The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1164 of the Chapter 1164 of the Prince of Tennis

"I have a hurry to catch 31!" The night is long and the dragon is unfustile.

"This is very easy!" Shenlong eyes flash in red light.

! Suddenly, Upa was shocked by the small soil buryed by his father.

"Oh! It seems to be successful!"

"That is the tomb of Dad!" Upapa looked at the small soil bag.

! The Indian buried in it actually stood up, and it came out from the small soil bag.

"Dad!" Upa is exciting to the Indians.

"Upa!" Indians hug Upa, then he remembered what he was treated by peach, "I am not dead?"

"It's great! Dad! It is a big brother who has set a seven dragon balls, let Shenlong resurrected you!" Upa wiped tears explained.

"Oh! It turned out to be the case!" The Indian looked up at the dragon on the top, and the face was revealed.

The Indians are generally very superstitious about this phenomenon of this heaven and earth.

"Your wish I have already realized! So ... Goodbye!" Shenlong said after Upa, the whole body lit Jinguang again, then rehydrated into seven dragon boys!

bass! Seven Dragon Balls are high as well, then spread to different seven directions, the speed is extremely fast, and the human eye is almost completely caught.

"Oh! Speed ​​is not very fast!" The night grew is turning over, grabbing one of them who wants to escape directly in the air, and scratch it in hand.

despair! The turning over the ground, the reaction speed of the night long wind is only grasped a dragon ball.

"Big brother, what do you jump?" Upa is curious in the night long running.

"I want to see the dragon ball, I will become what!" Night long wind reached out to the Dragon Ball that grabbed it to Upa, "You see!"

" ... this is not a dragon ball?" Upa is a spherical stone.

"After the dragon appeared once, Long Bao will have to appear for a while. I used to be about two months. I didn't know now!" The night's long-wind explained, "during this time. ≮ Alternative:, ≯≯ Turn into ordinary stones! "

"Little brother, I really don't know how to thank you!" Indians have come over.

"Congratulations, uncle is resurrected! Remember not too impulsive! Want to take!" Night long laughs.

"Well! I know!" The Indian people also eat a long time.

"Okay! My promise has been completed, now I have to go back!" The night's long wind turned to Upa, "Everyone is still waiting for me!"

"Ah? It's going to be here so fast! I still want your big brother, you teach me martial arts!" Upara's long-winding clothes.

"Hey!" Night-lasting wind touched Upa's head, "Now you are too small, wait for me to come to me! Remember, a military person is not a martial arts, but a strong person Heart, as long as you continue to work hard, you will definitely become a great strong! "

"Well!" Although Upa is not very clear about the night's long wind, he prints the words of the night's wind in the mind, and some points have nodded.

"That! Goodbye!" The night grew again in the air, the body flipped in the air, and finally the sky is integrated with the sky!

"Big brother, goodbye!" Upa rushed to waving in the night of the horizon.

Go back to the palace of the divination mother-in-law, and the night long wind turned over.

"Oh! The long wind is back!" Kelin is worthy of the good friend of the night, and the first one discovered the night's wind.

"How? Upa's father is resurrected?" Burma asked.

"Of course, resurrection!" Nodded at night.

"Too good! The child must be happy too!" The Boolean mouth has a smile.

"Very good! Changfeng, you have done a good thing!" Turtle fair nodded.

"Yes! Changfeng, when you are not there, Wu Tian teacher has promised to accept me to make apprentices!" Yamu tea said very excited. "I will not have been behind you!"

"Oh! Not bad! Yaku Tea, you have a very potential, you have to work hard!" Night long winds, of course, hopes that Yamu tea will continue.

Every master on the earth is also a boost.

"Long wind, next, what do you plan?" The Turtle Cactus asked, "Continue to collect Dragon Ball?"

"It's not collected recently!" Night costs have taken a stone.

"What is this?" Everyone is very puzzled.

"It is Dragon Ball! It is divided by 040, I caught one!" Night long winds.

"Wow! It turns out that it is true!" Burt is a bit surprised.

"Well! It's like this. For a short time, I plan to practice other places on the earth!" Night wind slowly, "and in my food, in a place for a long time, the ecological balance of that place It will be destroyed! "

"Ah! It's a pity, I still want to practice with the long wind!" Kling said.

"Haha, will then see you again!" The night is long, the superhen system has not released the task now, and the night is walking through the earth, see if there is any place where you can improve your combat.

By the way, I can find one thing, and the yuan is much more cultivating the holy place than the general place.

"This is good! Anyway, I haven't handed it to you!" The turtle fair said to the night, "Then we will see it again on the first martial arts of the next world! I hope that you should not be complacent. Beyond you! "

"Ah? If you say this, if you want to see the long wind, wait for three years later?"

"No! Don't have to have a long time, because the contestants have increased sharply every year, the next year is next year, accurately said that it is five months!" Turtle fairy is the endow of the world's first martial art, the internal news has long been understood.

Chapter 1101, the martial art will open again

"Let's talk about it again!" Night of the wind nodded and casually confused.

For the first martial arts in the world, there is no interest in the night, because the opponents are too weak.

However, if the superhen system releases the task, then it is different, and the night grows will not let go of any opportunity to get the number of redemption points and lottery.

"Well! For five months, it is not a long!" Kling nodded.

"Yes! Klin, remember to go back to practice the iron, there is time, let the golden legs are also practiced!" Night long wind smiled and smiles ▉▉▉▉ ▉▉▉▉ ▉▉▉▉ ▉▉▉▉ Bamboo

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Chapter 1102, Hiuxian

"Well?" The Turtle Cactus turned to the familiar voice, and an old man stood behind the turtle fairy.

The old man's head is on the top of a very funny crane-shaped hat, with a turtle fairy with a sunglasses, a Tang suit, and a big crane word.

The two behind him looked like his disciple, the clothes were similar, and the most attention was that there was one eye on the forehead of the respective high, that is, three eyes.

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