The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1161 of the Chapter 1161 of the Prince of Tennis

"Ah! It's actually you!" The night is shocked, the mask is actually turned to death when he came to the earth.

"Hey? Changfeng, do you know him?" Burma asked.

"Haha ... Today, the weather is good!" The color of the night floating face is the color. He can't say that he will accidentally use the spaceship to kill the sun with the spaceship.

"Say, this old man is clearly buried in my hand, why don't you die!" Night live wind is a little doubtful, "and he seems to know that the spacecraft hits him!"

In fact, Sun Wukim is in the king of the king, knowing how he is killed, but he doesn't blame the night, after all, the king has said that is his robbery, the life is coming.

"Master, for a long time!" Sun Wuki turned his head to the turtle fairy, "Is this young man's Kung Fu?"

"Sure enough, I am so good! I haven't seen it for a long time. I actually didn't recognize it!" Turtle fairy nodded, "Changfeng and Clin are my new disciples!"

The turtle fairy refers to the night's long wind and Klin, "How? The strength is not bad than you!"

"Yeah! More than me and the kingmao king!" Sun Wuki looked.

"Ah! Niu Deyu and this grandfather are your disciples!" 31 Burma attacked.

"Yeah!" The turtle fairy nodded.

"Right, I haven't heard your news recently!" Turtle Cactus suddenly.

"Oh! I am dead!" Sun Wuki is very casual.

"Ni!" Klin and others were surprised, "dead ...?"

"Ah! How do you die?" The turtle fairy shocked, "There are not many people who can kill you in this world!"

"This is ..." Sun Wuki looked back at night, "is an accident!"

"Call ... is okay!" The night grew well, if Sun Wu Wu said the truth, he really didn't know how to explain himself from the universe.

"Right, how do you resurrect?" Night Changfeng asked Sun Wuki in order to transfer the topic.

"No! I haven't resurrected!" Sun Wuki refers to the aperture on his head. Work, anything to participate in the competition, you can get a very high remuneration! "

"I am going ... this old woman will really make money, even earn before the dead!" The night did not help the Tucao.

"Right, I can make the master of the master with Shenlong!" When the night is in the wind, after all, the death of Sun Wuki is not caused by the night, but it is still a black pot of night.

"Master, next time I use Dragon Ball to resurrect you! But this time I have to resurrect Upa's dad, I can resurrect you next time. I have to spend it in my strength!" Night The long wind took out the four-star dragon ball, explained a Dragon Ball to Sun Wuki.

"Oh ... It turned out to be like this. I have always had this dragon ball and I don't know his role!" Sun Wuki nodded. "However, you don't have to help me resurrect! I like the world, there are a lot there. Cute girl! "

"Oh! This, that's okay!" The night's wind did not see the shrug.

"It's really a gorius of Wu Tian teacher, you are so colorful!" Yamu tea ridiculous in the turtle fairy.

"You give it to you!" The turtle fair is very dissatisfied.

"Okay! I should go back, I have seen Wu Tian teacher still so healthy, and there is a better disciple, I am relieved!" Sun Wuwu turned to look at night long wind.

"In the future, you will be troubled to take care of Wu Tian teacher. I can't accompany his grandfather." Sun Wuki slowly.

"Oh! I know!" Night-lasting style nodded.

"Who wants you to accompany, I haven't always been almost dementia!" The turtle fairy squat.

"Divine and mother-in-law, trouble you!" Sun Wuki turned to the owner of the dine mother-in-law, bowed.

"Well!" Ombuds the mother-in-law jumped down the crystal ball, "It's time to send you away!"

"Every space is good, I will meet again in that world!" Sun Wu Wu waved, and then disappeared between the world and returned to the world.

"That world ..." all the forehead exudes fine sweat.

"Okay! You come over! Since you have already won all my players, I will help you dreame the Dragon Balls you want to know!" Occuping mother-in-law opened his hands on crystal ball.

"Oh! This is the key!" The night-catching party hurriedly stood behind the divination.

" ..." With the strange spell of the divination mother-in-law, the crystal ball is on, "Well, just here!"

At this time, the crystal ball is displayed.

"Oh! Go out! The picture is moving!" Burma was surprised.

"See it?" Divination mother-in-law pointed to the picture in crystal ball, "The last dragon ball you want to find is in the car!"

"Well! I saw it!" Night lives, "" There is no belly in animals! "

"But why didn't my radar show it, it is not bad! It's strange!" Burt frowned.

"Where is it?" Asked the night.

"This direction is about 2,000 miles, it is over here!" The divination and mother-in-law refer to the position of the right rear.

"Oh! Not far away, come over this direction! Description them know 857 we have Dragon Ball!" Night windsted chin analysis.

"It's too strange, Dragon Ball is in that car, why is my radar does not respond, distance is not far!" Burt is still entangled.

"It doesn't matter, I will see it!" The night grew is slowly rising in the air. "You are waiting here, I will go back, I can't spend more time!"

"Hey ... long wind, I have to ..." Burt has not finished, the night's wind is already a hands behind, and the two blue light columns are shot, and then there are several breaths disappeared. The blue sky, rushed to the direction of the drener of the mother-in-law.

All the way is high-speed flight, the speed of the night is extremely fast, the distance between 2,000 miles is more than ten minutes.

Suddenly ... suddenly, the night long saw a car to a car, which is the car shown in crystal ball.

"Found!" The night's wind turned directly and instantly fell on the road of the car.

A sound of the night, the body of the night, falling from the sky, directly pressed the front of the car, pressed the car to die in the same place.

"Ah!" Pilaship in the car and others widened, "It's you!"

"Oh? It's you!" The night grew well looked at the three people of Pilaf slightly, "" Specially come to send me Dragon Ball! "

1098 chapter, the fitting machine

"Ah ... is that boy!" Ashi was shamelessly frightened by sudden night.

"Where is he ran out, finished!" Xiao Dance is also a forehead to ooze fine sweat.

"How ... What is going on? Why can this kid can find us!" Pilaf looked at the box in his hand, full of sweat, "Dragon Ball inside this box, the radar should be absolutely not found!"

! At this time, the night's hands were tied to the top, and the predecessors of the sedan sitting in Pilaf were directly entered by the night cost.

! The front of the hands will be thrown upside down, and the night is looking at Pilajf Three people's mouth slightly, "Now, you can pay the dragon bird out, my patience is limited!"

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