The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1182 of the Chapter 1182 of the Prince of Tennis

! The rice cooker is smashed by these two golden light!

"I must kill this world all the powerful martial artists!" Bike is cold, do not bring a feeling of feelings.

"Ah ... I wish you success ..." Pilafman was scared by the movement of the Bike.

The lens returns to the background of the Milou Venue Wudao Temple.

"Ah! I understand why he takes away the flower name of the Wudo Temple!" Turtle fairy is flashing in the brain, "because he is afraid of magic sealing waves! Bike is afraid of which day will show him a magic seal Seal it! "

"Original ... It turned out to be like this, as long as you get the roster, you can find all the powerful martial artists!" The mirror male referee exclaimed.

"That is to say he wants to kill the martial artist who is famous for all flowers?" Tianjin rice was also surprised.

"It should be the case!" The turtle fairy nodded.

The lens returns to the avian castle of Pairman and Bike.

A pair of wings behind a wings is holding the roster of Dragon Ball and the first martial arts of the world to the front of the Bike.

"The king, I have already got the dragon ball and the roster!" The migraper slowly.

"Oh!" Bike grabbed the dragon ball in front of you, I went to you. I wonder why he had a very familiar feeling in his heart. Let's! "

"This is this! Very good!" Pilar revently smile.

"There is also a roster of the participants in the world's first martial arts meeting in the last ten years! When I grab, I just put together with this bead!" The magist lifted a list.

"Very good! Take people in the roster to the wall! You also help!" Bike turned to Pairman.


Snapped! Snapped! The monster began to tear off the characters on the roster, each page is a contestant of the world's first martial art.

"Well, this little bald head has been killed by me, this work is also a master?" The mismor directly torn directly into the pages of Clin.

"Very good!" After the passed, Bike came to the avatar of all the martial artists on the wall of the air fortress, "all killed all the people on the roster! In addition, all people who dare to fight my Brochure are also passing. Kill! "

"Do you understand? I still have something to find Dragon Ball!" Bike cold channel.

"Yes!" The Magic and Pilafman headed his head.

"Tanli! You continue to hunt the martial artist!" Bike ordered.

"Follow!" Tamburi is the name of the magist.

"The big devil, who is going to collect Dragon Ball?" Asked in the hands behind the body.

"Add another tactics, let him collect!" Tryed back.

"This is afraid that it is not correct! If you take physical ovulation, you will accelerate aging, I am worried that I haven't collected Dragon Balls, you just ..." Bike hurriedly reminded.

"Reassured, my magic is still enough to support me a few times!" Bike started to understand the spell, his stomach suddenly started to rise, then the forehead blue, full of sweat.

"Vomiting ... vomiting ..." The last Bark spit out a ball from his mouth, it looks very disgusting, see Piraff, a man jump.

Flush, the ball is out of the ground.

"Call ..." is a crude gas, and it is obviously not small.

"Wake up! I give you a name for Sinbaru!" The bit is just falling.

Snapped! Snapped! A new magist who is unusually large, she is broken from the ball, and it is also a pair of wings behind it, it looks more awkward.

"Xinbaru, have you awake?"

"Yes! The Daguang Hall!"

"Your mission is to collect the remaining six dragon balls, speed is fast!" Bike cooled.

"Yes!" The new mismuth nodded.

"Hey! You, where is the next dragon bead?" Bike asked Pilarife.

"Ah! The nearest thing is ..." Pilaf pointed to the highlight of the top of a globe on the top of the dragon tolerance.

Have to say, the ability of Pilaf inventive is still nice, although Dragon Bao Radad is not as good as Burma's Dragon Bao Lada, but the position of Dragon Ball is more.

"Well! I already know the position!" The mismuth is nodded.

"Very good! You two now!" Bik refers to the two magistrates in front of the body.


The ground of the air fortress slowly opened, and the two mons flew out from the air fortress.

The lens is transferred to the turtle house.

The turtle fault took Tianjin rice and dumplings (Wang Quan), returned to the Turtle Tower, and now things have developed to this point, Tianjin rice is also unable to take care of the teacher.

"You mean that you can achieve any wishes as long as you collect seven Dragon Balls?" Tianjin has a little surprised.

"Yes! But once I only achieve a wish, we can let Clin resurrect!" Burma replied, "the long-winding of the game is the wish of the Indian uncle.

"However, this enemy is very difficult, the power of the Bike Dawn is not what we can confront, we should first let the dragon will destroy the Bike!" Yamu Tea puts forward his own view.

"No, in this case, the body of Clin is rotten!" Oolong shakes his head, "With the strength of the long wind, you should be able to defeat the big devil!"

"Oh, this is relieved! I will make a refrigerated capsule to refrigerate the body of Clin!" Burma hurriedly.

Chapter 1121, looking for a wrong person

At this time, there was a news in the TV machine, before participating in the Num of the first martial arts meeting in the 21st, that is, the guy who gave him the capsule water was killed.

And the site left a note written with the magic word.

"Ah!" The people of the Turtle Tuena heard that this news was a glimpse.

"Wat, the Bick Demon has begun to act!" Yamu Tea was shocked, "the martial artists on the roster are very dangerous, we must notify them quickly!"

"But the roster has been stolen by them, and we still don't know where the Box is located, so I don't know who is on the roster!" Turtle fairy drops cold sweat.

"If you report the news of the Teka Devil through the TV station, it will cause panic in the world ... It's really awkward!" Tianjin dinner held his fist.

"Well! If you are here, we are very dangerous, first move again!" Turtle fairy turned to look Burma, "Burma, how long does it take to be a new Dragon Bao Rada?"

"It takes at least half a day!" Burma replied.

The turtle fairy nodded, "Half day ... good! You will do one as soon as possible, after the radar makes it, we must fully collect Dragon Balls, can't let the Big Dawns get!" - 210-

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