The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1186 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"Dragon Box!" The night grew up, and the emptime played a punch to the Bka Daw.

! The dragon scream immediately resounded through the sky, a huge blue long dragon poured out from the night's fist.

Its whole body is lifelike, just like the real god dragon, even the scales on the body are one floor, it looks an unusual mighty.

call! The blue long dragon plate whistling directly fled the abdomen of the Broad Devil!

Then it is a huge explosion, and the space in the entire square is swallowed by the hot waves produced by the explosion.

The Mi Lang soldiers who hid behind the big tree have not figured out what happened, and they were blown out.

The Backer's prince is bombed only a first half, or a full of coke, the whole body is rotten.

If it is a general earth man who has been hit by the impact of the impact, the Big Demag is condensed with all the vitality of his alien, and the system is finally reluctant. Pick up.

But the life is also at the end, his body function is completely destroyed, and the magic is exhausted!

"Uncomfortable!" The night long wind came to the front of the Box of the Box, and then took the four-star dragon ball from him.

"There is someone to defeat my Broad Devil!" The Bark's face has been completely rotten, can't see his expression, but the night grows can imagine that the Bike should be a unbelievable look.

"Little ghost, you are really very powerful, but our magic ... won't be destroyed!" Bik's mouth.

"You can die!" Night is lazy and the Bike is relieved, and one foot is directly on the Bike's residue.

Boom, the Bike is directly stepped into the pair of mud.

At this time, the original green forest has become a corpus, the night long is turned to leave, and the right hand shows Dragon Bao Rada.

"Well! The murderer has been solved, and then find the Dragon Ball resurrection Clin!" The night is holding the button of the top of the Dragon Ball 867 Radar.

"Hey? The other five dragon balls gathered together ... Someone is collecting Dragon Ball?" The night's body rose slowly, and then started to fly at the position of the five dragon balls.

Night wind did not notice that after he flew away, the dirt of the Bike's body poured a meat [ball], the meat [ball] is still beating, just like a heart.

"Ah! What is the explosion? It is so exaggerated!" Yacum tea pointed to the airship window.

"I don't know! But there is just the position of the last two dragon balls!" Tianjin meal.

"Well! It seems that what happened!" Turtle fairy finally summed up.

Snapped! Suddenly, a moving shadow suddenly squatted on the turtle cactus.

"What, is you!"

"Ah! Who?" Everyone was shocked, and then I immediately saw it, and I was relieved.

"It's the long wind, it's great! You are not dead!" Burt is excited.

"Haha, it is really long!" Everyone is excited, and the airship slowly landed.

After landing, everyone jumped out of the airship and got together again.

"Teacher Wu Tian, ​​are you going to collect Dragon Ball?" Asked the night before the wind.

Chapter 1125, all resurrection

"Yes, we have collected five dragon balls! The last two left, should be on the Box Demon!" The turtle fairy frown.

"Do you say these two?" The night's wind and right hand, which showed two dragon balls.

"Ni!" Everyone has grown up, "How do you get it?"

"Oh! A one is got there in a savage warrior, another one ... is from the Bick Dawdess!" Night's waves casually.

"What ... What? Bacheon?" Turtle fault and everyone are surprised to rise, "How is the long wind, how did you grab the Dragon Ball from the Bick Demon?"

"Kill him not! Just helping the Clin to revenge!" The night is very angry.

"You ... do you really kill the Bachelor of Devil?" The turtle fairy was shocked in the ground.

"Ah, it's not too strong!" The night was very windy, and I was still unfair. "I still want to play with him, but I think that they kill Klin, I am very angry, no Be careful, I didn't expect that the Bike had the magist of his hand, not very much! "

"Enchanting! Absolute enchantment!" At this time, everyone came in this thought, and was regarded as a difficulty of defeating in a sandbag in the night length of the eye.

"Don't say this? We have now collected seven dragon balls, just put the rest of the Clin!" Night long wind turned to Burma, "Klin's body? Is there a good preservation, I am going too Urgent, forget this important thing! "

"Don't worry, I have already made the ice warehouse capsule to hide the clin!" Burt is a bit proud of.

"Oh! Ice warehouse capsules, this thing is good!" The night's wind is bright, and then said, "Burma, I will do more, I am useful!"

"OK! Little things!" Burma nodded.

I heard the news of the Brochure killed by the night, and the big stone in the hearts, the mood is good.

After that, everyone took the airship and returned to the island where the Turtle fairy house.

After picking up the five dragon balls of the turtle fairy, plus two of themselves, and the noction of the seven dragon balls on the air in front of it.

It has already summoned two gods, and the night grows is already a light car.

bass! After the seven Dragon Balls gathered together, as always, the shining.

boom! Seven Dragon Balls flew together in the air, then a Qinglong drilled from the light, and the sky became a dark.

"It's really god dragon. ▉ ▉!" Yamu tea and Tianjin rice and dumplings and others still saw the dragon, and the face was exposed.

bass! Qinglong hovered in the air, floating in the top of everyone.

"You have any desire, no matter what wish, I can help you!" Shenlong's eyes flashed a red light, "but only one!"

"Burma, open the frozen warehouse!" The night long turns turned his head command.

Then he said loudly, "resurrect all people killed by the Brake Gang!"

Night lives have been careful. Since the god can resurrect, the night grows simply let him resurrect all people killed by the Magic King of the Bicker and his hand, including those killed martial artists.

"I can help you realize this wish!" Shenlong donated! Then both longan are red light.

Suddenly, the Klin lying in the frozen warehouse opened his eyes, a pair of doubts.

"Good!" Everyone cheered.

At the same time, the martial artists and innocent masses killed by the Boxer from all over the world are resurrected, and new students will be retrained.

"Well, your wish I have already realized it!" Shenlong bowed his eyes and then turned it again as a seven light, dispelled from different directions.

The sky will restore the Qingming, and the night long wind does not go to the Dragon Ball that fly away. The Dragon Ball on the earth can have no wind, if needed, the direct collection is the same, anyway, there is Dragon Bao Lada, with night The strength of the long wind collects Dragon Ball is a minute.

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