The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1181 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"Right, I will ask for a while! Go together!" Night long wind turned to dumplings and Tianjin rice.

"Yeah! You are now now. If you are willing, I am very welcome to practice!" Turtle fairy attached.

"Your kindness, our hearts ... Although we have betrayed the teacher, we are still the disciples of the crane, I can't go there!" Tianjin rice still refused.

"This way, then how do you plan?" Turtle fair asked.

"I will find a place and the dumplings continue to practice. Next, the first martial arts will come again next time, we will come again!" Tianjin rice slowly replied.

"Yeah!" At this time, a scream of screaming.

"What happened?" Turtle cactus and others are surprised.

"It seems to be" six two "Klin's figure!" The night is immediately flying to the background with the dance air, and everyone is following the night length.

When I came to the background, the night long-term wind found that the Julin and sunglasses men's referees were on the ground, "Kron!"

When the night length of the wind, I went to the cliff, and even Tianjin rice couldn't see the gods of the night.

"He really hides strength!" Tianjin rice was surprised at the strength of the night, and even more firmly transcending the determination of the night's strength.

"Kelin, you are fine?" The night was touched to the pulse of Clin, and then his face suddenly went down.

"There is ... There is a monster to grab a strange bead from him ... and there is a roster of the martial arts will run!" The ink men's referee in the ground was deeply hit, and said it was very reluctant.

"Dragon Ball and History? Who is it?" Turtle fair was shocked.

Prior to Kelin said that he would look at Dragon Ball, and the night is willing to throw the Dragon Ball to Klin, and he has never remembered that it is going back, it turned out to harm the Clin.

Because Kelin has no pulse at this time, it is to say Klin ... Suddenly appeared monster kills, and it is dead.

"How can this be?" Burma covered his mouth, just still lived, Xiao Guangtou Klin, now actually lying on the ground.

"The Clin player just desperately wants to stop him ... But the guy is too powerful!" Skiroscope continued.

"Bastard!" The night is angry, and the whole body suddenly burst into blue gas, and the whole person is even more set.

Bang! Everyone was pushed out in an instant, the ground inch turtle cracked under the night length of the body, the whole explosion came, and the gravel flew, just flew up and shredded by the nightly wind.

"Stop! Changfeng!" The turtle fairy is big, he has never seen the long wind so angry.

Burma is also stupid. He took the longest time in the night, and he didn't have seen this unusual frightening expression.

"I can't move it!" Tianjin found that he was disseeded by the night long-term, and it was a step that was not able to move in the original place.

"Burma! Is Dragon Bao Rada on you?" The night long turned.

"Don't worry, long wind! Things have not investigated it!" The turtle fault did not fall, and the night-long wind was already in Burta, and then directly disappeared =

The speed of the night is too fast, so that everyone didn't see what happened.

! The night long-lived dance air is flying in the air, and his speed is faster than before.

! Night live wind took out Dragon Bao Lada and pressed the top button.

Dragon Balls that become stones have also changed back to Dragon Ball after several months of cooling time, so the position of Dragon Ball can be displayed on the radar.

"Well? There are two dragon balls nearby! The left side is moving, it should be it!" Night long wind direction direction in the air, flies to the position where the dragon ball being moving is.

"Can be evil! The baby is too impulsive, I don't know who the opponent is!" The turtle fair sighed.

"Hey, let's see! There is a note in it. I don't know if it is not killing the guy who kills the Clin!" Oolong picked up a note.

"I wrote a magic word in the circle. What does this mean?" Burma has some doubts.

"What?" The turtle fairy took a note with a note, and he left a magic word, and the Turtle fairy revealed a frightened expression.

"What is going on, Wu Tian teacher? Have you seen this before?" Yammu tea asked.

"This ... this is the sign of the Bachelor of Devil!" The turtle fairy is full of sweat.

"Who?" Who? "Yamu Tea and others confused ...?

"I have heard that he is a big devil who brought the whole world into the terrorist abyss! But ..." Tianjin rice has heard of the Broad Devil from the Hualian population.

"Yes! Big Demago should not appear again! He used his monster to make the peaceful world into hell ... At that time, don't say it is a young and Hualian, even Our Master Wuai is not his opponent! "The turtle fairy explained.

"But Master created a magical skill called the magic seal, the Box Demon was sealed by the magic seal to the rice cooker with the seal! Our Master also paid the price of life!" Turtle fault Slowly.

"It is my hand to put the rice cooker of the Seal Big Magic into the sea, so the photography should not appear again!"

"Is it Master ..." Tianjin rice and dumplings were shocked.

"Will n't, he knows how terrible Bike, the craftsman will not do so!" The Turtle Cactus went back.

"Since it is so powerful, the long wind will be dangerous?" Burma asked.

"Well ... this one!" The Turtle Cactus thought about it. "Changfeng is I have seen the most powerful warrior, he feels deeply impatient, but the Bourna is also the same! Ma, you don't have to worry, I want to take the strength of the boy, even if I can fade 3.2! "

"I am more worried about what he snatched away, Dragon Ball and the first martial arts meeting of the world. What did he want to do this?" Turtle fairy brow wrinkles.

The lens is turned on a high-altitude airship.

The aged Bkewar is sitting on the throne of the airship. "Seven Dragon Balls will be able to achieve any wishes?"

"Well! It's this!" It's just that the Bike is opposite the Pilar, "The Demon Hordes, must your desire must conquer the world?"

"Hey! Conquer this kind of thing is easy to rely on me, there is no need to rely on Dragon Ball!" The Big Demon King Poutique, "I want youth forever, if you have achieved this wish, I will always rule forever. This is the world! Wow hahaha ... "

1120 chapter, Bick gang

"The big magic hunt" "Piraff smashed his hands," Your idea is really good, but ... that ... I found a seal your rice cooker, and saved you, I also tell you. Dragon Ball's secret ... "

"What do you want to say?" The Bike interrupts Pilaf's flocci.

Pilaf touched the brain spoon, carefully replied: "No! In fact, there is nothing big, I just ... I only hope that you can give me half of the world in the future ... I also tell you that the world's martial artists have gathered in the world. This requirement, this requirement is not too much! "

"Well?" The Bike did not show Poraf.

"Ah!" Pilafman is full of sweating, the percentage of the Bike is not a small can afford, "Then this, the world is one-third, no! Quarter One is enough! "

"I will consider!" Bick finally opened.

"Well ... Ok! I am waiting for your good news!" Piraff made a breath.

"Hey! Martialist!" Bike's eyes, I saw the rice cooked that I used to seal him, "I seized me in this strange thing with that weird trick!"

bass! Bike suddenly widened his eyes, two golden light shot from his eyes!

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