The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1171 of the Chapter 1171 of the Prince of Tennis

"It's too reluctant, he is just that the turtle is absolutely unable to defeat the hole hole!" Turtle fairy is worried about the color.

"Turtle is Qigong!"

"Cave!" The two shouted at the same time.

Dumplings shiny forefinger instantly pointing to Clin, a very thick golden light wave lightning.

The Hexian and Tianjin meals under the ring show a smile, and the backstage of the turtle fairy is a horror.

"Reassured! Klin, will not be so easy to defeat!" The night long style is not falling.

Klin did not make the turtle sent gas, but directly jumped, escaped the hole of the dumplings.

Bang! The huge explosion sounded on the ring, and the oversized cave wave of dumplings was still very amazing.

The gravel of the explosion raised, and the flash was swayed.

At this time, Kllin jumped to the dumplings, this only paired.

Bang! A blue light is shot from the Cross palm, and the dumplings just turned directly to the light column, and then the body is like a kite that is broken, and the constant is falling.

"Okay! Hit!" Kllin held his hands in the air.

"Is it over?" The turtle fairy also thought that the progress of Clin was so big. Row

! Just when the dumplings fell out of the platform, he flew back to the platform in the air.

Kllin is also above the air, "the real person, I have to fall!"

"Well! Although I didn't defeat my opponent! But the steps of Kelin are really big! If I seriously teach him to send Qigong, he will definitely win!" The turtle fairy looked at the championship.

call! Back to the dumplings on the platform, there is a little uncomfortable, just now hit the turtle gas, let him hurt.

It is a pity that the Klin's turtle is just learning, and the power is not very big. Otherwise, the dumplings are likely to be spiked in a moment.

"This balun can drive the hole in the hole in an instant, and also start attack!" Tianjin rice under the platform, frowned, he found himself to underestimate the strength of the turtle cactus.

On the ring, Klin suddenly launched, and even the near-body attack dumplings, the scene occupied absolute advantage.

But at this time, Clin suddenly (DBDJ) covered his belly, and then screamed, "Oh ... belly ... hurt!"

"Well? It seems that the super power of dumplings!" The night's wind frowned.

"Dumplings! Don't do it! Don't play him, give me death!" The crane fairy under the ring will also kill the Klin in the teatons.

"Good!" The dumplings fly in front of it.

"You are a bastard!" Klin's stomach is getting more and more painful, and it is unable to defend, and the dumplings are heavy.

! The body of Clin hit the wall of the Wudo Temple, and the whole face was hit by red, and it was very reluctant to stand up again. "Before you ...

"I want to kick you!" The dumplings have been launched, and the mouth is angry.

"Well! Have! He must open your hands to use super capabilities, so you can only kick me with your feet!" Kinglin Brain flashed.

"I am coming!" The dumplings flew up, and I was about to give the Kllin.

Kelin suddenly shouted with dumplings, "3 plus 4 is equal to a few?"

"Ah? That ..." dumplings, then start to pull the finger count, "3 ... 4 ... 5 ..."

"Haha, I can move!" Clin's stomach is really not hurt, and then it is directly moving in front of the arithmetic dumplings.

! A counting of fists is the abdomen of dumplings. This is not light, and the dumplings are hired.

"I am going ... this is ok?" Night wind showed a crying expression.

despair! Just when Clin wanted to expand the results, the dumplings were flying again, then the hands and one show, the super power is made to Kelin!

"Ah! I started hurtting again!" The abdomen of Clin is a burst of cramps.

"You are very powerful! Look at me!" Dumplings are still entangled in the problem of arithmetic, "16 plus 27 is equal to?"

"43!" Klin instantly replied, dumpling directly, he thought he had a problem.

"9 minus 1 is equal to a few?" Klin hurriedly asked.

As far as IQ, Clin is too much higher than dumplings, and the dumplings began to pull the finger calculation. "Ah, 9 minus 1 is equal to ... 7, wrong, is 6!"

! Kelin broke away from the chain of dumplings at this time, and directly came to the dumplings. This time this time he gathered in the whole body strength, bombarded on the dumplings.

The dumplings fell out, and finally knocked down the guard wall under the platform, and it was dizzy.

"Out of the world! Clin" wins! "The referee immediately announced the victory of Clin players!

"Stupid! The answer is 8!" Kllin smiled and did a ghost face with dumplings.

"I can evil! How can I forget to teach him to arithmetic!" The confession of the crane fairy under the ring.

The night's night long wind is a speechless expression. "It's a blend of 1,000, this will not ..."

1109 chapter, the four conference

After Kelling won the top four, the next game was the final game of the Eighth War.

"Now is the fourth game, please ask the Papart player and the night long player!" The Mirror Men's referee is high at the platform.

When the two came, under the stage, the audience boiled.

Night wind is very high, the champion of the last martial arts conference is very high, and the popularity of Push is also more, supporters are also a lot.

"Oh, this guy is so rustic, the supporters are still a lot!" Kelin was a bit surprised.

"Night long wind players, I believe everyone is already very familiar, the champion of the first martial arts in the last year, that is, the defending champion! And the Pabt players standing opposite him, it is already won the other two The champion of the World Wushu Competition! "The referee introduced the information of the two.

"Oh! The opponent of the long wind seems to be a celebrity!" Burma under the ring is rushing to the night long.

Night long wind turned to Burma smiled, then looked back at his opponent.

Typical dragon socket, dragon cover, night lengthy, even his name is too lazy, directly dividing this Bapt's dragon package.

On the ring, the night long winds and dragon cases have been opposed.

bass! The dragon package is suddenly a punch to the head of the night, and the night grows in the same place, and the dragon case is just provocative, "Hey! It doesn't hide!"

"You are doing!" Night long-winding disdainted a dragon set man, this kind of power boxing even if it enlarges 100 times, it is difficult to hurt the night cost, and the night is all disadvilings.

"You don't quite understand me. If you are solved by me, it is really pitiful! You are not easy, let you know my strength!" After the dragon set man said Start on the ring.

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