The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1169 of the Chapter 1169 of the Prince of Tennis

The only chance is to force the hit to defeat Tianjin rice.

"Okay!" Yamu tea pace, the center of gravity is sinking, "I will let you see me!"

At this time, Yaku tea is constantly improving, and the gas in his body is constantly flocked.

"Ah, what is Yamu Tea to do?" Klin felt the increasing momentum of Yamu Tea.

"This posture and feel should be a turtle to send gas, it will not be wrong!" Night wind angle slightly.

"Turtle Qigong? Yamu Tea This little child ..." The turtle fairy on the side revealed the surprised look.

"Hey!" Yamu Tea's hands and one synthesis of caid, "turtle ..."

"Really!" Klin yelled, and his face was surprised, "When when Yammu tea learned this ..."

Chapter 1106, Tianjin dining!

"Oh?" The crane fellow under the ring is cold.

"Turtle, Qigong!" Yamu tea is big, and his hands suddenly pushed forward.

Bang! A blue light column is shot from Yamu Tea, and the speed of speed is not far from Tianjin!

Snapped! At this time, Tianjin rice is also one hand, then the index finger is erected, and his momentum is rising sharply.

"Ha!" Just when the blue light column was ejected to himself, Tianjin rice did a big drink, and the whole body was ignited.

! Tianjin rice does not avoid it, directly erecting his hands in the chest, the turtle is qigong.

"Ni! What is going on?" Klin was shocked to rise.

"Oh? Boil!" The night is also shocked. He thought that Tianjin rice will make the Qigong and the turtle.

"How is this possible?" The Turtle Cactus on the side is also shocked.

boom! The blue light column rebounded to Yamu tea, and Yahum tea jumped in the air, escaped the sudden rebound attack.

Bang! The blue light column of the turtle sent Qigong finally slammed on a house, directly exploded, and flying, let the audience of the scene made a buzz.

It's good to be far enough, so there is no casualty, but it is only a thoroughly broken high wall.

"Betting! This is a good luck, actually can bring the turtle to give the turtle!" Yamu Tea enlisted his teeth in the air, he did not think that Tianjin rice can rebound so easy to prepare yourself.

"Be careful! Yamu tea!" Clin suddenly rushed to Yamu tea in the air.

bass! At this time, Tianjin meal suddenly appeared on the side of Yaxi Tea, and then it was directly kicking the abdomen of Yaku Tea in a no-prepared.

! Yamu Tea is hurt, and the body has fallen on the platform, which looks a powerful blow to Tianjin rice.

"Ah!" Yuetai Xiappil and Burma looked at his eyes and didn't dare to look at it.

bass! At this time, Tianjin rice, which jumped under the air, also wants to hit the coma Yamu tea.

"Fast!" Klin said.

At this time, the night flush is cold, and then kicks a small piece of gravel at the foot.

Bang! After this gravel was kicked in the night, it was directly pulled into Tianjin.

"Well?" Tianjin felt great danger in the air, and instantly gave up the attack of Yaku Tea, a small stone that tapped over the night growing in the air.

"Hey! For you to know you!" The night is cold and cold.

The little stone flew out after rubbing Tianjin, soon disappeared.

Tianjin rice only feels behind the fire lala pain, if he is just now, he is insisted to attack Yaku Tea, his body will be in a hole.

"Who?" After Tianjin, he looked at the direction of the long wind. He is not sure that the night grows or the little stone kicked out. "It turned out to have a stronger guy!"

"Yamu tea woke up!" Klin is already rushing to the platform, and the referee is also confirming that Yamu tea is already fainting.

"Hey! Yamu tea player has lost awareness, so the first game is the Tianjin dinner win!" The referee announced the way.

"Fast send Yamu Tea players to the hospital! He is coma! ▉ The referee turns the staff.

"No!" The night is also gone, and puts up.

"Changfeng, you?" Kllin looked at night long wind.

"Eat this to Yamu tea!" The night's wind right, the hand is half a fairy bean.

"What is this?" Kllin took a confused fairy bean and drumped directly into Yamu tea.

bass! Under the eyes of everyone, Yamu tea has swayed the fairy bean, and the whole person suddenly leaped, as if there is a person who is nothing.

"Hey? What happened to me?" Yammy Tea is still a bit.

"Wow! It's so magical!" Kelin widened his eyes and couldn't believe it he saw.

"Okay! Let's go! Yamu tea, your first game has been lost!" Night long-winding.

"I am evil!" Yamu tea frowned, "I actually lost to this guy!"

"Dry beautiful! Tianjin rice! You know that our crane fairy is full!" The crane fairy under the ring is clear, "Now the turtle fairy must be mad, and Tianjin rice is still far away. Not so far! "

"If I haven't read a wrong, it is a fairy bean!" The Turtle Cactus just saw the fairy bean, "the long wind, how did this odor get a fairy bean?"

······ Flowers ·······

On the platform, several people returned to the background, and the mushun continued.

"The first game is very wonderful! Let's start the second game immediately, Jackie Chan players! If you have, please go!" The Mirror male referee announced the way.

In the background.

"Win!" Dumpling was a scissors for Tianjin rice.

"That is of course! But the guy of the Turtle Fairy is not so weak, you have to be careful! Dumpling!" Tianjin meal flashed the little stone just now, "Who is it?"

"Well!" The dumplings nodded, and he is a hundred percent of Tianjin rice. Since Tianjin rice said is a master, he naturally be more careful.

On the ring, the turtle fairy and the bear are looking forward.

!! The bear man pinchs his own hand, "Hey! I have been waiting for a long time, I must have a flat!"


"What? Why do you hate me so much, do I know you?" The turtle fairy is confused.

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