The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1176 of the Chapter 1176 of the Prince of Tennis

It is good to be good in Tianjin rice, and the chest is hurt. It is immediately under the body, escaping most of the boxing.

At this time, the right foot of the night long wind is rushing, kicking the abdomen of Tianjin rice.

Attack is a followed by one, the rhythm is so fast that Tianjin rice is all breathed.

"It's so fast!" When Tianjin's eyes were surprised, when he was really fighting at night, he knew that the speed of the night is too fast.

! Tianjin rice has only come to the front of the arms, and then kicked by the night.

"Wow!" The audience at the scene was exclaimed. The movements of the two were completely unwaver to see, and when everyone came back, Tianjin is already lying in the top of everyone.

Rely on the dance air, Tianjin rice escapes the tragedy of the ex!, Else, he will lose directly.

"Ah! This is the strength of the defending champion. The first martial arts in our world will be the highest level of martial arts in the world!" The mirror male referee has blown down in the ring.

"It's a pity! I won a little!" Kelin sighed.

"No! Not a piety, I also hope to see more! The strength of the three-eyed boy should not just do this!" The turtle fair whispered on the side.

! Forced in the top of the audience, the body is turned back, and the dance sky is flying back. At this time, his face is full of anger, Tianjin meal since the martial arts, and has never been played so wolf, it seems to have no effort.

"Hey!" Tianjin rice flying while looking at the long wind, the spareness of the thirteen, the night-catching wind can clearly feel the momentum of Tianjin's rice is constantly jumping.

This feeling is very familiar, and the night grows feels on the peach white and dumplings.

"Cave!" Tianjin rice is screaming, the right hand is ignorant, and the food is pointed to the night!

Booming ... I have a much larger golden light wave that is larger than the dumplings.

More than the turtle sent turtle, the Crane Flow's cave wave is to pay the gas to the fingertips, and the power is actually a bigger, because the vitality is more condensed, of course, the weakness is that the attack is far less than the turtle.

At this time, Tianjin dinner is undoubtedly the end of the cave wave of Hesham. It is more bright than the peach white and dumplings, Tianjin's cave waves obviously brighter, and the speed of shooting is faster!

Chapter 1114, full press

At this time, I didn't expect Tianjin rice and all the people that the night length suddenly turned to the right hand index finger.

Night wind in a flash, in a moment, in the forefinger, although the night length did not practice the cave wave, but his control of the body of the body has reached the realm of fire pure.

High-intensity compressed vitality is as simple as drinking water.

"I am also coming! The cave wave!" Night wind and right hand finger, and a blue light wave out of the night-long dating finger.

"How is this possible? It is actually my crane!" The crane fairy outside the ring stayed.

"The long wind, this child, I will see a few times, I really have a strong sense!" Turtle fairy nodded frequently, and in difficulty, the cave waves should be difficult to learn.

Because high-compressed vitality is a "six zero" very difficult and dangerous, the general military will rarely try.

Of course, although the turtle is relatively easy to learn, like Clin and Yamu tea can learn, but it is very difficult because the turtle is a variety of changes.

And who will also be strengthened by the consumption of users, and the powerful improvement is a powerful trick to use and practice.

At this time, the sky is over.

The two light waves of the two people emitted separately hit the air in the air!

Bang! The huge explosion sounded, and the light of the light illuminated everyone's face in the venue. The waves of the spread will not be martial arts.

"This is the two masters of the finals, it is too strong!" The Mirror Men's referee also turned a few more and fought.

In the end, when the rays are exhausted, Tianjin rice and night lengthy winds again on the ring.

Tianjin rice hole wave is full of air, and the cave wave of night-long wind is more tight, the power is actually offset in the air.

"Avo guy!" Tianjin's eyes were surprised, and the night-long winding hole cracked down his cave waves, which was challenged, which made the anger in Tianjin.

"In this case, I will come too!" Tianjin rice suddenly opened, and then he synthesized a flower-like shape, "Hey!"

"Ah! It is a pose of the turtle, is this Tianjin rice!" The background of Clin was shocked.

"This three-eyed kid is not simple!" The turtle fairy obviously felt that the momentum of Tianjin's weeks was constantly improving.

"It's a universe, watching Yamu tea, I have learned it once, the talent is good!" Night long-lasting horns slightly forsake, and it was instantly put on the same posture.

Two people are on the stage, they have a high height, and the left and right is just like a mirror.

"It's too exciting, both players should use Wuditian teacher's stunt turtle to send Qigong!" The referee also screamed while screaming.

"Turtle is Qigong!" Tianjin rice shot a blue light column, and the light column of Yacu Tea was more large, proved that the vitality in Tianjin is much more than Yamu tea.

"And I am turtle! You have been tens of thousands of years!" Night's mouth is slightly lifted, and the vitality of the vitality is constantly flocked to the arms. First, the muscles of the entire arm are also completely raised.

Booming a loud noise, the night cost is also shooting the blue light column, but more than the blue light column of Tianjin!

"Not good! Changfeng, this stinky turtle sent Qigong power too long hurt the audience!" The turtle fairy was shocked, "" Fast! "

Two blue light columns have dyed the entire Bowl venue into a blue, and the audience under the audience under the face of the scene, because the power contained in this blue light column is too horrible.

Even if they don't understand martial arts, I can feel the dangers that they can't breathe.

Bang! The two blue light columns finally collided in the air, and the night longevity turtle sent Qigong significantly over Tianjin a grade, and quickly pressed Tianjin.

! Blue Mars splashled above the ring, the light column shiged by the night, swallowing the blue light column emitted by Tianjin rice between two breathing.

"Ox!" Tianjin rice bite his teeth, the body reacts instantly, "see me to bounce it!"

! The golden electric light shines in Tianjin rice, when the blue light column is to hit Tianjin rice, Tianjin rice is bish, "Ha!"

The hands of the hands of the hands, Tianjin rice, the whole body, the whole body is instant, he wants to bounce the night long-term turtle to the Night, the night, the turtle, the turtle, the turtle, the ball!

"God!" The night grew up a lot of disdain, and then immediately recovered his hands.

Bang! Tianjin rice does not have a blue light column, because the turtle sent Quality of the night long wind is not linear, but an uncertain curve, it is impossible to bounce directly.

This is what the nightly wind is to understand the turtle qigong. It is a place that is more deep than Yamu Tea and even the turtle cactus.

boom! boom! boom! Tianjin rice is called, the body is bombarded by blue light column.

Make the strength of the milk, Tianjin rice finally turned over in the air, hiding the blue light column.

bass! The blue light column shots to endless growth, which will take a big hole over the clouds over the venue.

"I am evil!" Tianjin rice was compressed in a full-wind, and the anger in the chest was unlimited.

At this point, his arms are torn and general pain. His muscles are obviously greatly destroyed. It is good to be universe in Tianjin, and its anti-fighting ability and recovery ability are strong than the earth.

! Tianjin rice continuously turned over in the air, flew back above the platform, his expression is already complete.

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