The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1167 of the Chapter 1167 of the Prince of Tennis

The four people have successfully advanced to the race.

"Yeah! Jin Qi!" Kelin smiled and put a scissors' posture, "I hope to draw, I will encounter the long wind in the first round!"

"Yes! I don't want to fight with the guy!" Yamu Tea nodded on one side.

"Hey, your guy can also join the game, it seems that there is some incompetent generation in the preselection season!" Tianjin rice is also successfully promoted.

"Hey! You stayed with luck!" Klin snorted and very dissatisfied.

The night-long wind is a guy who sweeps the child's appearance next to Tianjin rice. "This should be dumplings!"

"Ha! It's a laugh, even your little guy can also pass the qualifiers!" Kling also noticed dumplings.

"Bare!" Dumplings did not hesitate to point to the balun of Klin.

"What do you say, you guys!" Kelin is going to die, "Are you not bald?"

"I am not!" The dumplings took down the hat on his head, and there was a hair on it.

"Sure enough, it is not a bald!" Night wind looked at the hairy on the dumplings, and laughed directly.

"Can be evil! There is only one hair, what is gone!" Clin was ignored by dumplings.

"Very envious, bald?" Dumplings continued to fight Clin, and also rushed to the head of the Clin, "I mad, I'm!"

"Okay! Dumplings! You don't want to make trouble!" Tianjin dinner recreated the hat on the dumplings.

Kelin glared in dumplings, "Stinky boy, you give me a little more! Don't meet me, or I want you to look!"

At this time, the last competition's sunglasses men's referee appeared in front of everyone, "Hello! Please enter the race to come here!"

"Come!" The eight promotion players were surrounded.

"Oh! Night wind player, you come again." "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" " Light! "

"Well ... this is not necessarily!" Night wind shrugged the shoulders.

"Cough!" The referee did the cough, referring to the schedule sheet on the wall behind the wall, "Well! With the last military road, now to draw the order of the battle, please call the name of the player" Let's! "

"First is a dragon player!"

"Oh, I am here!" The turtle fairy went up.

"He is a runner-up in the last competition, giving him a suitable opponent, first observed his strength!" Tianjin whispered to dumplings.

"Okay!" Dumplings nodded.

"Hey!" At this time, the bear man next to Tianjin guan is angry and looks at the back of the turtle.

"Hey! Are you and that haunted?" Tianjin rice turned.

"Kid! Don't have a lot of joy!" The bear is cold and looked.

"Hey, it is so!" Tianjin rice smiled, "Dumplings, let this bear and the old man!"

"Good!" Dumplings raised the right hand.

At this time, the turtle fairy took his own number and is the fourth.

"Mr. Chenglong is the fourth, the second group of Danji is alternative:! ≯" The referee wrote the word Dragon in the fourth number 4.

"The next player is Yamu tea!"

"Oh!" Yaku tea is ready to draw.

"Dumplings, this guy is given to me!" Tianjin dinner suddenly.

"Well!" The right hand of the dumplings [out] eats.

Then, Yammu tea was drawn.

After that, it is a dragon set male pumping number 7.

"Below is Mr. Tianjin!"

"Hey, give you, dumplings!" Tianjin rice went up, just pumped No. 2, he wants to be the decision of Yamu.

! The eyes of the two are in the air, the Mars is four shots.

"The guy of the dumplings is using his super power!" The night's heart noted the action of dumplings, but the night wind did not stop, the results of the lottery were not important, and the night's long wind pointed is to defeat every opponent. Then get the championship to get the lottery.

"It's a pity, you have to pack it home so soon!" Yamu Tea hands shoulders confident that Tianjin rice.

"You still leave yourself!" Tianjin cooled back.

"Mr. Clin!"

"Come!" Kelin pumped No. 6, in the third group.

"Mr. Xiong!"

"Hey!" Xiong people turned his head and watched the turtle fairy, and then pumped it on the third number, and the confusion was a turtle fault.

"Is this guy with me? Old is so fierce look!" The Turtle Cactus did not impress the bear.

"Hahaha, great!" The bear knew that his opponent was a turtle fairy, showing a smile.

"Next is dumplings players!"

The dumplings deliberately smoke it to the No. 5 with super capabilities, and it is the closing of the clones before him.

"Harmony ... is the little dwarf, I am really afraid that the opponent will be the long wind!" Kling is very satisfied with the results.

The last night's live wind is not smoked, because only the eighth is left, the confrontation is the previous dragon set Popter.

"Okay, the order of the battle is this!" The Mirror male referee refers to the scorpion table of fingers, "the rules are still the same as before, the time is not limited, one is worthwhile!"

"Dumplings! You arrange the battle order!" Tianjin rice mouth, he was very satisfied with the order of the appearance.

"It's good luck! We will not encounter four first rounds!" Kling is also very satisfied with the order of war.

"How can it be so clever?" Turtle fair is a little confused.

The night-long wind is on the fu group sitting in the seating area on a footpoint, which takes time, he uses to cultivate.

The venue of the world's first martial art will be the same as the last distribution mode, but this venue is even greater, the number of the audience is also very much.

The Boolean Pediatrist is the first battle position in the hands of golden blue (Zhao) Qi.

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