The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1187 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"Ah! Changfeng, you kill the Big Demago, it is really amazing!" Klin listened to the matter of this series.

"Haha, Klin, you should really strengthen cultivation, actually killed by the waste monster under the hand of the Bick Dawdess!" Night long wind smiled.

"Cut ... you think it is like you," everyone is showing despised eyes.

"Well ... The big king of the Bike is coming out, it seems that Begitta should be fast to the earth!" The night grew in the eyes.

Although now he looks on the earth, it is invincible. The big king is just a spike, but the night is very hard to know, with its own combat power, if Beggi Tower comes to the earth, the earth is only finished!

He can hide into a small world, but others can't do it.

And when it is time, the superhen system will be released, it is very likely to be related to Bergi, if there is no combat power with Beji Tower, it is certainly from hell to hell.

Night costumes don't want to be ignored by portrait toys.

Excted that only the property panel you can see, the night-length wind sweeps your own combat power is 713!

In the case of the night, the long wind does not stop practicing Qigong day and night, it has been raised to more than 700, but this is far from enough.

Night long wind will hopes all the number of draws he got.

"Five times! Although it is already enough, I still feel that it is not enough!" The night's wind shook his head, five times a lot of lottery saw a lot, but if you didn't smoke something, night hard The growth of combat is limited.

"Well! I also need more lottery!" The night grew fleet out of the task bar, which is empty, and the superhen system has not released a new task (good).

"Hey ... It seems that only the earth is looking for places to improve the combat power now, then waiting for the next task of the superhen system!" The night was sighed.

Night long winds discovering that their combat power is too slow, and there is no speed at which there is no one of the Sairai servant owners.

This is actually mainly because of the night-catching Sairai's blood is too thin. To reach the talents of the Saiyan, the night grows need to be other Sairai's bloodline talents.

That is to say, other Saiyan blood is added to yourself, of course all night long winds don't know.

"Changfeng, what is going on next?" The turtle fairy turned his head asked the night.

"Teacher Wu Tian, ​​do you know what can I have a place to improve the combat power?" The night is asked directly. It seems that the turtle cactus live for so long, it should be a variety of mystery on the earth. There is a understanding of it.

1126 chapter, rushing to Tianjie

"This is ... with the strength of your current, you only go to the sky, according to what I know is the most mysterious place on the earth!" The turtle fairy squats.

"Tianjie?" Everyone was surprised, Kllin took the head to take the head, "Wu Tian teacher, is there any place?"

"Of course! I listened to the Kalin fairy, not only there is a heaven, but there is a god in the heavens!" Turtle fair replied.

"God ... Wusian teacher, you are not kidding, how can this be a unreal person?" Klilin and others are big.

"Well ... It's probably a person like a cat's god stick!" The night's style nodded.

"Well! Since this, the anti-hyperincidence system has not released the task, go see it!" Night long wind decided to personally go to the so-called Tianjie.

"Teacher Wu Tian, ​​where is the Tianjie?" Night long wind asked.

The turtle fairy looked up and looked at the distance. "I don't know this, but I am from the Karn Cactors I heard the heaven, so Karin fairy should know!"

"Well! If this is the case, I will start!" The night's long wind turned around everyone, "Who is going?"

This time, the night is not knowing to practice, he still wants to drive others. Everyone here is the fighting power on the earth, although there is no comparability with the Saayans, but more power is always good. of.

And in the eyes of the night, the potential of the Earth should be infinite. According to the night's own experience, open the body's imprisonment, anyone can get the strength of the cosmic person.

This requires very powerful talent and firm cultivation of perseverance.

"Heaven? Interest! I have to go! I don't want to be too far from you!" Tianjin dollars clarified.

"I have to go!" Kelin and Yamu tea sound, they certainly didn't want to backward.

"And me!" Burma has already used the reduction of the table to be small into the clothes of the night, and the night's wind shakes and also takes no good way to take Burma.

"Okay, let's go!" The night-catching party took the turtle cactsu's capsule motorboat and rushed to the Carin Santa Tower.

Carlin holy land.

"Wow! Good high column!" Clin looked up at the stone column that did not see his head in front of him.

"Here is the Carlin Santa Tower, the cat fairy is above, let's go!" After the long wind turns, fly directly.

Tianjin rice and dumplings are also used to fly to the top of the Karin San Tower after the night length.

"Hey! Changfeng, what do we do?" Ke Lin quickly responded.

"Haha, Klin, you and Yamu tea climbed up from stone pillars!" The night is smirked with Tianjin rice and dumplings to disappear in the sight of the two.

"I will be evil! I will fly, I am gone!" The beginning of Klling drums and Yamu tea climbs along the stone column.

The two now have a hard practice and war, and the combat power is in the top of the earth, and the speed of climbing the stone column is also quite fast. It is not more slow than the night long wind and others.

Of course, the night's wind does not fill all the way. For the dance air, the exquisiteness of night long wind is much stronger than Tianjin rice and dumplings.

After three hours, the night-catching and a party finally reached the pavilion of the top of the Carnant Tower.

"Shi ... call ... I am exhausted, this high tower is really high!" Kelin sat on the ground and didn't stop the gas, and the Yamu tea is fine.

Tianjin rice and dumplings continuous upward flying also cost a lot of vitality in the body, and the forehead is also exuded out of hard sweat.

Only when the night grows, he uses the vitality of the dance air to consume very little, plus the night's strength is one of the strengths, so it is very easy to fly to this place.

"Stinky boy, don't tell you, don't come back, I have no fairy bean!" The cat fairy appeared in front of everyone. "This time I have so many people, what do you want to do?"

"Oh, the old cat! It is better to have a good thing in the near future!"

"You don't come, it is best!" The cat fairy is very speechless.

"But the words come back, you actually defeated the Bachel Devil, this is really a bit surprised!" The cat is suddenly a sudden.

"Oh? You all know this!" The night is laughing.

"Of course, I am a cacto! There is no thing I don't know in the end!" The cat cactus is dissatisfied.

"Tell us where the heavens are there?" Night long wind asked.

··· ▉ ▉

The cat fairy looks up and chest, "Tianjie is in ..."

"Wait ... Your kid is a set of me!" The cat's fairy is dissatisfied. "

"Wow! It turns out that there is a heaven!" Clin et al. Excited, it was originally unbelieited to have the existence of this place.

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