The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1189 of the Chapter 1189 of the Prince of Tennis

A pity, the third time was tipped in the ground ...

Now the Kllin is not a righteous opponent, and when the night length is estimated, the combat power at this time should be more than 200, and the combat power is doubled than Klin, how can Clin may be a righteous opponent.

"Can be evil!" Kelin wiped the blood from the corner of the mouth and stood up again.

"You don't have to test, your strength is good, but you will not use it, next!"

"I am coming!" Tianjin rice took off his coat and slowly came out.

As a result, it is better than Klin, but Tianjin rice still has no victory.

Then Yahu tea and dumplings are also soon, and the fighting power is not only strong, but the use of gas is much better than the four people.

The time of the four people is not a long, although the talents are high, but its combat experience is still very insufficient, and many times will waste a lot of physical strength and vitality.

"Ah, this is a great!" Burma saw four people who were constantly sitting on the ground.

"Okay, let you be alone now!" He turned his head and looked at the night, "You should be the most powerful!"

"You don't try it!" The night's body suddenly disappeared.

I am widened, and he found that he could not capture the night length.

"This is impossible ..." The sound of the voice did not fall, and the night-long punch is already on the back of the .

A loud noise, 1.0 is directly slammed, and the body directly crashed into several stone pillars of the Temple.

"It's so strong! No wonder the Bachelor of Devil!" The slow flying back, he knew that the night's stay is in love, or it is likely to be tied directly to the body.

"Okay! If you are qualified! Go to God!" He said to everyone.

"Okay! It is still very good!" Burma cheered.

He turned around the palace that is not far away, and the night's wind and a party also followed.

When everyone came to the gate of the gorgeous palace, a black shadow came slowly from the door.

"Is it God?" Everyone turned into a look, "I don't know what the height is like ..."

And everyone in the next second is stunned, and the look of God is unexpectedly!

Chapter 1128, the Temple of Temple

In front of everyone, the so-called God is actually exactly the same as the Bki Demon, but it is called the magic word on the windbreaker.

"Ah! It is the king of the Bike!" Kling screamed, "Changfeng, why he is still dead!"

"This guy is not a Bike, the body feels different!" The night was shrugged.

"Hey! You are a young man who defeated Bick!" The god swept a night, "Bik and I have been one, but I am not a Broad Devil, what he does and I have There is no relationship! "

"What is going on?" Everyone is a woman's doubt. The 'God' in front of me looks like the Bki Demon, but it is much more than a lot.

"I am like you, I have heard that there is a god in this world, I have a thousand people come here! Unfortunately, God will die ... I want to be a successor of God, but God has always disagree, although he knows no one More than I am stronger! "Bike Tiandhen explained.

"God will die? Successful?" Everyone heard more confused.

The night is also a mouth, "The previous God will not be a cat bar 31 ... Searly is also a god stick!"

"The God saw a trace of evil in my heart, saying that it is the reason why I blocked my progress, so I worked hard from the evil, and the evil thought eventually became a Bicard! "Bike God continues to explain.

"Finally, I became a new God, but the Big Demago ran to the huge disaster, I am very sad! But now you defeated Bick, as a thank you, I can let you practice in Tianjie Help you improve the strength! "God said to the night long.

"That day, why don't you go to solve the Bkka Devil, but let him be Huzu?" Burma didn't intend to ask a key issue.

"This ..." Hey frowned.

"What you mean is that you are in fact and the big king of the Bike, kill the Bachelor of Devil, you will die!" Night long-winding.

"Ni!" Everyone is a surprise, "How can this possible!"

"Cough ..." Heaven's cough has two times. "You said yes, although you kill the Box Dawei, this evil thinking is not completely destroyed."

"what do you mean?"

"Yes! The new Bike Demon has been reborn, and because you kill the relationship between the Brake's Devil, this newborn Bike has endless hate, its factories will be more powerful!" The God explained.

"Newborn Big Demon ..." The forehead of all the foreheads were desolate.

"Well ... this is already a problem, as long as we practice it here than the newborn Bacon Demon King is good!" The night's long face does not matter.

He didn't put the Bick Demon King in his heart.

The most important thing now is to enhance the combat power of ourselves and the Clin and others. As for the new bike, the night length is completely considering.

"Refining is better than the newborn Big Demon, can we do?" Kelin looked at the fist who had grown, and killed by the Magic people under the hand, let the Clin are worried, self-confidence It has been greatly as good as before.

"You can do it!" The night's mouth is slightly tight, turned to look at the God, "these guys gave you, God!"

"What about you? You don't accept my guidance?" God has some doubts.

"Oh ..." The night is laughing. "No one can guide me on this earth, including your so-called God ..."

"You!" Hey, "This kid and the legend are as arrogant!"

It is not that the night is not a arrogance, and he is really teaching, and the fighting power of the night is now in a moment of killing this so-called God.

"Your place is really a good place!" The night is directly rising in this temple.

Feel these four weeks of enemies, the night's wind opens every capillary hole on the body's skin, crazy absorbing the vitality in this temple.

This temple is called the heaven, although it is a bit exaggerated, but the concentration of the vitality is really a fairly horror, saying that it is not possible if it is the sky.

Everyone looked up at the night long, sitting in the air. At this time, the night's long wind is a golden starlight. He has a touch of golden long flowers in his body.

This kind of cultivation and absorption of the vitality, everyone has never seen, it looks very vast.

"Changfeng this guy is still cultivating the madness, saying it back, is this moving quiet?" Kelin couldn't help but Tao.

"Well! You come with me!" The god looked up at night, and the heart was sigh, and the night's wind didn't be mortal.

In addition to the night grow, everyone came to the palace with God.

God began to teach yourself to the Kellin's understanding, and a hundred boring Burma is a mechanical room in the Hall of the Temple.

Soon everyone is entering their respective busy states, especially at night, sitting in the upper sky, there is no way.

Night winds and even never hungry, keep absorbing the heavens in the temple in the temple, and then the continuous 180 compression compression is compressed.

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