The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1150 of the Chapter 1150 of the Prince of Tennis

! Peach white was played out of the night, and he hit a not far from the Carnant Tower and then slipped directly.

Night live wind did not directly show the peach white to the slag, which is not enough to calm anger in the heart.

boom! The peach white body has fallen on the ground. At this time he is already a gray face, and the blood is constantly oozing.

"I am the world's first killer peach white, I won't lose, I will not die!" Peach is white and white, and the face is again turned to rush to the night.

!!! Night wind does not avoid it, don't shoot, let's take a punk, the fighting power under the peach white is still, the speed is so fast, in a breath, at least dozens of attacks .

All all over the body's finest body [department], such as the most popular temples of peach white.

"Are you attacking?" The night long-lived golden gas is involved in the body. At this time, the night's long wind is no injury, just a cold look at peach white.

"You!" Peach is white by night, and the rising momentum is still scared, a pi share is sitting on the ground.

"You are dead!" The night's wind sweeps a peach white, and the cold voice failed.

! Suddenly, the nozzle of the night is started, and he directly born in the abdomen of peach white.

The peach white abdomen is directly bounced with a big hole, and the flesh and blood splashed, and the surrounding ground is reddish.

"It's so fast!" The peach is only feeling a burst of cramp on the ground. He didn't see how the night length didn't look at it. "Worse, I will die in this way!"

"How? Are you not the world's first killer? Isn't that?" Night long-faced mouth 5.6 went out.

Snapped! Suddenly, peach white barely turned over, directly poured in front of the night, "I am really sorry, I have adopted, please spare me! I beg you, I will never be killed again, don't make a bad thing. ! "

"Do you think I will believe that your killing guy does not blink?" The night grew eye is cold, it is directly to kick the peach white.

call! The peach white body is speeding in the air, and the momentum of the night long wind is constantly improving.

After the withdrawal of the golden body, the night long wind began to get blue light, and it is getting brighter.

"Ah! What is the long wind to do?" Burt's eyes looked at the night of the night.

And the night long wind looks coldly looks at the peach white white white, and the right box is cheering down.

1086 chapter, dragon!

Since coming to the Dragon Ball World, as long as there is time, you will continue to cultivate the vitality between the heavens and the earth, and you will not stop day and night.

At this time, the vitality in the night-long body is very considerable.

At this moment, the night's long winds are in the body to the right hand.

! The noble arm of the night, the arm rose, the muscles on the arm, just at this time, a blue long dragon appeared on the night length arm, constantly circulated.

"Dragon ... Boxing!" The night grew-shelled Dragon Boxing shot the peach white white.

This is the first time, the first use of this powerful tricks, the emotion in the long runner is not enough to support him using the weakest dragon boxing.

Bang! In the shocking eyes of Burtam, the blue long dragon on the right arm of the night is shot from his hand.

The blue long dragon is constantly rising in the air. After a while, the blue long dragon directly hits the peach white.

boom! boom! boom! The continuous sound explosion sounded, and finally, in the long dragon hit the peach and white, the whole world was dyed in a blue light.

call! The whole earth is shaking, the air waves exploding in the high altitude, the cloud 31 in the whole sky is blown, and the wind spreads the zone of thousands of meters.

"It's so powerful!" Burma looked at it. If the night-catching dragon fist, this forest is estimated that this forest is not yet.

"Well!" The night was long, and he was not too satisfied with the power of this dragonfly.

It is too short to say that the time in the end is too short, and the gas in the body is not enough, there is no way to play a power of the dragon boxer.

"It seems that it is not only to complete the task of super god system, my cultivation should also increase the strength!" The night's wind swept the Karin Santa Tower not far away, "Maybe I should go see, Maybe I really enhance the battle! "

"Hey ..." At this time, Upa was still crying, he gave him a grave.

"Upa, this is your father's tomb?" The night was frowned, and the death of the Indian Uncle, the night-length wind thought he still had a certain responsibility, he did not expect the peach white but act so poison, two The gap between the personal combat power is so big, and the point of the spike will be hit by ordinary attacks.

"Hey ... Thank you very brother to help me with the revenge!" Upa wiped his tears, and then he lowered his head. "If Dad is still alive!"

"Changfeng, Upa pitiful, we help him!" Boojam mother.

"Well!" The night's heart nodded, turned to the head of Upa, "Upa, no sadness! I have already collected four dragon balls, etc., I will collect seven dragon balls, I will let me Your father is resurrected! "

Anyway, the collection of seven dragon boys is not used. After the night's wind decided to collect Qi Longzhu, let Shen Dragon resurrect Indian Uncle.

"Ah? Is it really ok?" Upa heard his father can also resurrect, and suddenly come.

"Of course, the god dragon on the earth is weak, but the resurrection is still there any problem!" The night is very affirmative.

"Well! Great, thank you big brother!" Upp cooked his tears. "I am here to come to the big brother, you come back!"

"Do not worry, Upa, I promised things will be done!" The night long wind looked up at the top of the top [shrug] Kalin San Tower in the cloud, "But before again, I have to go up!"

"Ah! Changfeng, what do you do?" Burtama surprised.

"The Indian Uncle said what is capable of improving the fighting power, I want to see it!" The night grew is a little curious about the Carin Santa Tower.

"What is going on, Uncle said that it is going to climb up!" Burma replied.

"Yes, I have to rely on my own strength, my father said that the cactus can see it!" Upa added.

"What is a dog whose cactus, I don't believe in the powerful cactus on the earth!" Night long wind turned to Burma, "Burma, you are waiting for me here, I will go back, for up to half a day!"

"I have to go ..." I haven't waited for Booema to finish, the night-long wind is already the next exhibition, then two blue light columns are ejected.

Bang! Night-catching winds with dance air, the body is rising, and the body climbs up quickly!

His shape is very fast, after a long time to use the dance air, the night grows to the understanding of the dance air, and now the body is more freely, the speed is faster.

The wind is in general, the firing of the night is turning into a black point, and finally disappears in the sight of Booma, who is watching.

"Hey! Dead wind! The stinky wind! I lost my down!" Burma mouth BA drums, a face of expressing expressions.

This karin holy Tower is more than the night long, and the night long has been flying for more than half an hour. After the body will be exhausted, it will finally see the top of the tower!

It is a disc-shaped pavilion, and its architecture is not like a common building on earth.

"Finally!" The night's wind jumped directly into the pavilion in the top of the tower.

The first layer is not, only some of the broken jars don't know what to use.

From the bottom of the floor to the second floor of the top, the night-hearted wind finally saw an upright cat holding a cane, and its shape looks funny.

"You shouldn't be the god stick!" The night's wind swept a cat cactus, how to see the combat power is not very strong. 517

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