The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1179 of Tennis Prince Chapter 1179

After ... ... After the strange sound, the back of Tianjin rice stretched out [out] two arms.

"Ah, hand!" The Klin and Turtles and the audience were shocked.

"Oh, I was scared by me! I have to double your attack now!" Tianjin looked at night long-term cold.

"Not a gas gun! It is a four demon!" The dumplings under the ring were excited.

The night-long wind is to show a very embarrassing expression. "Four hands have a hair, but also interfere with each other ..."

1117 chapter, gas robin

"It's incredible! Tianjin players actually grow two hands, he has four hands now! This is a magic!" The male referee did not fall.

Tianjin rice is already rushing in the night, and the two hands behind Tianjin rice are also extended.

! Tianjin meal is handled in hand knife cuts to cut to the night long winds.

"It is useless, you are too slow!" Night wind and double arm, and the two-way hand knife of Tianjin rice directly populated.

At this time, two big hands behind Tianjin rice, lightning, night, long.

The night is a whisper, then a shoulder, Tianjin rice is immediately flying in the air.

"Good power!" Tianjin rice power and night lengthy, the gap is very big, and the words that are nearing the night is undoubtedly the heavens.

"You have been attacking for so long, I'll be!" The night's long wind suddenly showed the air, the whole body of the whole body flocked to his hands.

! The night cost is brightly lit up and brighter.

"This is ..." The turtle fairy and Clin are shocked.

"Wan Guo is shocked!" The night drunk, two golden vanovuctors shot from the night's cold.

At this time, in the air, the body is forcibly flip the body, the arms are in the chest, and the dodge is no longer -700- anxious, he wants to resist this attack.

It's a loud noise such as a thunder, Tianjin rice is directly hit.

At a time, Tianjin rice whole body sweat is all, and the body is so small gold current in the surging.

"Ah, ah ..." Tianjin dinner is constantly scream, the whole face is quite awkward, his arms behind him are also retracted to the body.

Tianjin rice is using the whole body of the energetic to resist the golden current, which makes him more pain.

I was hit by the people of the country, and if I don't resist it, I still have to move, and if I want to move, it will exacerbate the pain of the body.

Why do you have a lot of criminals to use electric shock, because the continuous electric shock feels is not as good as death.

Of course, the night grows does not enter the whole power. If the night is full of power, it is not only to be very simple, not only the Wanqiang current is so simple.

... After a few breathing, Tianjin rice was stopped. At this time, he actually took a white smoke, and it was more powerful.

"It's so powerful! The long wind is high!" Burma under the platform cheered.

"How do I smell a meat?" Oolong on the side was shaking pig head, and the pig nose was screaming.

"Good power hit, Tianjin rice player has proven to hit!" The referee explained.

! Tianjin's body is falling from the air, and the heavy is on the ring.

"Invert it! Tianjin dinner is falling again!" When the referee was ready to start their second, Tianjin dinner turned over.

"Oh?" This time, the night-long wind is surprised to Tianjin rice tenacity, but it is also a loyal wind. Otherwise, Tianjin rice is estimated to stand up ten days and a half months.

"This is my last move! If you are hopped by this, you will die!" Tianjin rice was even calm.

"Is it finally going to make a trick?" Night's mouth is slight, "I don't let me down this time!"

"What is! It's still can't be played by the long wind, but it's so unfair!" Kelin is dissatisfied with the background.

"Difficult ... Is it ..." Turtle fairy is a sink.

"Don't impulsive! Tianjin rice! Don't use gas guns!" Dumplings shouted under the ring.

"Sure enough, this is even more excited," You can't use it, don't you live, three eyes boy! "

"Ah, what is going on? Teacher Wu Tian?" Klin was shocked by the turtle fairy.

"I didn't expect him to learn the gas gun! It is a strong martial arts, the destructive power of the turtle sent Qigong! But because the power is too big, the vital consumption in the body is very Fast, even a control is not (DBCC), will die! "The turtle fairy explained.

"Even if you are lucky, the life will be shortened!" The turtle fairy has bleed the fine sweat forehead, "the old boy of the crane, even this kind of work is given to him!"

"No! Tianjin rice! Can't use it!" Dumplings kept persuading Tianjin to give up.

"Dumplings, you don't have to worry! I won't make it full, of course, I will not die!" Tianjin's rice is skydock.

"Stop! Tianjin rice, you will die!" The turtle fairy saw the power of the long wind, this kid can even kill the guy in the deep sea whale, so the Turtle fair is not worried about the night long wind.

However, Tianjin rice is negotiable, if the night grows [fire], the turtle fairy can't expect its consequences.

"Ah! Tianjin rice player flew! Does he want to do?" The referee and the audience look up at Tianjin rice in the air. "I didn't listen to what they are talking about!"

"Despite it, use your efforts to attack me!" The night grew and paved, looking up at the air of Tianjin.

"What is the three-eye man do?" Burma's doubts.

"I don't know, it seems to have a very powerful move!" Oolong phone.

"Let's pick it up!" Tianjin rice has been together in the air, and then the index finger is erected.

"Ah!" It took a lot of time to gather your gathering, Tianjin rice put the remaining vitality of the whole body to your hands.

Sand ... Suddenly, Tianjin rice separated his hands, and his hands started to illuminate the light.

"Wow! His hand is glowing!" Ke Lin is very surprised.

"He concentrated in the body in the body!" Turtle fairy Shen Sheng.

"Well ... good feelings!" Night wind felt his most powerful gas in the world of Dragon Balls.

! Tianjin dinner is one-handed, the right hand is put on the left hand, the right hand badges and left hand index finger, with the thumb of his hands, his hands put a box.

"Aim!" Tianjin rice will aim down the circle, "more than the martial art!"

The bright light in his hands is getting brighter.

"If you use everything now, I will die, I will die, I will have a little bit!" Tianjin has left the last silk warranty.

Then it is a big, "gas cannon!"

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