The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1158 of the Chapter 1158 of Tennis Prince

"The strength of the long wind is indeed, maybe there is no one in this earth!" The Turtle Cactus suddenly thought of.

"It looks so big, is you this strength?" The night is cold and coldly looked at the mummies in front of it.

Snapped! The mummy is turned back on the head of the devil, and the eyes are flashing. "This is not a normal little ghost!"

1094 chapter, the weakest devil in history

"You have just been out of eight tricks, I have a difference!" The night is cold and cold, "there is a trick, I advise you to make it out as soon as possible!"

"Hey ..." Mummy is constantly retreating on the SHE head of the devil statue. "This little ghost looks all the rows, but why I feel very dangerous!"

"Mummy, what do you still do! Hand!" The drener of her mother-in-law is dissatisfied.

"Yes!" Mummy is a big drink, rushing to the night, and the speed is more fast than before, he is already exhausted.

! Mummy is fast, in front of the night, flying is a horizontally flying kick, kicking the head of the night.

"Too slow!" The night's wind and right arms were in one fell swoop, and the casual stop is directly to hold the attack of mummy.

"What!" Mummy wandered his eyes, he was proud of the power and playing kicks, which were so easy to be so easy to be so easy, so that the mummy did not dare to believe his eyes.

"This is impossible! Stinky boy!" Mummy Right Arm instantly exhibited, and the entire arm rose the bandage on the arm to break.

call! Mummy is holding a big fist in the cassellar bag, and the speed is very fast!

Snapped! Let the mummy I don't think of the night, the night is not awkward, only -920- is the left hand to catch his fist directly in the air.

"The speed is still good, but this power is as weak as the baby!" The night length of the mouth is slightly tight, "the ten strokes have passed, change me!"

The wind and right ends of the night suddenly erected, then directly point in the abdomen of the mummy.

"Yeah ..." Mummy's face is now solidified, and the pupil of the eyes will lose the focal length.

! The mummy is directly put into a large word falling, and I don't know if you live.

"Nani! This kid solves the mummy only with a finger." The diner and mother wanted his eyes, and it was difficult to cover the color.

"Can you take him away?" Night long wind turned his head to the divination of divination.

"Well ... cough ..." It is somewhat embarrassing.

"One finger knocked down this mummy ... this is not too exaggerated!" Yamu tea in the room heard the sweat, he only thought that he was not a mummy opponent.

"Changfeng ... and improved, it is evil! Differently getting farther and farther!" Kelin touched his head.

"Well!" The turtle fairy, the turtle fairy, "" Changfeng this child is already the top master in the world! His people solved the world-famous red silk army, it will be sympathy. ! "

"That is of course, the long wind is a cultivator!" Burma, which is the longest time, the longest time, the longest time, the world's most well-founded people.

"Tarnothermire ... Is this the master you said?" The night is very windy, "Is there a stronger, now the strength, I have no way to complete it!"

"Stinky boy, don't be proud!" The stupid is not beautiful, and it will make you regret it here for a while! "

"The fourth player! Devil! Play!" Occupy mother-in-law.

bass! A whole body is black, the head is long, and the strong man behind the long-winged devil image appears in front of the night.

"I am going ... This devil's shape is too embarrassing! Is this the lowest devil?" The night did not hurt.

In the real devil, the devil's combat power is quite amazing, especially those wings that exceed the four pairs of demon.

There is only one pair of wings in front of the night-catching wind, and the night-long wind has already built it to the column of the cottage.

"Hey! Kid, you are the first person who can hit me, you still have a bit strength, but you can't win me!" Devil laughed.

"Wow! There are already devils, it looks very powerful!" Klin shocked.

"I remember that this guy has been playing in the last play. (DBDG) now has a guy than him?" Turtle fairy is somewhat confused.

"Start!" The drener of his mother-in-law announced the beginning of the battle.

! Divination, the mother-in-law, the devil flew up.

"This guy will fly!" Yamu tea shite.

"Little ghost! I will send you to my hometown!" The devil grinned, looked at the night's long laugh, "That is hell!"

"I still let me send you back to my hometown!" The night is cold and cold.

"The arrogant boy! By being died!" The devil turned around in the air, and immediately pond straight to the night, and his hands were claws, shining with dazzling bright colors.

"Too slow!" The night did not leave again, he didn't want to waste time on these guys.

! The night-long wind is a flying foot, and the speed is fast, and it will not be captured with the naked eye. Devils have not reacted, and the face is directly driven by night.

Bang! After the devil was kicked by night, the body was in an instant to fly out, and the heavy hit on the wall of the coil space.

The whole body is embedded in a thick wall, almost instantly passed directly from the night.

"Ah!" The hat on the head is almost falling.

"Good speed!" Yamu tea was shocked again.

"I am evil ..." The devil's sound, spit a few bloods, just a play of the night, so that his entire skull must collapse.

Fortunately, the body of the devil is much robust than the Earth, and the recovery ability is much better than the earth, and the demon has a pair of wings, which makes him not directly fall into the bottom of the waters.

"You probably all the world, the weakest devil!" Night lived on the devil.

! The devil fan is moving on the she head of the devil statue, "I haven't lost yet!"

"How does this devil feel less than the mummy before!" Kling slowly.

"No! He used to be the champion of the first martial arts in the world, but the long wind is too powerful!" Turtle fairy took a phone.

"Ah? The champion of the first martial arts in the two world? This is too fake!" Yamu tea and Clin were a bit surprised.

"Devil! You are too shame! It is, but the demon toilet is your home, actually being played without a power!" The divination of the mother-in-law flew in the top of the two, very dissatisfied.

"Don't worry, I will let this arrogant kid know the truly trick!" The devil is full, then a slap, two fingers, pointing to the temple in his head.

"Hey? What are you doing?" The night is very doubtful to see the devil's funny action.

1095 chapter, mysterious mask

"Remaining children, there will be a trace of evil heart, I will make your evil heart to a certain level, then explode! You will have no bones!" Devil said.

"Worse! It is a devil light, he wants to kill the long wind!" The turtle fairy suddenly called.

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