The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1172 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

call! The calling continuous waves or kicks, and finally after continuous turning over, the wall of the Wudo Temple has played a big hole with the elbow!

"Wow! Sure enough, it is a champion player, it is so powerful!" There were many viewers in the ring.

"How, should you know my strength now?" The dragon set man turned his head to show an expression that is very confident.

"What are you doing?" Night wind or these three words.

"Kid, you!" Dragon case men looked at the dessection of the night, the anger of the chest, "30 seconds! I can solve your arrogant boy!"

"Start, the referee!" The night is too lazy to pay attention to the dragon case, but turned to the referee.

"Okay!" The referee retired the ring, and immediately announced, "game ... start!"

"Yeah!" The game started, the dragon cases were buddy, and they rushed over the night.

"The speed is so slow! I haven't seen such a weak guy for a long time!" Night wind has lost his patience, and he will play with a fist.

boom! The fist of the night, the fist is not arriving, and the boxing is in the abdomen of the dragon.

"I ..." In an instant, the dragon case is directly flying out by the night's ordinary boxing.

"Ni!" The view under the ring is stunned, the dragon package is killed by the night, and it is directly outside the battlefield.

"Wow! It's too powerful! It's a championship!" The audience under the platform suddenly broke out in the moment, and the entire venue boiled.

"It's too amazing! The power of the night long player is amazing, he defeated the Bapt players!" The referee took the microphone shouted, "the night-long player has just created a new record!"

"In the first martial arts meeting in the previous world, the fastest to defeat the opponent's record, the time spent on the night-long player is 0.5 seconds!" The referee explained that the scene was more crazy.

"It's a long wind!" The group of people and Burma also cheered, Oolong even took him from the small kuku that came from Shenlong, and kept moved.

"This kid's combat is really amazing!" Tianjin rice looked at night long wind, hipster, don't know if it is.

The night-length wind just now is a full blow in the eyes of Tianjin rice.

"It seems that peach white is really killed by him!" The crane fairy wrinkled.

"Hey! It seems that my biggest opponent in this game should be this night!" Tianjin's mouth has a smile, "this Congress is more and more interesting!"

After the end of the game, the four players have been born.

Night long wind, Tianjin rice, Klin, and Turtle cactors who met the Jackie Crafts became the top four of the first martial arts in this year.

······ Flowers ······

"It's a young man's world. Is a new era beginning?" The turtle fairy walked into the platform, and there was Tianjin rice on the ring.

"Okay! The next is a more exciting semi-final. The first place is the" Mr. Chenglong, the last runner-up player, is very strong in Tianjin, which is a fascinating battle! "The referee is in the ring The understanding said.

Oh ... The turtle cactus sits on the platform, a self-feeling, and Tianjin rice is hands shoulders.

Previously, Tianjin rice also saw the battle of the Turtle Cactus. He is still very recognized to Tianjin rice. "This old guy is not simple, I can't care!"

"Hey! The guy of the three eyes is not the opponent of Jackie Cranes at all! Come on, set up a dragon player! Hey, let him!" Klin was refueling for the Turtle Cactus.

....... ... [.. [..

"This game is a bit mean!" Night live wind also put his gaze in two people.

"The game begins!" The referee announced the game!! The sound of the competition also sounds at the same time.

! Snapped! When two people came up, they were directly for near-body fighting, and the speed of fighting was very fast, and quite fierce, it can be said to be unhane!

More than the battle of Yamu tea and Tianjin rice is more intense than before

bass! After a round, the two have been attacking each other, and who can't do anyone.

Snapped! After turning over, the two will flash again.

bass! At this time, the turtle fairy made a lot of disabled fists, he had eight reshuges in Tianjin, and he kept turning around Tianjin rice.

"What is Wuditian teacher, this is in the confrontation of this level, there is no need at this level!" The night long-term style did not fall.

call! Tianjin rice sudden turned, then kicked to one of the turtle cactus, "here!"

! The turtle cactus is in an instant, and then fell to the high wall of the Wudo Temple, and pulled out a human shaped pothole.

"Ah! It's so powerful!" There is a speaker in the ring.

"Hey! Your residual shadow hides my third eye!" Tianjin snorted and immediately referred to his forehead.

1110 chapter, the battle of the same door

Snapped! The turtle fairy tangled up, "It's really powerful! It seems that I have to make a little strength!"

bass! The Turtle Cactus at this time will still be on the side, both of them are bare luo.

"Come on!" Hey, the turtle fairy opened the ground.

"Even if you are an old man, I will not be friendly!" Tianjin looked with his hands and quickly rushed to the turtle fault, and his hands were full of residual.

"Old man, can you see my hands?" Tianjin rice voice did not fall.

The turtle fairy suddenly clung the hands of Tianjin rice, and then a slap in the knee.

! The turtle fairy will kick the Tianjin rice directly in the air!

"Being good!" Kelin jumped on the side!

"Can be evil!" Forced a dance air in the air, Tianjin rice finally landed.

"The" eight two zero "is trouble, this guy seems to fly!" Kllin frowned.

After landing, Tianjin rice once again attacked the Turtle Cactus, both speed and rhythm of hard studies to a brand new grade.

The advantages of the two have become a group. At this time, the audience is silent, and the audience is a fight against the two.

The movement of the two is too fast, so that there is a lot of viewers who have no way to see what happens, and the mirror male referee does not know how to explain.

Because he stands so close, there is no way to fully understand the movements of the two people.

"Two people are very powerful!" Booema under the ring muttered, "But I always think that old man has seen it!"

! After the two people were in the air, they all turned over and retired, and they looked at each other.

"I can't think of this old man is so powerful, I don't know what he is! Kung Fu is higher than the crane fairy!" Tianjin dinner thought in the heart of the Turtle Cactus.

"These three eyes are really not simple. If I am playing, I haven't played something, and it is, it is the Yangtze River, and the waves are in front of the waves!" The turtle fairy secretly squatted.

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