The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1159 of the Chapter 1159 of the Prince of Tennis

"Hey!" The devil is suddenly referring to the night.

"Devil! Fast!" Occupin and mother-in-law don't really want the devil to kill the night.

! However, the devil has been shot, and a forward wavelet constant rotation is rushing to night long.

"What?" The night is not awkward, he does not think that the weakest devil can make a might of the mowers in this history.

bass! When the light wave is acceded to the night cost, there is no feeling.

"Hahaha! Fast expansion! Evil heart!" Devil laughed.

At this time, the night-catching wind can feel a spiritual force into his own mind, this spiritual force wants to control the thinking of the night.

"Looking for death!" The night long wind moved his own spiritual power to smash the sudden psychoat attack.

Night wind is the traveler, plus continuous crossings, and the growth of the spiritual power in the Nangowed world, its mental strength has reached a very horrible level.

The devil's mental waves attack in front of the night's spiritual power, the difference than ants and dinosaurs, there is no slightest comparability.

"Changfeng!" The turtle fairy and others shouted the name of the night.

At this time, the devil suddenly stunned, then it was a pain in a drill heart.

"Ah!" The devil called the scream of his head, his spiritual attack was in the morning, which made the devil's spiritual power from great feedback!

"Unbelievable! The long wind is actually not afraid of the devil light!" The turtle fault is amazed, and everyone's expression has eased.

"Call! Nothing!" Burt is also a breath.

"This is impossible, this child's mental strength is so powerful! It is a incredible thing. He is not like a person in this world!" Suddenly flashed like this in the mind.

"Be evil!" After a while, the devil stood up again.

! The devil's right hand is exhibited, and suddenly a demon steel fork is in his hand, "" "" ""

! The devil's steel fork is to the night length, and the speed is extremely fast.

"Is this your trick?" The night was very windy, "Not playing with you!"

bass! Night, the wind suddenly slammed directly, the next moment, the demon has been bombarded in the high wall behind the head of the devil statue.

The head of the devil statue is hurt, and the devil can never climb again.

"This is too fast ..." I didn't think that the strength of the night's wind was in the forehead. It is simply to play the devil.

"I will not see the attacks of the long wind!" Ke Lin shouted, "Wu Tian teacher, have you seen it?"

"I ... I can't see it! It's amazing!" Turtle fairy is also very shocked.

"Hey! The long wind is so powerful, there is only one opponent left next!" Burt laughed.

"It's really evil! This little child is really too strong!" Occupine and mother-in-law have to admit that the strength of the night is far beyond her imagination and can divination.

"Okay, Impressive! The last person makes him come out, I have not reported to your players!" Night wind slowly.

"Hey! If you are a little bit, but our last person is a peerless master, you don't necessarily win!" The dreal mother turned to the big mouth of the broken devil statue, "finally arrived," Come out!"

"Come! Come!" A geeks who have a rabbit mask, a slogan, and a geeks on the head, come out from the big mouth of the statue.

"Hey!" Mask men waved at night.

"I am going ... this is also on the head. Is this angel?" The night did not hurt.

"No! The guy is the last player! It seems not very strong!" Clin originally thought that the last player of the dine mother-in-law will be a biological life than the devil.

But now it looks more like a funny artist.

"Waito, I have a request!" Mask men opened their mouths.

"Well? What is your request to listen!"

"I want to let go of your hands and feet, and this young man is more than this, but here is too narrow, can you go outside?" Mask man proposes.

"Well! Ok!" I nodded my mother-in-law, "Then let you have a good time!"

··· ▉ ▉ ····

Under the leadership of the divination mother-in-law, everyone is the original road returned to the previous water.

"How can you play this kid?" Asked whispers whispered.

"I don't know it!" The mask is male and old.

"Hey, long wind, he looks very weak, this time you can easily win!" Klin laughed.

"Maybe it!" Night grew well met the mask male and confused.

"What happened to you, long wind? Is it tired?" Burma asked.

The night floating shook head, "How can I, I haven't finished it! It's just that mask man, I always feel like I have seen it, but I can't remember!"

.......? ...

"Oh! Changfeng, you said, I seem to have heard his voice, very familiar! But I can't think of it!" Turtle fairy added.

"Wow, Wu Tian teacher and long wind know? This is said to be a master!" Klin loudly.

"Well! Look at my sister so confident, it is definitely a master!" The turtle fairy pushed the sunglasses on the rhinar.

Burma is hands shoulders, it is a pair of expressions. "I really can't see it. Which is like a master, the height is not high, the muscles are not developed!"

The water platform, the night length and mask men and the dinest mother-in-law are on the stage.

"Can you start?" Asked the night.

"Well! The game is immediately starting, the rules are still constant. If you win, I will take you a drop of Dragon Ball for free!"

"Changfeng, come on!"

"Be careful, the other party is not weak!" The cheering sound of Clin et al.

"Oh, I know, I will solve my opponent immediately!" The night's wind waved to everyone.

"Bio ... Start!" Divination mother-in-law speech.

! Mask men put a offensive frame, the night grows still can't move in place.

"Well? It seems to be stronger than the previous opponent?" Night long wind felt the oppressed power of the mask man, although this stress-to-power, almost negligible.

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