The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1152 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"What! How can the little ghost appear here!" Ruid was surprised to rise, "this is impossible!"

"Could ..." Peach white has been defeated ... "Black people saw more peach white white, but they were defeated in a short time in just a few hours, which made blacks were sweating.

If he knew that night long is almost in a few breathing, he kills peach white white, and it is estimated that it has long been scared!

"Move my order! The whole army stops him!" Ruid roared.

"But ... he has attacked it, now in the roof of the 12th district!" Ruide's hand rushed.

"Be evil!" Ruode bite his teeth, the lungs must be fried by the night, and the mood is just like a hell from the heavens!

Chapter 1088, death of Ruid

Night-hard wind is hard in the red silk army, and the red silk troops are ineffective, and the powerful hot weapons in their eyes are also ineffective.

"I am going ... These guys are too weak, even before the Bruis is not as good!" The night's long is disdainful, and the enemy who was franched after the night is already felt. Hill.

"Which direction of Burma, Dragon Ball?" Asked Burma, the night grew down.

Burma refers to a tall building in front of the night, "should be there!"

"Good!" The night's feet paid and rushed to the high building in front.

"Commandless! The enemy is directly on the 8th floor!" The bear reported loudly in the monitoring room.

"The worsen boy, he is to grab my dragon ball!" Ruide is full of hard sweat.

"Sixth oriented", the black right behind him, "command! For your safety, please go to the basement to avoid it!"

"Joke! A little ghost, why do I hide!" Ruide is already frightened to sweat, but it is still dead duck mouth before the hand.

"But the peach white is not the opponent of the kid!" Black man rushed to persuade.

"My red silk army is invincible in the world! I will not fail so easily!" Ruide anger.

"Is that a child really people ..." The guards of the Guardian of the 8th floor shot the night long wind, between the night, the night is full, it is a lot of bullets. The blue vital gas cover is highlighted on the shoe.

"Worse! He has come in!"

"Report commander, he has broken into the 2nd floor, our soldiers are injured for 70%!" The bear once again reported to anger Ruide.

"What are you talking about! Is this a red silk army in the world?" Ruide heard the news to be taken away from Dragon Ball, "Quick! Let's go eight buildings! Be sure to stop him! "


Through the secret passage, Ryder and Black men have come to the top of the Bowl of Building.

"Call ... call!" Ruer was constantly gasping, his eyes looked at the two dragon balls on the table, "This is my Dragon Ball, I can't let the little ghost!"

"Commandless! The situation is very disadvantageous, that night long is much stronger than we think! Even the peach white is not his opponent, before stopping him to grab the troops from robbing the dragon balls, it is already a heavy loss, now headquarters The attack is attacked! "Black brow under the hand of Ruide.

At this time, his heart has already taken a commander, a man's way of running, is not more important than life.

On the other hand, a jet plane is parked on the island where the Turtle funeral is located.

"Small head is on the plane!" Blue Qi, which turned into blonde, shouted against Klin, she also took a charge gun in her hand.

"Ah! How to become like this, where is this?" Ke Lin touched the bald head, the turtle fairy also had Yamu tea in the plane.

"We have to go to the red silk headquarters to support the bodies of the long!" The turtle fairy explained.

"Ni! The long wind single guns will go to the headquarters of the red silk army?" Kling was shocked.

Blue Qi took directly to the arm's arm and pulled him up. "Don't talk nonsense, let's start! This time I have to show my hands!"

"Yes ... Key moments, don't sneeze!" Klin secretly squatted.

A jealous ... jet plane takes off, flying to the Headquarters of the Red Silk Army!

The lens turned to the other side, the aircraft of Clin et al. Has not rushed to the red silk army, and the night-long wind has been forcibly breaking through the heavy line of heavy lines of the hunts.

Bullets, missiles, mines, and red silk arms are proud of the hot weapon system.

"He is a monster! Run!" The only few people left in the Red Silk Army were also afraid of running directly, and the night's long wind was too lazy to pursue these blacks.

"Waste ... all is a waste! This is also called the battle of the world's invincible red silk army?" Ruid saw everything through the monitor.

"The remaining soldiers seem to have begun to run away ..." The black people also want to run in their hearts.

"How could it be ... just a little ghost, why is it so strong!" Ruide Fee the Red Silk Empire established by the heart of the heart actually collapsed in such a short half a month, which made Ryder could not Accept this brutal reality.

"The strength of the night's strength is no longer the scope of the earth, we are too small to see his strength! Creation, we still give up the dragon ball!" Black persuaded, "keep your life, we can still Dongshan again! "

"Fart!" Ruide took a look at the table in front of him. "How can I just give him Dragon Ball! Too ... too hate ... It's just a little bit!"

Ruide full body [trembling] shake, deadly stare at the two Dragon Balls in front of you ...?

"What do you say? Ruide commander, you collect Dragon Ball consume a lot of military spending and manpower, don't hesitate to grow taller?" Black people thought it was wrong.

"Yes! What is your dissatisfaction?" Ryder roared.

"So, are you not to rule the world?"

"As long as there is time, the rule of the world is late and later, but first, the king of the world should be handsome, high, but I am so short!" Ruide continued to roar.

"It's for this!" Black wrinkled, "For this boring wish, we lose all the military still have a lot of financial resources?"

"Shut up! You grow so high, how do you know how bad a short! I am a commander, I have the right to decide everything!" Ruid turned his heart, "Braho, you dare to talk to command! You Not afraid of being killed? "

! At this time, a gun sounded, and there was a bloody in the forehead, and the black man was shot.

"You don't match the commander!" The black face is cold, "I am a well-deserved leader, I want to revitalize the Red Silk! I will rule the world in Brad!"

"You are doing a dream!" The nightmare of the night suddenly appeared in front of the black, "Are you a commander of the Red Silk Army?"

"Night ... Night long wind ..." Black people were forced by the momentum of the night, and they couldn't help but refunded two steps. "You are finally here!"

"Changfeng, Dragon Ball there!" Burma explored his head from the white night to the two Dragon Balls.

"Oh, here, here!" The night's wind was directly flashed to the table, and the two Dragon Balls were directly income, "I went to the hand! The last thing is behind! Haha!"

"Mr." Night Changfeng, do you see this? Let's collect dragon balls together, how about the world? "Black people told the night's greetings," as long as we join hands, the whole world is our! "

"Why do I want to cooperate with the battle?" Night long wind turned cold to look at the black, "said, I really want to rule the world, I don't need Dragon Ball at all!"

Chapter 1089, the whole army did not

"The kid is really arrogant! Since this kind of words, I only ..." Suddenly, the black man touched a capsule from his arms, and then threw it directly.

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