The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1153 of the Chapter 1153 of the Prince of Tennis

A large machine robot appears behind a black man.

! The black man turned into the machine behind the machine, and the night wind did not stop, but a face of the large machine armor in front of it.

"Why is the armor of the Dragon Ball World so ugly, the front of the front of the Pilaif is not good!" The night grew away.

"Hey ... you are dead! Just do you are so powerful, it will not be the opponent of this ultimate machine! In order to reinvigorate the red silk army, you must die!" Black people driving the machine with the night long wind The right hand.

! Mechanical artillery on the right hand of the armor [out], the moment is aimed at night.

"Go to death! Kid!" Black people yelled, and a golden light shot from the robot, directly pulling to night.

"Ah!" The Boolean tip of the night long wind called.

bass! When the night length wind is flashing, the light column is only penetrating the residual shadow left by the night, and then a large hole 31 on the ground.

"The speed is really very fast!" Black brow wrinkled, "But you still have to die!"

Black man manipulates the machine with the robot to clamp the night cost. "Hahaha, I grab you! I will solve you soon!"

"You are sure you caught me?" The night's mouth flashed a disdain, and the robust arm has tens of tons, but for the giant force of the night, this is simply unbearable.

"Give me!" Under the eyes stunned, the night long-term wind opened the manner's fingertips.

"This is impossible!" Black people widened their eyes.

"This hand will be left!" Night-catching hand-cutting directly [into] into the robot arm.

! After the electric light is flashing, the night length is slightly pulled back!

Hey, the robot of the whole machine has been directly pulled down by the night.

"The bengest boy!" The jets after the black engine armor were directly hitting the top of the Bathouse, flying towards the sky.

"Oh, do you want to escape?" The night's body is slowly rising with the dance air.

! At this time, the launch of the back of the black manicor has suddenly opened, and it is a large warhead.

"Hey! I haven't lost! Let you taste the real missile, the kid, you will end up with the headquarters!" Black man manipulated the machine to flush in the air, then use the missile to align the night length that is slowly increased. wind.

"This time you will die!" Black presses the button launched by the missile.

! Large missiles are in direct nights, and the speed is extremely fast!

"Well ... It seems to be a small nuclear bomb. This should be a weapon that is the biggest killing of the silk army!" The night is in the air, and the right foot is in the upper right, and the missile is a flying kick.

boom! The missile has not yet come and explode, and the giant force of the night is now kicked to the mountains.

The huge explosion sounded, the fire rushed to the hill of the mountain hit the hill, which was almost flat, huge mushroom clouds.

"Oh, the power is not bad!" He smiled, he just want to try the power of this missile, look good look.

"Ni? He ... actually put the missile to ..." Black people suddenly stunned, I thought that the missile would explode in contact with the night's wind, "it is terrible, this boy is too terrible!" "

Bang! Black hurriedly manipulated the machine armor turned in the air, and the two jet advances behind the machine armor were opened.

Boom ~ ▉ manipulate the machine to escape the way, "Little ghost, you will give it to me, I will definitely lead the new red silk army to pack you!"

"Too arrogant, I still want to run in a mess?" The night's hands were in the same time, and the two blue light columns were shot from the night length.

Huge rebap thrust makes the night long-lasting, behind the armor, the black manipulator, all the red lights also lit at the same time, "is dangerous! Please quickly escape!"

"The last little!" Night long wind is in the air, then a boxing behind the armor, "ordinary heavy punches!"

! The entire huge mechanical organic has not been taken, and the fist of the night is smashed, and the slag of the mechanical parts is constantly falling from the high altitude.

The poor black man is already a boxing of the fist in the night, and the slag is not left.

On the other hand, Yamu Tea drove the jet plane has arrived at the air of the red silk army headquarters.

"There! That is the headquarters of the Red Silk Army!" Kling pointed to the huge base in front of him, "Changfeng, let's save you!"

The lens turns back to the night cost.

Snapped! Snapped! The night is shot, "" Finally got these little, I am really annoying! "

"It's so powerful, the long wind, you are getting more and more powerful!" Burma was scared to hide in the arms of the night, and after all quiet, he once again visited the head again. At this time, the red silk army headquarters Already empty.

"Hey ... I have collected six dragon balls, and there is a task!" Night cost is also good.

"Task? What mission?" Burma was a little confused.

"Ah, it is to help Upa resurrect his father!" The night's wind pointed to leak the mouth, "Don't say this, Burt, you see where the last dragon 190 beads!"

"Good!" Burma drilled out of the night long-lasting style, with a reduced table, changed back to the original body size, "Ah ... it is too bored in your chest!"

Burma's face is red.

"Cut ... I have a cheap and sell it!" The night is helpless shrugging.

! Burma presses the button of Dragon Baorada and suddenly suddenly.

"What happened?" Asked the night.

"It's impossible, there is no display on the radar? Is it that Longhuareng radar is broken?" Burt frowned.

At this time, the Kllin, a party directly rushed into the red silk army headquarters, and rushed to the forefront.

"Changfeng, let's save you!" Klin screamed.

"Oh! It is Kedlin, there is Wu Tian teacher!" Night wind looks up, "pig head and blue Qi, you come too!"

"And me, there is me!" Poor Yamu tea is directly ignored by the night.

"Small point, here is the headquarters of the Red Silk Army, it is found!" Oulong is scared, it is obviously forced to pull.

"Changfeng, you are too impulsive, the red silk army is not good to deal, they have a strong power around the world!" The turtle fairy is back in the back.

1090 chapter, divination

"Oh, you said that Xiao Wei, I have solved it!" The night is very cold.

"Nani! I said how to rush in, I can't see it! I will knock down the Red Silk Army." Klin and everyone have grown up.

"It's really incredible ... The strength of this guy has become stronger!" Yammu tea looked for a while, and it was a bird.

"This little child is really terrible!" The turtle fairy is also slightly surprised.

"A group of blackcomes, I don't know if you are so scared!" The night is shrugging, turning to the Tao Taoist, "Wu Tian teacher, you have also been to the Kalin Santa Tower before!"

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