The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1188 of the Chapter 1188 of the Prince of Tennis

"The heavens are of course existing, and there are still God, and the dragon balls you collect are manufactured by God!" Cat fairy slowly.

"Dragon ... Dragon Ball creator?" Everyone is big, "people who can make Shenlong are God?"

"What god, I see the god stick is almost!" The night is long, "the old cat has been nonsense, hurry to tell us where the sky is?"


"This is ..." The cat fairy suddenly took a meal, stretched out [out] The cat claws were erected, "" Only the talents I recognized are qualified to see God, he must be brave and strong, and the soul is pure! "

"Your kid is not in line with this condition ... The little friends you bring will be verified!" The cat fairy slowly.

"Pure you a big ghost!" The night long wind came to the cat cactus, and started to pull the cat's face, "the old cat, you don't say it!"

"Ah! The long wind is so bold to the immortal ..." The next choice and others look at it. When the Turtle fairy house, the turtle fairy must respect the Carlin Cactus, and the night is It is not allowed to be used up.

"Pain ... pain!" The cat fairy called two times, "Your kid let go! The temple is above!"

"Top?" The night is loose, and the cat is blushing.

"Yes! Temple floats over the sky of the Carin Santa Tower!" The cat fairy smashed her face, "I am afraid of your little child, it is my gratitude ..."

"I can't see anything?" Kling ran to the edge of the pavilion, looking up, all white clouds, nothing.

"Of course, I can't see it. The Temple is in a very high sky, I can't see it from here!" The cat cactus replied.

"Then we fly, Tianjin rice, dumplings you pull one, pull the Klin and Yamu tea!" Night long wind turned to the people.

"No problem!" Tianjin rice and dumplings nodded.

1127 chapter, black wave

"It's okay to fly, the temple has a protective cover, and everything will be bomb it!" Cat fairy added.

"What a shit protective cover, I will break it in a while!" The night's wind flew directly, Tianjin rice and dumplings also took Yamu Tea and Clin to follow the night length.

Everyone directly flying towards the high altitude above the Calin Santa Tower ...

"The stinky boy is really chaotic!" The cat fairy looked up at the back of everyone, "these guys see that God will probably be shocked ..."

The crowd flew over more than half of it disappeared, and a black spot became constant in the top of everyone.

"Ah! There is really something above!" Klin shouted.

"Well! Is this the temple?" Night long wind flew in the forefront, swept a huge disc platform, "It's great! How is this thing stopped in the air?"

"" One zero seater "followed me!" The night's wind turned his head to Tianjin rice and dumplings under the body.

"Well!" The two nodded and chased the night.

A rumor, the night long wind is covered with a blue mask, and then fly directly to the top of the high platform.

From top to bottom, the night length can clearly feel that there is a golden shield on the disc, which is the so-called temple protective cover in the Cat fairy.

"Give me!" The night's wind turns directly in the air, then it is extremely sloppy.

The whole person is like a meteor, directly with the body to break the golden protective cover of the Temple, and then landed on the high platform.

Tianjin Rice and other four are also slowly landed on the high platform after night length.

I forgot to go, the whole high platform is quite broad, and there is still a missed palace.

Moreover, the ground under the foot is spreading with marble, it looks very luxurious, at least sells the name of the temple.

"Wow! Here is the temple, it is beautiful!" Burma drilled out from the arms of the night, recovered his body with a reduced table.

The hole in the mask that has just been broken by the night, it is still slow to close, and the space of the temple is very sufficient.

"Well! It is indeed a good cultivation!" Night is very satisfied.

There is also enough air in the hood in the temple, and it is not because of the oxygen in the sky, so Burma can also survive in the temple, there is no problem.

"Hey! Hello!" Suddenly a whole body black-style Indian A San is in front of everyone.

"Ah! I really have people!" Kling asked in surprise, "Are you a God?"

"No! I am not a sense of God, I am a servant of God, I am called!" Laughing, then turned to look at the night.

"You are a person who defeated the Brochure? It's great!" praise.

"Oh? Do you know this?"

"Yeah! God is ignorant!" He replied, "God already knows you, so send me to test you!"

"Test?" Everyone is facing doubt.

"Yes! You have to be more than helping, you can see God!" Some excitement, "your strength is very strong, I want to fight with you!"

"Good! Then I will come first!" I didn't wait for the night, and Klin jumped directly to the opposite.

"Can you start?" Kllin stepped on and put a attack on the ground.

"Yes!" "The sound of the sound is just, the figure of Clin will disappear in place.

"What about people?" launched his hands.

"Oh! Here!"

The , . .. . .

"Ah!" Kelin screamed and was flying to the ground.

"Hey! Hit!" Smiled.

"Hey! It happened, you must be your luck! Let's come again!" Kelin is very uncomfortable to dance, then rush again, this time is faster.

"I want to defeat you!" Klin a boxing chest.

! The left hand is exhibited, and the Klin has not hit it and has been knocked over the ground.

"Ah! Hao pain!" Klin looked at the forehead, and the whole forehead was swollen.

"You are really useless, do you really defeat the Bachelor of Devils?" I asked some questions.

"What are you doing, Klin! Beat this black baby!" Burma shouted.

"This person is so strong!" Tianjin rice and Yamu tea were all angle.

"I am evil! I dare to look at me!" Julin gathered up, then madly rushing, this time is a flying foot.

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