The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1173 of the Chapter 1173 of the Prince of Tennis

The two are opposite the platform, and there is no action in both parties, which seems to be more intense.

At this time, the turtle fairy suddenly broke out, "You have so powerful, why do you want to face with the Hexian?"

"You have a little tube, dare to say my Master's bad things, see how I taught you!" Tianjin dinched his fist.

"Yes?" The turtle fairy suddenly turned, "This stinky kid will leave the long wind!"

A slap, unexpected things happened, and the turtle fairy took the initiative to jump off the platform, the referee and the audience of the scene were a glimpse.

"What are you doing?" Tianjin rice was shocked.

"Out ... Out of the world! Tianjin dinner won the victory!" After the referee, I announced the promotion of Tianjin to advance to the final.

La la ... The Turtle Cactus squats the small song, wearing clothes, and go back to the background.

"Why? Why do you deliberately lose to me!" Tianjin meal loudly.

The turtle fairy turned deeply deeply of Tianjin rice, did not answer.

"What jokes, if you accidentally win your words, you have to fight with the long wind!" The turtle fairy is in his heart, he has long thought about returning, "I last old bones last time." Almost didn't be dismantled by the long wind, now the strength of the long wind does not know which level is there! "

"I still have a photo, I haven't finished reading it, I still don't want to die so early!" The turtle fairy did not know the shame.

"Hey! He is afraid that he is defeated by the consecutive generation, so it will be retired! Old fox!" He fox came with a cold.

"No!" Tianjin rice and turtle faults are naturally known that his strength is far less simple, "he has not all exhausted!"

"Cough!" At this time, the mirror male referee did cough up on the platform. "The first semi-final is over, next is the second half of the final!"

"It's a night-catching player to fight the Clin player. They are all the apprentices of the Turtle Cactus, so this is a connected civil war! Now there is two players to play!" The referee high.

"Yes ... Yes! It's a war!" Klin was shocked.

"Ke", how? Do you want to abstain? "The night grew is deliberately said to Kleily.

! Klin swallowed a sight of water, and the strength of the night, he certainly knows that it is a super master who has destroyed the red silk army, and the strength is unleadage.

However, Klin didn't want to defeat this, that is too inferior, and it is too inferior to violate a strong heart.

"Changfeng!" Kelin suddenly cleared the double boxing, showing the colors of perseverance, "Let's come a good game, I will not be easy to accept!"

"Very good!" Night Changfeng and Clin pair, "Never underestimate your own potential!"

Night live wind is still very valued for Clin, and Klin can say that in addition to Burma, the night grows in the Dragon Ball World's most close person ...?

Night wind can feel the huge potential of Kelling, and the night cost is also believed to be in his own stimuli, and the Clin will eventually grow to the ability to fight against the Assassay.

With the appearance of the night, the entire venue cheers, the entire venue is cheering.

The night's long-term popularity is very high, and the popularity of Clin is also good. After all, it is a four-strong player of the two martial arts conferences.

"You have to come on!" Burma on the stage was refueling for two people.

"Small light head will die very bad!" Oolong laughed on the side of a smash.

"Dead pig head, you have the old lady! Quietly see the competition!" The ears of the Oolong were directly grabbed by the blueqi after his body, and the blue Qi, who had already become blue, didn't know when it turned back to blonde.

On the ring, Clin is still slightly tense, he patted his face, like a curse, "I must do it! I have been working hard, and now I have learned the turtle." In addition, I have a stronger trick! "

"Come on! Changfeng!" Kelin finally adjusted his mentality and turned his confidence to watch the night long wind.

"Very good!" Night of the wind nodded.

The lens turned to the background, the turtle fairy replaced his camouflage and put on the suit on the suit.

"Why do you want to do this?" Tianjin dinner has been following the Torale Cactus 4.7, "You are not waiting for the leisure!"

"Oh! Is it you?" Turtle fairy turned to look at Tianjin rice, did a glitcher, "Do you remember to keep this secret for me!"

"Hey! Since you are Wu Tianshi Master, why do you want to dress up to participate in the martial arts?" Tianjin rice brow wrinkled.

"Of course, for my apprentice, I don't want them to be very forgotten because of my own achievements, and there are many people who have a lot of time!" Turtle fair replied.

"It turns out! You know my power, I understand that your apprentice can't win, so I am safe and retreat!" Tianjin shoulder analysis.

"I advise you still don't want too much about it ..." The turtle fairy took the dust on the body, and then he won't leave.

The Tianjin rice left is to pinch the fist. "I can't lose!"

1111 chapter, tenacious Clin

The top of the ring.

With the audience's cheers, the referee announced the second semi-final!

One opening, first attacking is Klin, Kerlin knows that once the night is first shot, he will fall into the extremely unfavorable situation, so Klin directly rushed to the night long.

! After Karlin came to the night length of the body, the Kelling was directly used to top the belly of the night, "iron head!"

When the night length of the eyes, the glamorous glazed, the head of the Clin appeared to be particularly glare under the reflection of the sun.

"I am going ... I really practice the iron mean!" The night's mouth has a smile, "I come, look at my diamond leg!"

Night long winds gather on the body to the right foot, then the lightning is kicked out.

! The two collided in the air, and the dullness sent out throughout the competition.

"It's fast!" The audience under the platform exclaimed that the battle of the Turtle Cactus and Tianjin rice can only see the residue, and the night-catching and club's battle is not seen.

When the figure of the two times again, the Clin was retreating in the speed of speed, and then the body fell on the wall of the Wudo Temple.

Bang! The 31 high wall of the Wudao Temple is also white, and the Clin is raised to be a gray face.

Klin practice the time of the tinner, it is unable to compete with the flesh power of the night long.

"Haha, Klin! Your iron head is still far away!" The night grew well, watching the clue on the ring, recovered his right foot, his position and before, completely move.

"The strength of the boy and the strength of the body are so amazing!" Tianjin's eyes looked at the night of the night.

"Ah! Sure enough, the gap between Klin and the long wind is still very big!" The Turtle Cactus came to the battle under the ring.

The referee also jumped on the platform at this time. "The Clin player fell! One ... two ..."

despair! When the referee was second to the third second, Ke Lin turned over and jumped. He touched himself some red brain, "Wow ... hurt me, the long legs are so hard!"

"Stand up! Clin players stand up!" The referee shouted, the audience at the scene was also starting to drive the weak.

"Do you want to accept it? Klin!" The night is bleak.

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