The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1177 of the Chapter 1177 of the Prince of Tennis

"Wow! He came back, Tianjin dinner did not have an outward!" The referee pulled the scorpion under the ring.

"Two people are so strong, one is big, it is a big trick!" The audience on the stage came back from the horror, and 0.7 was then an unprecedented cheers.

I don't know if they celebrate the rest of the robbery, or cheer for the two masters of the two masters on the platform.

"Changfeng! Come on! Changfeng, kill the three eyes!" Oolong just held a pig's head, a fear of death, now it is proud to shout.

This is a private [room] money to participate in the champion of the world's first martial arts meeting, although the odds of night long winds are not high, but the business that is not compensated, Olun is certainly happy.

"Ah! Tianjin rice is suppressed!" The dumplings were sweating on the forehead. He has never seen Tianjin rice is suppressed by others.

"Hey! The old tortoise is proud, my disciples have not made full efforts!" He fairy has seen some proud of the Turtle Cactus.

1115 chapter, playing baseball

On the ring.

"Hey ..." Tianjin rice smashed his handsome hands.

"How, Tianjin rice! My turtle is not bad!" The night was laughing.

"Hey! Interesting! I can encounter your powerful opponents, it is too excited!" Tianjin rice is very laughing, double boxing, "I still have this feeling! So in order to Express my tribute, I decided to use my retaining skills to solve you! "

"Oh, keep your stunts, what do he want?" The background of the turtle cactus and Klin.

bass! Tianjin rice once again rushing over the night, this speed is more fast than before!

"Try my volleyball!" Tianjin rice is to fight the night's wind in the air and stage the good show of volleyball.

"Volleyball?" Night's mouth, "If you play volleyball, I will play baseball!"

bass! The night's body disappeared in place, and the real disappeared.

"What about people?" The audience on the scene shouted, and the night grew is finally moved.

"Specuier small skill!" Tianjin rice opened the third eye on your forehead, and then stop, because he couldn't see the god of night, "What!"

"I am behind you!" The figure of the night is suddenly flashed behind Tianjin rice.

"Death!" Tianjin has very fast, and it is a head of a meter, kicking the head of night.

"You are still not fast enough!" Night wind and right hand grabbed the kick of Tianjin.

"You!" Tianjin rice was shocked, he found that his legs were like being clamped by the iron clamp, and it couldn't move.

"Haha! Start!" The night's wind is right, and the Tianjin rice is lifted directly in the air.

"Ah! Lotten, the night long player will raise Tianjin's meals!" The referee shouted, "What did he want to do!"

"Of course, it's a baseball! Look at my strong straight ball!" The night's wind rotated in the spot, just like a mad gyro.

bass! Suddenly, the night-hearted wind turned out in Tianjin meal.

Next moment, Tianjin's body is already outside the battlefield, behind the audience.

"What about people?" The audience is very confused.

"Where!" Kling pointed to the high wall outside the battlefield.

"Wow! When is it going there! Is the two people out of bound?" The audience exclaimed.

And the night grows is the right arm, and the corner of the mouth is horn, "seeing the grandfather!"

boom! The night-long wind and right arm have a large circle, directly behind some of the body of Tianjin rice.

A sound, Tianjin rice is like a baseball that is hit, the speed of speed flying towards the blue sky.

"Ah!" The audience at the scene is a small black spot that looks at Tianjin rice from a person to the high altitude, and then completely disappears.

"This ..." The crane fairy and dumplings under the platform rose big mouth, and I don't know what to say.

"Good high! It is really a whole base!" Oolong looked up with the pig's head and looking over.

The night long wind is to fly back to the ring with the dance air.

"Ah! Tianjin rice player is flying by the night long player, is it the victory of the last champion?" The Mirror male referee just wanted to announce the night's greetings.

Night-catching wind reached out to prevent him, "Sorry, wait!"

"What?" The doubt of the referee.

"He is coming back!" The night is long.

At this time, a black spot is constantly increasing, and then the voice of Tianjin is angry to the extreme, "" Night long wind, I want to kill you! "

"It's Tianjin Same! He has not yet defeated! It is worthy of the players who are going to the finals. It can have such a strong battle for Yu!" The referee took the microphone, and the mouth is like a machine gun. Sprayed water.

"Haha! I have never seen such a beck of sandbags for a long time! Happy!" Night is very laugh.

! After the Tianjin rice fell on the platform, he took a small pit directly.

"I have been born, or the first time, I am so wolf! You actually let me taste this humiliation! The game is over, come and get a winning!" Tianjin rice suddenly rushed to the night long wind, one left one right Head.

"If you have anything, make it out!" The night grew in the feet, and the eyes looked at Tianjin.

"Sun!" Tianjin rice screamed, ~ ▉ ▉ ▉, Jin Guang four shots, Tianjin rice is a sun.

"Yeah!" Clin, which was recently left, was completely unfolded by this shine.

"Tianjin dinner glows!" The mirror male referee did not have much influence because the relationship between sunglasses, but the eyes were still a little stinging, this is enough to see how bright the Tianjin rice is, it is brighter .

"I want to dig your eyes!" Tianjin rice took the opportunity to rush to the night, and the right hand was a jaw to pierce the night. He wanted to dig your eyes directly.

! However, let Tianjin meals are disappointed that the night is actually grabbed his right hand in lightning.

"How is this possible!" Tianjin dinner looked at the night, at this time, the eyes closed.

"Oh, do you just use your eyes to observe your opponent?" The night is laughing, then a punch is directly bombarding the abdomen of Tianjin rice. "I now use gas to feel you!"

puff! The three eyes on Tianjin, spit out, and the mouth is a big spite, the last wind, this ordinary punch, play the muscles of Tianjin's abdomen broken!

Boxing brings out through the back of Tianjin rice, the air is a wavy four scattered, and after a dull voice, 477 Tianjin looked at his stomach. He didn't have this in our lives.

"How can this be ..." Tianjin rice fell to the ring.

It is a horrible way to fight against the Night-wind, which is strong, and the food is strong.

Of course, the night's wind does not use the power of the dragon icon, or it is the body that is not a big hole.

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