The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1168 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"That old guy is gone!" Oolong left to see the right, and he couldn't see the turtle fault.

"It's so big to run around, it's really!" Burt also didn't know that Jackie Cactus was actually a turtle fault.

"This location is very good, thank you Lan Qi!" Pur said onside.

"What? When did I find the location, how can I be here?" Just now, Jin Haoyue, sneezing, sneezing, sneezing into a gentle blue hair.

!! The staff of the world's first martial arts will ring the sound of the game.

The sunglasses men took the microphone to the platform of the venue, "I am sorry, I have been waiting!"

"Now I declare that the first martial arts in the twenty-second year will be ... Now!" Tao Mirror is tall.

"Good!" Thousands of spectators were cheered in the scene, and the voice resounded throughout the venue, and the momentum was very magnificent.

1105 chapter, the first battle

"Well, there is not much nonsense! Now the first game begins, by Yaxi Tea players fight Tianjin players! Please go to the game!" The referee announced the way.

"Start!" The cheers of the audience under the ring were more loud.

"It is Yamu Tea!" Purfe is very excited in the air.

"Start! I don't know what this game will be?" Oolong looks forward to the platform of the battlefield.

"Hey!" The player's channel, Yamu tea and Tianjin rice are in parallel.

The referee pointed at Yamu Tea. Dingsheng! "

"This is the Tianjin Sales, he is a Gori-theielica with the Turtle Cactus, and the Hesi of the Hexian in this competition also has two promotion." The referee turned and pointed to Tianjin meal.

"Hey!" The craftsman who watch the battle under the ring and the turtle cactus in the background are cold.

"I actually said that I was named with the dead old man! It's a joke!"

"It's amazing! The players of the tribute are basically the two younger brothers - 473-child!" There is a viewer in the ring.

"Yamu tea! Come on!" Poor's group was cheering for Yamu tea.

On the ring, Yamu tea and Tianjin meal were opposed.

The height of the two people is almost the shape, but the muscles of Tianjin rice look more developed.

"Hey! I can solve you in two and three tricks!" Yamu tea put out the attacked session, "If you want to abstain, it is still coming!"

"Oh! Take advantage of the opportunity to hurry up, you will not have much!" Tianjin rice is also unhappy.

"Hey! Yamu tea can be easily wins!" Klin and night costumes stand together.

"That is not necessarily!" The night's long-standing is two people on the ring. He also wants to know how Yamu tea grows to what is now in the end of Tianjin.

On top of the ring, first launch off the attack ... Ya Tu tea!

"Hey!" Yamu tea shouted, directly uploaded to Tianjin rice, then it was a foot to kick.

Snapped! Tianjin rice planted in the right arm, blocked the flying kick of Yamu tea, and then the left hand rose double-pointed (DBCE) point (DBCE) point to the abdomen of Yaku tea.

"Ha!" Yamu Tea hands and shocked the attack of Tianjin.

"Go!" Tianjin's attack did not stop. After he turned over, the right foot kicked toward Yaku Tea.

Snapped! Yammu tea turned over the continuous airway and opened his distance and Tianjin rice.

bass! At this time, Tianjin rice started, his right foot is a high wall of the Wudao Temple, then use the anti-punch to rush to Yamu tea at a faster speed, and is the right hand clavip, directly grabbing Yak tea Lower.

boom! Yamu tea directly bipulates, high jumbles in the air.

Tianjin rice offensive is not uncommon, and it is supported by it.

The two are in the air, one is right together, then the continuous trick, the speed is very fast, the two can be said to be the enemy, who is not there!

! After a series of attack and defense, the two have turned around from the air!

The audience under the ring is silent, they are shocked by the fighting movements of Yaku Tea and Tianjin.

"Wow! It's so powerful!" Kelin couldn't help it.

"Yes!" Night-lasting style nodded, Tianjin meal fighting has been strong, but the growth of Yamu Tea makes the night grows slightly unexpected.

From the battle of the war, the five slags should now be hundreds of combat power, Yamu Tea's growth is very bad in the earth people.

"Really ... it is really surprising! At the beginning, it is such a wonderful contest!" The mirror male referee shouted.

"This guy is much better than I imagined!" Ya Tu tea looked at Tianjin rice.

"This little child is still a bit of strength, not only to say big words, there is no such powerful opponent!" Tianjin rice is also a face.

"Look at the trick!" Yammu tea right ends, the left hand is in the chest, put a wolf's style, "Look at my new wolf!"

"Very good!" Tianjin rice also put out the attacked session.

Hey there! The two have a lot of enthusiasm and then rush to each other.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! The two are close to the blink of an eye, then the continuous pair of punches!

Yammy Tea's new wolf's fist is much faster than the previous speed. The improvement of combat power makes Yamu Tea's tricks.

The speed of Tianjin rice is also quite amazing, even more than Yamu tea!

"Oh!" Tianjin rice grabbed a flash, bounced the hands of Yamu Tea, and then gave a hook in the abdomen of Yamu tea.

! Yamu Tea was shot out in an instant, and the heavy falls.

"Ah! Yamu tea player fell!" The referee exclaimed that the audience and the audience cheered, and the wonderful performance of the two players, this session will undoubtedly be more exciting.

"Hey!" Soon Yamu Tea is directly a squid and touched it again. At the same time, he also grabbed a faintly painful belly, "the hateful guy!"

"Not good! Yamu tea is a little incense!" Jelen's face exposed the color.

"Don't worry, Klin! The game has just begun!" The night is far from the bottom of Barsso.

In the case of the previous battle, the absolute combat power of Tianjin rice must be higher than Yamu tea, but also say that his speed, strength and physical strength, etc. are higher than Yamu tea.

But the competition is not a pure battle, many times, a moment of explosive power, people who have low combat power have killed high combat power, this is not impossible.

"Hey! The old things of the old things are not very good!" He fairy nodded down in the ring.

On the ring, Yamu tea face, he knew that if he continued to fight such a fight, it was not the opponent of Tianjin.

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