The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1180 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

bass! In the first moment, the space of the entire platform is filled with Jin Guang!

"Long wind, flash it quickly!" Turtle fairy.

"God!" The dumplings bowed their heads, and pray for God to bless Tianjin.

Bang ridiculous, crushed stone, the audience of the entire competition venue fell into a panic.

1118 chapter, Buddha's hand!

After the golden light is exhausted, Tianjin rice flew in the air, and the whole person is sweaty.

call! Calling ... Tianjin rice keeps gasping, obviously the vitality of the body also consumes pole.

"That is what ... it is terrible!" Kelin just scared his eyes closed, this only opened it, it shook it directly, "Ah!"

"More than Wuda ... disappeared!" The spectators of the flyer venue are also scared, the referee, the whole platform is gone, only the big hole in the bottom is.

"Hey!" The referee wiped the cold sweat and took the microphone roaring. "What happened? What happened? It is actually not seen in a moment! Night long wind players are also disappeared!"

"Good powerful destructive power, like this three-eyed kid and long wind, it is not like the planet!" The turtle fair looked at the big hole in front of him.

"Changfeng! Changfeng?" Klin said that the sport is looking for a night's body, "Is the long wind disappeared together, is it ..."

"Kelin, are you dying?" The sound of the night's wind suddenly came from the hole.

"Ah! The long wind is still alive!" Clin is big, the dumplings under the ring are also facing.

"Great, they are alive!"

At this time, the night-lived wind rises from the big hole, at this time, the night is full of glory.

The entire face is also quite solemn, and everyone surprised is the huge Buddha image behind the night, almost obscured every day.

"Amazing! The night long player appeared!" The referee was shocked to explain how to explain.

Night wind is not only a very powerful Qigong, which is very powerful, and it seems to be no injury.

"I can't feel powerful, why do I feel that the long is more and more dangerous!" The turtle fairy sweats like the rain.

"Ni! Can you hard to resist my Qigong? This is impossible!" Tianjin rice is hit, he is not dare to believe in everything you see.

"Oh ... you can force me to make the Buddha's golden body is already proud!" The night is laughing, "But until here!"

When the night's wind right, the Buddha statue behind him [out] a giant, directly pressed Tianjin rice from the air.

A sound, it is already a good fortune, it is impossible to avoid or resist the power of the Buddha's hand, directly being filled in the air outside the ring.

boom! Tianjin rice puts a big pit, and the audience that is more than the battlefield is exciting!

"What is that? Is it a faint embarrassment?" The Turtle Cactus can't understand what the Buddha statue after the night is long.

The slowdown is falling from the high altitude, and the night is moving. It is stable next to the jug mirror male referee.

"Hey ..." The referee returned to God, raised the right hand of the night long, "the night long player defended! For the second consecutive wins the world's first martial arts meeting! The first title It belongs to the night long player, let us congratulate him! "

"Wow!" The audience of the entire competition will boil, this game is undoubtedly not expected before they come.

Dance sky, turtle, Qigong, four demon punches, Qigongbo, Wan Guo, and Buddha statues, this final of the various martial arts methods.

Many people are difficult to see in this life, but they are concentrated in this short more than ten minutes of finals. This game will be printed in the depths of the memory of the audience, I am afraid that they have been forgotten in their lives.

After the first martial arts in the world, the fans of the night-catching fans have expanded a lot, while the world's first martial arts will be expanded throughout the world's globes.

When the next competition is, it is definitely a more lively.

Ding! At this time, the suggestion of the superhen system was raned in the night-length.

"Congratulations to the owner to complete the main line task: Get the champion of the first martial arts in the twenty-second year, plus a lottery!" The sound of the superhen system is as good as the cold ice, but it is an unusually pleasing in the night long fever.

"Nice! It is also a lot of lottery! Hey!" The noise of the night, the lot of the mouth, the more the lottery, the more the night, the more the wind, the more fierce, will be a fierce battle.

"Ah!" Tianjin rice slowly slowed down, and the night did not have heavy hands, so Tianjin has not been too much harm.

"Tianjin rice, you are fine?" Dumplings immediately fly over.

"I am fine!" Tianjin rice reluctantly stood up, it was hurt, and the vitality in the body was exhausted, and the cultivation of a few days was not recovered.

······ Flowers ······

This final, the Tianjin meal was defeated, but his gain was not small.

He originally thought that he was invincible, but after he was handed over, he knew that he was only a frog in the bottom, and there was a long way to go on the road of martial arts.

Failure is a good thing to Tianjin rice, which makes him stronger to become a strong force.

"How? Tianjin rice, my strength is not bad!" The night was laughing.

"Well! Although I am not willing, my current strength is really not as good as you!" Tianjin rice had to admit that the night's long wind is much better than him, "But I will chase it, and finally surpass you!"

"Is it? Then I can look forward to it!" The night grew is a smile.


At this time, Clin and Turtle Cactus and Burma were surrounded, they were to the night greetings.

In addition, Yaku Tea returned from the hospital, just saw the scene of the night's final Buddha's head pressure Tianjin rice.

"Changfeng, what is your last trick?" Yamu Tea is very curious about it.

"Oh! That one ... I am inadvertently learning a martial arts!" The night's long wind is free to push the past.

"Night long wind players, please take me to the background to receive the trophy and bonus!" The male referee suddenly appeared behind the people.

"Oh, is there a trophy this time?" The night is a bit surprised.

"Yes! In order to commemorate the long-wind player, you have decided to promulgate a new reward for the promotion of the world's first martial arts meeting! The champion can be bonus a bonus, once a prize, the bonus will double ! "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "

"That is to say this night, you can get a total of 100 million champion bonuses!"

"Wow! It's a lot of money!" Oolong listened to two eyes.

"Right, and after the three consecutive champions, we will issue a gold badge that is unpleasant glory! For five consecutive times, it is awarded a diamond badge!" The mirror male referee continued.

"Oh, your trick is really a lot!" Night live wind is not very interested in these, but it is also talking to no, at least a meal.

"Haha! You can eat a big meal! Changfeng, you will take a break, I will help you take!" Klin is more excited than night, follow the referee to receive a prize.

Chapter 1119, the death of Clin

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