The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1157 of the Chapter 1157 of the Prince of Tennis

"Great, the long wind is amazing, it is already wearing two!" Klin and Yamu tea and others are all joy, although they don't see the battle process, but it is very obvious, the night grows again. .

"Hey, you still have a bit strength!" Occupin and mother-in-law slowly, "But the next three people are strength, you can't have to get it!"

1093 chapter, demon toilet

The score of the mother-in-law, and there are two people to the platform, which is Burta and Turtle Cactus.

"Oh, Burma, you come too!" Night long wind turned to look at Burma, "Is it a special dragon-gun radar?"

"No, I just have a look at what is the mother-in-law!" Burma mouth is a heartbeare.

"Oh ... You are not a noisy, you have to look at it, fear that the long wind is a small child and excuses to run away ..." The turtle fairy in the side.

"I hate, have a lot of mouth!" Burt's face is slightly red.

"You are also coming, Wu Tian teacher!" Kelin touched the bald head to the two people greeting.

"Are you not to ask the Dragon Ball? How do you become a battle?" Burt is very confused.

"Oh! This, I want to help myself, if you have no money, you have to share the five people sent to the divination mother-in-law, if you win, she will help the drener!" .

"Sister ... you are still so greedy!" Turtle cactus suddenly.

"What is your sister? What are you talking about, Wuditian teacher?" Everyone looked at the Turtle Cactus.

"Tin mother-in-law is my sister!" Turtle cactus suddenly.

Everyone has a big mouth, a surprise, "Is this true?"

"Hey! I haven't seen it for a long time! You still have a whole day!" The drener of the mother-in-law flew to the front of the turtle fairy, "and the hair was dropped!"

"To do it!" The turtle fairy is very dissatisfied.

"Teacher Wu Tian, ​​since she is your sister, I will ask her to help us freely." Klin proposes.

"No! I only like money and competition!" Tarm mother-in-law.

The night is shrugging and shrugging, and it doesn't matter. "Stick, don't waste time!"

"Hey! The boy is still so arrogant!" The divination mother is sitting on the crystal ball. "You come with me, start from the next game, to change the martial arts!"

"It's trouble!" The night's wind shook his head, followed, everyone was following the night length.

Didn't take a few steps, everyone came to a castle, the whole space is up, very big.

"Walk here!" The divination mother was sitting on the stairs, and everyone hurriedly followed.

The night length is surrounded, and the architectural style here is very strange, and it is a statue of and devil everywhere.

"Where is this, it looks very horrible!" Klin is somewhat scared, "Where is it going to be more than!"

"Devil's toilet!" Turtle Cactus suddenly.

"Devil's toilet? This name is bad!" The night did not hurt it.

At this time, the divination and mother-in-law stopped and turned to point to a door to the night, "players in this door!"

! The night is driving, kicks the wooden door, and the biggest meteor is going in.

"Head boy ... I have kicked my door!" The divination of the mother-in-law frowned, and then turned to other people, "others come to see this!"

In addition to the night grow, everyone took a layer with the divination of the diviner, and finally came to a room, the wall of the room was a transparent special material, which look very strong.

"Wow! What is this place!" Everyone is looking out from the glass, and the room is an oversized space.

There are two huge opposing devil statues, stretch [out] long ▉E head, the whole Shehead is a sky bridge generally across the entire space.

The most wonderful thing is two toilets under the two devils. The whole competition is a toilet style. The name of the demon to the toilet is quite image.

"KAO! This place is harmful than I think than I imagined!" The night's wind drills from the mouth of the devil through a channel.

"Well! Kid you come out!" The divination of the mother-in-law flew into the space of the competition, "Biwu is on the SHE head of the devil, there is a poor toxic in the water below, it will die!"


"I will throw a piece of meat to let you see!" I don't know when I don't know how much meat in my hand, and I immediately threw it directly.

Putting, the meat is falling into the step of the demon toilet.

The whole piece of meat is melted into a slag in an instant, and it has become a spoke, instantaneous dissipation.

"What is this water? It looks like a synthesis of sulfuric acid and hydrochloric acid, that is, Wang Water!" The night grew away.

With his current flesh strength, even if you don't open the Buddha, the Wangshui on the earth is also difficult to get through the night of the skin to corrode the body of the night.

"Ah!" Clin, etc. who watched the battle, was scared by this water.

"Oh, like this, if you fall into the pool, you will melt your bones without a bones!" Divination mother-in-law has some proud, then turn to look at the night long, "How, the little ghost! You are still very young, now give up still have ! "

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry!" The night's long wind is impatient.

"The stinky boy, the toilet to the devil is still so arrogant!" Divination mother-in-law's mouth smoked [moving], "Since you want to die, I will become all!"

"My sister is greedy. The younger brother is an old high-quarry. The people of your family are very bad!" Burt is very dissatisfied with the attitude of our own.

"Hey ..." The turtle fairy laughed twice and was unable to refute.

"Go out! Mummy!" The divination mother suddenly called.

"Come here!" Suddenly, a strong man in a whole body was drilled out from the big mouth of the devil statue opposite the night.

"Hey!" Mummy's fierce god, looked at night, but also two eyes.

"Listen! Establish or die!" Divination mother-in-law suddenly announced, "Bowl ... Start!"

The night-catching wind station is moving on the she head of the devil. This level of opponents, the night grows, and the wind is still contest.

"Come on, let you let you first!"

"Well!" Mu Nai (the Night) Iraq was anger when he was in the night, and he had never seen him so much.

"Looking for death!" Mummy suddenly started, the figure was very fast, almost blinking between the night length.

bass! bass! bass! Mummy is holding a punch, keeping a long-term grown in the night.

And the night grows is that the feet do not move, and the upper body is constantly moving up and down, and it is like a few upper body in his lower body.

"The speed is so fast!" Kelin stunned, if he asked himself, it is absolutely impossible to escape the attack of the mummy.

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