The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1165 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"Oh! I thought it would be! It's a crane, your guy is still alive, it is a miracle!" Turtle fairy turned around.

"Hey! You still look old, long is ugly, mouth is stink!" The Hualian people did not be in the mouth, and the gun was flying.

"Oh, I almost forgot to say, I have heard some jokes before, I heard that your apprentice is quite active in the last martial arts meeting! I have to let everyone know what is true martial arts, so this time Bring my disciples! "He fairy said.

"Oh, it's really corsorious, the champion is what I apprentice, you still have to go to the government, save the shame here!" He fairy turned his head to Clin and others said.

"Hey!" Klin and Yamu tea are all frown, obviously dissatisfied with the Crane's -977-self-talking.

"Hahaha, are you talking about jokes? I have never heard such a joke!" The turtle fair smiled.

"What! You are a dead bald!" He fairy is angry.

"Shut up! You are half a bald!" The two were broken.

"Hey! We are walking, too lazy to these idiots!" Subsequently, the Hexian took his disciples to register, "I naturally have a difference in the game!"

He fairy looks quite confident for his own disciples.

"Wu Tianshi, who is this person? Talk is really difficult!" Yamu tea is not full.

"Don't care about him, he is a crane, it is my death!" Turtle fair replied.

"You don't say this, only the last minute left, what to do, the long wind has not come!" Oolong urgently.

"There is no way, Pur, you turn into a long style, help him sign up!" Yamu tea turned to Purdao.

"No problem!" Pubot nodded.

"Haha, everyone! I haven't seen it for a long time!" A battle, the night is falling from the sky, falling in the middle of everyone.

"Ah! Scared me!" Everyone was shocked, then it was a happy, "you finally came to the long!"

"You can come, if you are later, you will be canceled in the registration!" Klin said.

"Sorry! I have spent a little time on the road!" The night is long.

"Okay, go to sign up!" Burma drilled from the pregnancy of the night, reverts to the original body shape with the reduced table.

"Oh!" Night wind came to the registration office. After the staff confirmed the photo, the night-long wind finally completed the registration of the Wudao Conference in the last moment.

At this time, the broadcast sounds, "Please pay attention to the players who participate in the martial arts meeting! Qualifier, immediately start, please go to the merchant market!"

"Oh! I finally started! Let's go in!" Turtle fairy took the night long, Klin and Yamu tea.

Three people also replaced the brand new turtle funeral.


The players who participated in the competition were all gathered to the martial arts. The number of people was much more than the last time, the scale was much larger.

"Hey! You see that the three masters of the last martial arts will come!" Some of the players who have participated in the last competition, pay attention to the three-night wind, revealing the color of fear.

"Ah? Wusian teacher is not there!" Pur is shocked.

"What, isn't it just come back? Why isn't there!" Oolong is a little confused.

"Okay! No need to take him, definitely go to see Mei Mei!" Burmala took a favorite blonde Lantai to go to the store next to the mulk, these five months, she put her. Have enough.

On the other hand, the turtle fairy is actually the competition with the identity of the DBBA Dragon.

"I am going ... Teacher Wu Tian has not played enough, how come again!" The night did not pay attention to the turtle cactus with a fake building.

!! At this time, the staff sounded the bell, the staff announced the rules of the preliminaries on the stage, although the number of people increased, but the schedule and rules were still similar to the last time.

The last one has eight players to advance to the race.

After the lottery, the night grows and Yamu tea and the Clin, including the Turtle Cactus to draw different groups, so they will not meet in advance.

After the start of the preliminaries, the four people in their respective groups fierce.

Night-length wind sweeps a look at Clin and Yamu Tea, whether it is an offensive skill and combat power.

"Clin, Yamu tea, you have made it unclear!" The night is long.

"Hey, I haven't worry, my opponent is falling!" Kelin hugs his shoulders and somewhat proud.

"Hey! This extent is awkward, it is really ridiculous!" Suddenly the high disciples of the crane fairy appeared behind the three people.

"What do you say?" Yamu tea brow wrinkled.

"Hey!" Kelin snorted and said very dissatisfaction.

"Who?" Night's long wind turned around, and people behind them were three eyes.

"He is the apprentice of Hecai, that hate the Hualian is the death of Wu Tianshi!" Kllin explained.

"Oh! It turned out to be Tianjin rice!" The night is in the heart of the miles, the mouth is slightly fighter, and it is very familiar with Tianjin rice night.

"You didn't encounter you in the budget, but I will definitely play your flowers in the martial arts." Tianjin is smirked, "Of course, the premise is that you can enter the race!"

"I haven't been angry yet, you quickly roll!" Yamu tea is in the middle finger to Tianjin.

"Oh? I am still very mad!" Tianjin's eyes were flashing, and then turned and left. "My game started, I advised you to retry in advance!"

"Hey! This bastard!" Kelin was got a teeth, "the hateful guy, I must defeat him to make this guy!"

"This is not an easy thing!" When the night's hands were behind the head, the eyes were watching the Tianjin rice on the ring.

He felt a powerful gas on Tianjin meal, a full vitality.

"Is this this?" Kelin also put his gaze to Tianjin rice.

"The game begins!" The referee announced the start of the game.

On the ring, Tianjin rice opponent is a huge strength.

"Oh oh!" Shareme hand shouted to Tianjin rice.

Snapped! The Tianjin rice is a flash-like hand knife, and everyone did not see his movements. The souvenir is directly that the head is heavy, and there is no more climbing.

A blow to kill!

1103 chapter, King Chapa

"Eighty-nine faint faints! 90 wins!" The referee directly announced the way, "quickly lift the rack!"

Under the ring is a shocked voice, "What happened?"

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