The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1174 of the Chapter 1174 of the Prince of Tennis

"Don't!" Klin fought open, "The game has just begun, I am going to attack!"

bass! Clin rushed over the night of the night, this time the speed is faster.

"Still too slow!" The night's style shoreged through the flying feet of Clin, and then a knife was played.

Snapped! The hand knife is taken in the back of the Clin!

"Wow!" Kelin screamed, "Directly fell to the ground," can be evil! The speed and strength of the long wind are too exaggerated, with the general battle against the fight, I am definitely not his opponent! "

"It's really incredible. Kelin is now able to withstand the attack of the long wind.

Snapped! Clin reluctantly stood up again. "If you want to win the long wind, only to enlarge!"

"Hey!" After the end of the feet, the hands were composed of cays, and he gathered in the body, "Turtle ... Qigong!"

"Useless, Clin! You half the turtle sent Qigong to me without the loss of the night.

"Don't try how to know!" Klin has a show in the direction of the night.

boom! A blue light column light shot in the hands of Clin is shot.

Snapped! Night wind and right hand, a blue mask flour out from the night long!

! The blue light column is on the blue mask, and the mask shakes, it is still strong!

The Kllin's turtle is not invisible. Clin is the third time to use the turtle. The power is really limited, and the long-winding is unable to break!

! At this time, the figure of Clin disappeared in front of the night.

"Oh? Is it in order to attract my attention ..." The night's feelings suddenly appeared behind himself.

"Eating me!" Kling used a turtle to attract the attention of the night's long wind, and then the body of the night is behind, so that the whole body is rushing out of the night.

call! The fist is awkward, and the power of Kllin is quite amazing.

"Smart! Ke" really has made a lot! "The turtle fairy is constantly nod.

A loud noise, Klin's fist is on the back of the night, and the night is not dodge. He wants to see how Kling's current attack is.

The result is a slight pain in the night, and although the night cost does not open the Buddha statue, his flesh strength is still terrorist.

He can feel the pain, which proves that the power of Clin's current strength has been practiced, and it is already very exaggerated in the earth people.

Unfortunately, he encountered a nightly wind that his body is firm.

"Ni!" Kelin widened his eyes, his fist was clearly on the back of the night, but the power was rebound.

Just like the rush on a very hard diamond, Klin's right fans immediately swollen.

! The night's long wind turned over, kicked out, the clinnated hands were in the chest, but it was still kicked in the sky.

"It's too horrible! The long wind this kid fights to fight the ability to fight!" The turtle fairy under the ring will fall down 230 bar.

"Small head is really not the opponent of the long wind!" Oolong nodded, it seems to be a general in Kaklin kicked.

! At this time, the hands of Clin were already played by night long. It seems to lose the perception, and finally the clin is biting his teeth, stabilizing the body in the air, after the continuous air turn, fall back to the platform.

"Wow!" The location of Klin land is the edge of the ring. It is almost out of shaking. It is better to force himself back to the platform.

"Can be evil! Changfeng, too strong!" Ke Lin's eyes looked at the night long. "If you go on like this, I will fail!"

"Oh? I didn't fall!" The night's wind was slightly surprised. Although he did not use full strength, this foot of this foot is not small, and Klin can bear, this shows that Clin's fighting ability is also fast. Increase.

"Wonderful battle! The Clin player did not fall down!" The referee took the microphone shout.

"The two people are very powerful! Especially the night long players, he has not moved from one now!" There was a careful audience found that there was no moving from one to one.

"Really!" The audience next to it was also surprised, "It is a last champion!"

Chapter 1112, the disabled

"These two guys are not waiting for the leisure!" The background looked at the Tianjin meal of the two battles.

On the ring, Kelin suddenly started around the night, and the body was in an instant into five borders. It is a multi-lost image!

"Well? Do you have a punch to punch ... This Klin also learns!" The night's wind swept away from the five residuals of Clin, which was moving, "Unfortunately, this trick is useless!"

bass! At this time, the five shadows of Clin include the body to be raised in the right!

"Ah, ah!" Kelin called all the remaining vitality of the whole body into the right arm.

The top of the squat, the top of the five residuals, a gold disc slowly opened, turned out to be a round!

"Oh! Ke Lin actually under my stimulation, now I have already developed an air round!" Night wind slightly surprised.

"Ah! Isn't that the trick of the long wind?" Burma under the ring said.

"This is ... How does the Kllin learn this trick?" Turtle fairy is also a surprise.

"Hey ... long wind, this trick is in your steal!" Klin only saw the long-winding of the night, and it was the original man who was developed.

At this time, the gold disc of Clin is getting bigger and bigger, while Klin is also sweating at this time, obviously controls such a large gas round to the current Clin, still unusually difficult.

And he is also very creative combination of fatal statue, consumption is even more huge.

On the ring, the top of the night-catching, the top of the five Clin, the top of the head is a huge gold disc, and the whole platform is shining by the disc shining.

"Ah! The Clin player makes a very powerful move, please refuse some of the audience under the ring, avoid misunderstanding!" The referee reminded that the audience also refused a few steps.

"Let's take it! Long wind! Look at my disabled,"! "Five Kedlin's figure and throw the gold disc of the head.

bass! The gold disc and the vigorous MO wipes sharp swords, and the night long wind is covered with five golden discs.

"Very good!" Night long-lasting horns slightly, five discs only have a true, others are disabled!

Night winds have seen the body of the gas, but the night is not dodge or use powerful Qigong and the gas circle of Clin.

Because of that, a dramatic explosion is generated, and this extent is likely to hurt the audience around, especially Booma et al.

Therefore, the night length is only to expand the right hand, and the simple disc will be held directly in the hand.

, the night is on the right hand, and he opened the Buddha's gold!

The strong Mo of the right hand of the air and the night is wiped, Mars is splashing.

"How is this possible?" Kelin gasped, he couldn't believe his eyes, playing the turtle to the turtle to the Tortoise for the Tianjin rice, and the night is actually hard-student. The golden disc is caught in his hand.

This makes the Clin can't accept it. He has not been experimented before, and the gas is almost able to cut off all the hard [things] in the world, including the high hardness of the diamond.

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