The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1166 of the Chapter 1166 of Wangzhao System of Tennis

"I haven't seen anything else!" Many participants of the same group were sweating on the forehead.

"The speed is very fast!" Yamu tea frowned.

"It's a little bit, but it is too powerful!" Kelin off his head.

"Hey! Stupid goods, how can I expose a truth in the Budget!" Tianjin meal disdainfully glanced at Kedlin, then turned to the player seating area.

Next, it is a game of night, and his group preliminaries.

"Oh! Changfeng is going to be out!" Klin and Yamu tea have no game, so it is also coming to watch.

"Well, see what growth has grown in these months, the strength of the wind!" Yamu tea hands shoulders.

The opponent of the night, is an Indian A three, and the appearance looks like a monk.

"Hey, isn't it the king of Chaba?" There is a viewer in the ring to refer to 31 degrees A San.

"What? He is King Chapz?" Yamu tea is surprised, "this round, the long wind encountered a master!"

"Who is Charli?" Julin asked.

"He is very famous in the world. It is a very powerful martial art master. I used to play, as long as he came to play, the champion of the world's first martial art will be him. Others don't have a chance!" Yamu tea back.

"Oh ... is it?" Klin was a bit surprised, "But he should not be the opponent of the long!"

"Yeah!" The Yamu tea brain has emerged in the battle picture of the night grows, "I don't know if the long wind will win in a few rounds!"

"Oh? My opponent is a young man?" After the King of Chaba, I looked at the long wind.

"Is this not a fight race A 3rd brother?" The night's wind is also a king of Chaba in front of him. "The combat power seems to be strong than before!"

"The game begins!" The referee will make the referee.

Snapped! King Chap Bi immediately put a serpentian frame, "I am relieved, the little ghost, I will not kill you!"

"Oh, A 3rd brother is quite confident!" The night is laughing, standing in the same place is moving.

At this time, the turtle fairy came over, "the opponent is the king of Chaba!"

After all, the Turtle Cactus is familiar with Chap, the first martial arts in the past, and the strength is very powerful in the eyes of the Turtle Cactus.

"It seems that the night-catching player has encountered a strong enemy in this line!" Turtle fairy.

"Oh! Mr. Jackie Chan!" Klin and Yamu tea still don't know that Jackie Cactus is pretending.

At this time, the turtle fairy looked at the night-hearted wind on the platform. "How much this kid has improved this five months?"

bass! On the platform, first attack or Chaba

Chaba is extremely fast, rushing to the night, is a continuous attack.

And the night grow is still a constant dodge, and a gross of the King of Chaba is can't touch.

call! Suddenly, Chapz is a knife to cut the face of the night, the speed is super fast, and even he can hear the whispering of the call.

Snapped! Night windshield is just a lightning [] ▉ two fingers, directly caught the killing knife of Chapaw.

"You!" Chapz is surprised, he found that he didn't have a way to pull his hand, "how can there be such a big force!"

"Hey, how is my rhinoceros?" Night's hard flocking, the three people under the ring, put a scissors with the left hand, completely without performing Chapa king before.

"Little son, dare to look at me so little!" The King Chap Bar was full of red.

"Who told you so weak!" The night is loose, and the Chabier's right hand is caught up, it seems to lose the perception.

"It's evil! This kid is not an ordinary opponent!" Chapz king turned over and retired, and looked at night long wind.

"Not good! Chapz king wants to be mad!" Yamu tea looked at the faces of the ring.

"He wants to make eight-hand boxing!" The turtle fairy on the side is still very familiar with the king of Chapha.

"Eight-hand boxing, the movement is like there is eight hands like attacks, is the famous stunt of Charba!" Yamu Tea was shocked.

On the ring.

"Kid, you don't blame me! The experience fails, it is a kind of exercise for you this kind of young man!" Chapz king is quite confident on his stunt.

"Don't talk nonsense, come on!" Night long-faced corners showed a context.

"It is evil!" King Chap Bar is anger by the night's wind, and the right anges directly rushed to the night.

what! what! what! Chap Bay's hands have long slender, or fist or palm, it is really like eight hands at the same time, at the same time.

King Chabab basically covered the full body of the night, but the night long-term style is to use one hand to block all the attacks of Chaba.

"Ok ... It's so powerful!" Yamu tea was stupid.

"Take all the attacks in one hand, it is not a long wind!" Kling is bright on the side.

"If this kind of trick, I dare to call my king? Too big!" The night long wind holder the last punch of Chapha, at this time, the king of Chaba is already sweating, and the continuous attack consumes him. Many physical strength.

"I am evil, your guy!" King Chapz found that he couldn't move.

"Eight-hand boxes?" Night long-faced horns, "Then I am a hundred-hand!" 080

The wind and right in the night, the wind, continuously waved the hundred punches, and the speed is not clear, all are the residual.

"What!" The turtle fairy saw his eyes, the boxing of the night is too fast, and it seems like there is a hundred hands to sway the fist.

The contestants under the ring are scared, and the hot waves and the hot waves and the hot waves are excited, and they are blowing everyone.

When everyone came back to God, the eyes were once again turned to the ring, and the figure of Chaba is already disappearing, and the wall of the Wushu Hall is a big pit.

Bang! At this time, the crack ripple of the entire wall was scattered, and it was directly collapsed.

Other participants among the halls are a face, and I don't know what happened.

"It's terrible! I have to leave here!" And the onlookers on the night, the watchdon of the night is a sluggish hall, all retired.

"The stinky boy is getting more and more exaggerated!" The turtle fairy wiped the sweat of the wipedhead. "We can't even even the Kolin fairy is not the opponent of this child!"

"You are too departure, the long wind! Even the masters such as Chali Wang also have no effort!" Yamu Tea was shocked, "Congratulations, you advance!"

"Well ... These so-called masters have a virtual name!" The night flies shook their heads. "I thought that the king is a master!"

Chapter 1104, Zhengzi Group

The process of the qualifiers are very fast. After winning the race in the night-length wind, Yamu Tea and Clin and Turtle Cactors who have entered the Jackie Cactus will appear soon.

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