The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1151 of the Chapter 1151 of the Prince of Tennis

"Your child is not climbed up!" The cat fairy looked around.

"Yeah, I am flying! Whoever stipulates that it must be climbed up!" The night is not a good expression.

"This little child ... completely see it!" The cat fairy still saw a person who did not wear his strength.

"Kid, what are you doing here?" The Cats asked.

"Oh! I have heard that you have the holy water of the promotion here. I am coming to see if it is really amazing!" Night, the night did not hide his own purpose.

"You are a super slander, in the bottle on that table!" The cat fairy refers to the bottle behind the long wind, "said that it is back, your strength should be very strong, there is no need to use Super Shuiyu!"

The night's wind did not pay attention to the cat cactus, which is directly turned to take the bottle behind it.

"It's completely ignorant me ... stinky boy!" The cat fairy suddenly became above the bottle, then smashed the bottle with the crutches in his hand.

bass! The hand of the jar of the jar of night is empty.

"What is your kitten? Is this super-spantry?" Looking at the Cat faith dissatisfied with dissatisfaction.

"Head boy, you want super slanders to grab it from my hands, this is a rule!" The cat fairy slowly replied, "As long as you can grab, you want to see, you can drink!"

1087 chapter, offensive headquarters

"You this smell ..." The night's wind suddenly became behind the cat's body.

"What?" The cat fairy actually found himself unable to capture the nightmare, the speed of the night is far exceeding his expectations.

"I can give it to me now!" The night's hands pinned his face from the cat fairy, and then directly eloquent.

"Pain ... pain ... stinky boy lonely!" The cat is in a hurry, "I will give you, the super-haunted water is all!"

"This is almost the same!" Night costs grabbed the bottle of the holy water.

"A stinky boy, it is more difficult than your Master!" The cat fairy looked dissatisfied with the night of the night.

"How do you know who my Master is?" Asked the night's doubt.

The cat fairy refers to the training suit from the night, "There is a big turtle word behind you, do you see it?"

"Oh, do you know that Teacher Wu Tian?" The night was very shocked.

"Of course, the first one climbed here is your master, it is about more than 300 years ago!" The Cat fairy made the night grew more surprised.

"What do you mean say that Wu Tian teacher is almost three hundred years old?" The night was surprised, "How old is you?"

"800 years old!" Cat ladied.

"It turned out to be an old god ... I could live for eight hundred years. This is too much!" The night grew again got a cat fairy, "It is not strong!"

"Stinky boy ... When your master, I spent three years before grabbing the super-south water!" The Cat fairy looked at the night, "Your guy did not have a Calin Santa Tower, why is it so strong?"

"Haha ... Your eye is too small, there are still many powerful existence you are unimaginable in this universe!" Night wind does not think that his strength is very strong, can only say that it is still mixed on the earth. .

The night grows is still very eager to improve the combat power, so come up with it. I didn't expect the above so-called Karlin Cactus to be an 800-year-old old cat god, which makes the night's long winds have not reported. .

Snapped! Night wind, a bottle of the super-slander, look at it.

Qing Qing white water, no shine, no yuan, it seems to be the water of ordinary.

"What super hallow water, this is ordinary water! You really are a god stick!" The night is very dissatisfied, throwing the bottle back to the cat fairy.

"Your stinky kid is better than your Master and I have to be strong! I really don't know what you are in a hurry ..." The Cat fairy made a yawn, "Okay, I am tired, don't play with you! You can ! "

"Hey ... Since it is here, certain can't be returned to empty-hand!" Night lived on the cat's eyes, "I don't know how the fairy is good!"

"Head boy, what do you want to do ..." The cat fairy was scared, and the forehead was heated and sweating ...

"Haha!" The night is smirked a few times, and it is a small bag of fairy beans in the Cat fairy, and then turned into it.

Although this fairy bean can have no no wind, there is a golden fruit in his small world, but the free fairy bean, the night is still happy.

"Head boy, you don't come back!" The cat fairy pulled the throat of the night's falling, "the worsen boy, than his master ... I am not easy to accumulate the fairy bean!" "

After turning over, the night length quickly returned from the new ground, and the time before and later was more than an hour.

"Ah! Long wind, you will come back so fast!" Burt is still waiting for a few days, and the results have not spent how much time, "What is it above?"

"I said that there is no kind of cactus, it is a kitten!" Night long style.

"Really? The cactus on the Karin Santa is a little cat?" Upa is surprised.

"Well! Or only the old cat!" The night is swaying, turning to look to Burma, "Burma, where is the remaining Dragon Ball?"

"Okay!" Burma took out Dragon Bao Rada and pressed the top button.

The central point of the radar is four highlights, which is the four dragon balls on the night long, and there are two highlights below the radar.

"There are two dragon balls here, it should be those guys who are red silk, good! Let's go there first!" Night long wind decided to go to Longhuareng Rada to show the red silk army of the two Dragon Balls, "Bless those annoying The guy solves it! "

"No! Big Brother, you will be dangerous to break into the Red Silk army's headquarters!" Upp ranked.

"Haha! Don't worry, Upa! You are very strong!" Night lived smiled in Upa, then turned to look into Burma, "Burma, you are waiting for me here." ! "

"No! You are going to open me!" Burmam called the button of the reduction table and then drilled into the arms of the night.

"It's really no way!" When the night was bitten, the body shook his head, and the body was slowly promoted.

The figure of the night, the body is in the air disappears above the blue sky.

Red Silk Headquarters.

"Command! Violet collee is coming back!" Black man turned his head to Ruidhui.

"Oh!" Ruid turned his head.

A short-haired military-loaded beauty hand holds a dragon ball, "report commander! The task is completed! I am sorry, I spent so long to find Dragon Ball!"

"Very good!" Ruode grabbed the dragon ball in the hands of violets, "Waiting for the peach and white, we have six dragon balls!"

"But it has been four hours, the peach white is not coming back, will it happen?" The black people behind Ryder said some worry.

At this time, the bear man turned his head to Ruid, "command! There are four dragon balls that are moving to the headquarters!"

"Very good! It should be peach white has solved that boy!" The Ruide's mouth has a smile, then turn his head to the bear, "Let the Carpa general, step up the last dragon ball!"


! ! Suddenly, the warning of the Red Silk Headquarters sounded, and the nightmare of the night was suddenly monitored on the big screen.

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