The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1160 of Tennis Prince Chapter 1160

But at least it releases powerful gas, the weakest devil is still strong than the previous history!

1096 chapter, Sun Wuki

"Drink!" Seeing the night, the wind moved, the mask male was actively launched after a few breathing.

bass! The mask male almost instantly came to the night of the night, and then he was a knife stabbed to close the night.

"Yes!" The night was very beautiful, and the lightning hidd the mask man's attack.

Snapped! The night's long-winding is a kick after turning over, the mask man is obviously not expected to have a speed of the night.

despair! Just come and have both hands in the chest, the mask male is kicked by the night, rolling in the air, and finally turning over.

"Yes, you can block my fly!" Night long-lasting angle slightly.

Although the night length does not use the power of dragon icon, but the quality of the night, the quality of the wind is, even the ordinary attack is also incredible "six hundred zero" in the eyes of ordinary people.

despair! Suddenly, the mask man jumped with the mask, and once again, the speed of the night, this speed is more faster than before.

This time did not do any defensive or attacking actions this time, he wants to try the mask man's attack power.

A slamming, the mother's right foot is swept on the arm of the night, and the night grow is not a point.

"Ni!" The divination is very shocked.

And the night grows, it is ignorant, "The speed is still good, this attack power ... is generally!"

"Well?" The mask man is also very surprised to the flesh strength of the night, and he kicked on the right arm of the night. Hurt.

bass! bass! After the mask is male, he retreats, leaving the attack range of the night long, the attack is not possible, the mask man does not correct [wrap ", this is where he is.

The opponent's attack power is unknown, and if you can't break the opponent's defense, be careful that it is absolutely correct.

"Wow! These two people are very powerful!" Klin et al. Under the stage, it is eye-catching.

"Who is he playing so many rounds, actually and the long wind!" Burt is quite surprised, in her impression, as long as the night is long, it is basically a blow.

And this is not very good, the mask has supported such a long time, and it is clear that several players who exceed the previous divination.

bass! On the ring, the mask man once again launched the attack, and this time, the night long wind is a foot kick.

The mask is not reacted at all, and is kicked by a foot, the body flew in the air.

! In the air, you will have your body, the mask is a twisted in the air, borrows the top of the palace behind, and bounce back.

"Hey!" The mask man transforms the foot of the night to his own, flying to the night long, and it is also a foot kick.

! This time, the night is still no dodge, the mask male's heavy kick is completely unable to do all the wind, "Well? Actually can bear this foot, it is really too unexpected!"

"What is absolutely tricky, otherwise, I will shoot again, you have no chance!" Night's long wind turned over the mask male.

"Well! Since this is so!" Mask male suddenly stretched out [out] one hand and one flower, then it is next to the back, "Turtle ..."

"Ah?" Turtle fair was shocked.

"This is!" Klin and Yamu tea are also very surprised.

"Oh ... isn't he also turtle?" The night is very windy.

"Qigong!" Suddenly, the mask man will take back the hands of the waist to the night's direction.

Bang! A blue light column is shot in the night, and it is really a turtle!

"Hey, your gas is not enough!" Night, the right arm is in the back, and his hand is bright, "ordinary boxing!"

When the night cost is straightforward, the sound of the whispering sounds, the night is only makes a dragon icon.

Boxing is like dragon!

Boxing in the night and the blue light column collided in the air.

Bang! The huge explosion sounded, the calm lake outside the platform, suddenly violently violently had more than ten water columns.

"If you do so simple?" The divination mother was shocked to rise.

"It's not enough! Is this just the strength of the body?" The mask male is still surprised by the bodies, "this kid is really alien!"

"Turtle is Qigong ... Is he?" The Turtle Cactus has probably guessed the identity of the mask.

! ! The lens turns to a hidden location in the desert.

Pilaif, who had been playing pi urine flow before the night did not give up the goal of the World World, and they were using satellite signals to observe the battle of Night and masks in the palace of the palace.

"Hey! It seems that they have already collected six dragon balls!" Pilac took a box in his hand. "I will not make this chance to summon the chance of the dragon this time. I have known the Dragon Ball. Radar, so put the dragon-bead in this special box, Dragon Bao Lada can't show this dragon ball! "

"That is, that is absolutely unable to make seven dragon balls, because the last is in my hand!" Piraff smiled, "and we can learn the kid's position through the artificial satellite dragon. "

"Dawang Yingming!" Pilaf's hand karaoke and Ashuo.

"My Piraff will soon have all Dragon Balls, I will not be afraid of that boy!" Pilaf is a bit proud to forget.

"Depart! Quickly grab their dragon balls!" The three people sat on a capsule.


The lens returns to the water platform of the bucket of the palace.

"Who is you, why do you ask the turtle?" Ask the night and cold, the mask man does not respond.

"Since you don't say, then I am welcome!" The night is in the right hand.

bass! A blue disc is gathered in the evening wind 4.4 heads, the continuous rise, and the fighting power at this time is constantly soaring.

"Wow! What is this trick, so powerful!" Ke Lin's eyes looked at the discs of the night long, flashing in the eyes.

"Is this a new trick developed by the long wind?" Yamu tea is also a big shock.

"No, I have seen it early, this move is very powerful!" Burma, said.

"Wait, I surrendered!" The mask male suddenly came back behind, "I am not your opponent!"

"Okay!" The night's right hand is grazing, , the blue disc of his head is instantly cracking, and finally it is between the blue light disappears between heavens and the earth.

"You can say who you are?"

"Oh!" The mask male took off the rabbit mask on the head, revealing a white beard, "I am Sun Wuki!"

1097 chapter, Dragon Ball Drop

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