indian people replied.

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At this time, the air whistling came from the air.

"Dad, what is it? Flying here!" Upa pointed to a black shadow in the distant air.

"Well?" Indians turned to see.

"Who?" Night wind felt murderous.

The coming is the peach white white.

"I cao! This nm is, you think that you are Damozu, others are a river, you tm will come to a stone column flying?" Night long can't help but spit on sudden mysterious people.

! Peach white saw the night length and Indians, directly with a little stone column.

The stone pillar changed in the moment, directly falling in front of everyone, plug , raising a lot of small stones.

....... ...?.

Snapped! Peach white is a very cool standing on the top of the stone column, "How are you!"

"Who are you?" The Indian people have vigilated the heart of the peach white heart and asked directly.

"The world's first killer - peach white!" Peach white cold glanced on an Indians.

"Killer?" Indians were shocked, "What are you doing in the Holy Land?"

"Nothing, I am looking for this little ghost!" Peach white refers to the night-hearted wind next to the Indian.

"Looking for me?" The night is looking at the peach white, "What?"

"Changfeng, it looks so fierce!" Burma made a ghost face on the peach white.

"Hey ..." Peach is white, "It is the red silk army asking me! My mission is to kill you, then grab it back to Dragon Ball!"

"Who is I thinking, the way is like this, it is the small

"Wait! Changfeng, let me deal with him!" The Indian suddenly walked to the night length, "Here is the St. St., I won't make anyone chaos!"

"Upa, you follow the back of the long!" Indians solemnly looked at night long wind, "Trouble you, take care of my son!"

"Well!" The night was shrugged, and Burma opened the watch mode on the side, "Anyway, it is a small , it doesn't matter!"

"Dad Come on!" Upa ran to the night of the night, explore the head to refuel for his father.

1085 chapter, uncontrolled cave waves

"Stupid guys, you are in self-cultivation!" Peach is cold and cold looking at Indians.

bass! The Indian raised the spear in his hand, his feet stepped open, and he looked at the peach white white. "Don't talk nonsense, do it!"

"Since you must do your mind, don't blame me." The peach white body suddenly turned, and I came to the Indians in an instant. I wxped the Indian spear in front of the Indians.

"Ah!" The Indians were shocked. He made the strength of the milk, and there was no way to break the spear from the peach white.

"What happened? I can't move, then I will help you!" Peach white right hand instantly, put the spear in Indians directly out of the Indian hands, then insert [into] Indians in an instant Among the heart.

One hit fatal!

"What?" In the "Seven 37", he was a little happiest. He didn't think this peach white shot is so vicious, and the peach white combat power is much better than the previous red silk army.

In this way, the night length is estimated to have at least two hundred combat power.

"MD is my negligence!" The night is very annoyed. He did not think that the gap between the Indian combat power and peach white is so big, even the tricks are not taken.

"Dad! Dad!" Upa after the night's body is not dangerous, directly rushing to the Indian people who fell on the ground, "Wow ... !"

This crying is the heart of the lungs, so that the night grows into anger. Although the Indians just have to pay a short year, but because of their own negligence, the Indians are tragic, and the night grows to the Dragon Ball world or the first I am so angry at a time.

"Ah!" Burma on the side is still the first time I saw such a cold expression, "It's over, the long wind is angry ..."

"This little child ..." Peach white has a keen sense of killer, he suddenly found a powerful momentum on the night length. It is constantly rising.

Peach white whole body sweat is governed, this is the signal he induced to be dangerous.

"Well? This little ghost seems to be very strong? It seems that you can't play again!" The peach is white and white brow, turned to watch the night long wind, suddenly the right grade [out], the food point points to the night long style.

"Cave waves!" Peach white gathered the full body of the body to the fingertips, then touched up toward the night, it was completely sneak attack, peach and white, I would like to kill it directly before I started attacking at night. Night long wind.

Bang! The energy light column of a golden thumb is instantly shot to the night wind!

"Long wind, be careful!" Burma screamed.

"Congratulations, you succeed. I am angry!" The night is full of golden light, he opened the Buddha statue.

! Peach white power full hole waves directly shot at the chest of the night, between the time, golden light.

Night wind does not have any reactions, it seems to be a very threatened sunshine.

Peach white has not had a few times to kill a strong opponent's cave wave. There is no way to let the night long, and even if there is a trace in the night, there is no trace.

"How? This is your strongest attack?" The night's long-lasting looks disdainful, "this is the full blow of the world's first killer?"

Peach white is frowned, and I keep talking in my mouth. "This is impossible! See the ghost ... how can I do, how can my cave wave?"

At this point, the night's body is full of golden light, and the whole person is like a gold.

"Strong!" Burma still saw that the night costume used Buddha statue, "Is it really an alien?"

One step in the night long is a step in the peach white. Every time, peach white white feels doubled, and after a few steps, almost just on the ground.

"Can be evil! Go to death, little ghost!" Peach white has never encountered such a strong opponent, he is already lost ingredients, directly towards the night length.

! Night wind is lifted is a flash-like foot kick out, and the speed is getting a peach and white eyes can't capture.

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