The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1178 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"Ah! Tianjin rice player fell!" The referee jumped on the platform.

"What!" The crane fairy and dumplings under the platform have grown their eyes. "This kid didn't have to look at Tianjin's attack! It's terrible!"

"It's so powerful, how is the long wind to knock him!" Oolong asked with the pig.

"Don't ask me, I haven't seen it! You are fine!" Burma's eyes looked at night long wind, "Well ... The long wind seems to be a little handsome!"

"One ... two ... moss ...] The referee is started at the ring.

Suddenly, the body of Tianjin rice moved, and then turned it directly, after almost instantly came to the night of the night, a flying leg kicked out.

bass! In the event of a long-term hit, the body fluctuations slowly disappeared, and it was a vain.

"I am here!" Night looked at Tianjin rice, "I really can't cover it!"

1116 chapter, four demon boxes

"Hey! Don't be happy too early, I am just a moment!" Tianjin snorted, once again rushing, completely entered the crazy mode.

"This is not wonderful again! Dumplings!" He fairy turned to dumplings to make a look.

"Yes!" Dumplings nodded.

On the ring, the night long-lived feet turned, and the pair of palms were launched. It is preparing to solve Tianjin rice.

Suddenly the dumplings under the stage, with your fingers, referring to the night.

A spiritual force is coming to the night, it is the super power of dumplings!

It is undoubtedly much larger than the psychological attacks of Bruisan dumplings before, but it is still too far compared with the night growth.

Night wind is just looking back at the dumplings, and the dumplings are shocked, and the whole body is exuded out.

The release of night long windstorming instantly crushed the spiritual attack of the dumplings, so that the dumplings were alive.

Of course, the night-catching wind did not continue to attack dumplings. He knew that dumplings were only subject to Hecai, and dumpling and Tianjin meals were inherently inherent. They can become the guardian of the earth.

When a person attacked others, his spiritual space is the portal is open, and anyone can use a mentally attack.

If the night long has just used spiritual efforts to continue chasing dumplings, you can turn dumplings into an idiot.

"Yeah!" Night wind was dumpled with this point of god, and Tianjin's boxing was heavy in the chest of the night.

"Tell it?" Klin and Turtle cactors were a glimpse.

The body of the night-catching body was rooted on the ring, and the training suit in the body of the turtle fairy was a big hole.

"Ah! Tianjin rice player this game first attacks the night long player, this is the big outbreak of Tianjin dinner?" The referee was excited.

And Tianjin rice is noted that the state of dumplings, "Dumplings, what happened?"

"Tianjin rice, fast! Give me this kid!" Hualian saw the initial results of Tianjin rice, hurriedly shouting in Tianjin, he knows if the night grows up, it must be endless.

"Dumplings, talk, what happened?" Tianjin rice exchanged with dumplings, and its effect is equivalent to the junction.

"Master told me to attack him with spells, but I was alive!" The dumplings are very reluctant.

"Dumplings, you will stop! Don't use this kind of attack, I don't want to win with this means!" Tianjin dinner is still proud, do not want to win with external force.

"Betting! Since ancient times, it has become a defeated, what is your gentleman! Give me a command! This is a command!" He fairy angry shouting, all the first martial arts of the world.

"Give me a stop!" Tianjin meal suddenly loudly.

"Tianjin rice! Do you dare to violate Master's orders!" Hualian people have a face color.

"I just fight against my strength, I will encounter such a powerful opponent, he can make my martial arts further!" Tianjin rice silence.

At this time, at this time, I didn't stop the quarrel of Tianjin and the crane in the next side. For the rupture of the relationship between the two, the night is of course happy.

"Tianjin Player ..." The male referee did not touch the mind, but I didn't know what it was from Tianjin rice.

"I told you to kill him! You have heard it!" He fairy has a little angry.

"No! If I have won by the help, my martial art will still stop, and I ... I don't want to be killer!" Tianjin rice failed to defend his Master His Master.

"You ... what do you say!" He fairy is blowing and blind, "You were washed by the born old turtle. Is it a brain? Do you forget who you trader you?"

The crane fairy is directly jumped directly on the guardrail, and the right fist is clarified. "In this case, then I will kill you! Dumplings, you give me two actions!"

"Ah!" Dumplings, he now has been aware of unlikely, and since Tianjin rice rebells, he doesn't want to be a crane fairy, "Tianjin rice is so serious, I want to put After reading ... "

Snapped! He fairy grabbed the dumplings, "Even you dare to define me!"

"Then I will clean up the door today, kill you!" He fairy's right hand into a paw to go directly to dumplings, very clear dumplings, there is no resistance and escape.

"Stop!" Tianjin rice was shocked, and it was going to save dumplings.

The turtle fairy is calling in the background, "Flashing!"

The night long and Tianjin rice on the ring are a flashback.

Turtle cactus shot a blue light column directly hit the crane.

"Ah!" He fairy screamed with blue light column directly to the air, and finally the body is disappearing.

"Don't worry, this bastard crane will not die so easy!" Turtle fairy Shen Sheng, "people who are chaos are gone, you can now play!"

"What is this?" The referee and the audience have exposed a inexplicable expression.

"Hey! Because the old family is lucky!" The night's wind recovered the right hand, just that the night's long wind is already ready to shoot, the Hexian does not have any value in the eyes of the night, will still mess, if you have the character of the night If you shoot, the Hexian will be killed in an instant.

And if the dumplings have just attacked the night, it is not just that simple spirit is damaged.

On the ring.

Tianjin rice turned his face and looked at night long wind. "I can't lose anyway, I want to defeat you, win the champion!"

"Oh ... is it? Come on it!" Night long-faced horns, "What is your move?"

"Is there a trick to Tianjin meal?" The dumplings on the stage were very shocked.

Snapped! Tianjin (Wang Zhao) The hands of the meal are open, and the muscles of the whole person are raised, then they are biting their teeth, and they are crazy to improve their momentum.

"Ah, ah!" Tianjin rice frenzy.

"What's wrong? Is this three-eyed kid crazy?" Turtle fault and Clin were some surprised.

At this time, Tianjin's full body of green gluten exposed, blood vessels convex, and then surprised the people were his back to start bulk.

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