The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1190 of the Chapter 1190 of the Ultra God of Tennis Prince

I don't know how long it is.

Ding! Night Surrounded by the superhen system prompts in the brain to interrupt the perfect cultivation state.

"What is it, I will get it at a point!" Night-long winds complained about the superhen system.

"Trigger the main line task: win the champion of the first martial arts in the 23rd

Task Level: Blue Task

Mission Reward: A lot of draws plus one

Failure punishment: Randomly delete a skill from the user

Systematic evaluation: The huge danger is approaching, please quickly enhance your combat power! "

"Oh? I went to the world's first martial art. How long is I practicing?" When the night is in practice, there is no time concept, so he doesn't know how long it has been cultivated.

"Well! This task and no difference in the last time, it is bored!" The night is dissatisfied, "But there is a lot of lottery, I am must go! Log in to the earth from the Saiyan The days should not be far away! "

At this time, the night's wind has accumulated five lottery times. It is not used once. It is waiting for the Baggiita and others to come to the Earth. In this case, the probability that can smoke the good thing can be more .

1129 chapter, reunion

Needle the vitality in your own body, the vitality of the night, the vitality is very considerable, and its density is much higher than before.

Night wind can be clearly feeling that if you use it now, the movement of the moving power is more than ten times more than before.

Exhabeled your property panel, looked up at night, and his combat power is already broken, reaching 1022.

This kind of practice is just a rocket ratio before it is, which is of course to be attributed to the ultra-high energy concentration in the temple.

"Yes!" The night is slowly opened, and the golden light ejected in the eyes is even penetrating the clouds outside the temple.

Snapped! Slowly falling on the marble ground of the Temple, the night long style is holding double boxing, and it feels unprecedented.

The night long-term cultivation is now, it is a small, which is the feeling of being bound by the world space law of the Dragon Ball.

Just at this time, the Kllin, a party is also gone from the Temple, and everyone can't believe their eyes.

"Wow! Changfeng, you finally come down!" Klin and others rushed over.

"Well? Klin, how do you grow taller!" The night is a little doubtful, then turn to see Burma, "I am an illusion? Burt, your Ou Pai is much bigger than before!"

"I hate it!" Burt is a slight red hair, and I ran over and hug the night. "Your guy stayed in it for a year, it is really hate!"

Burma kept using a powder to smash the chest of the night, and the night grows is a bit happiest.

"I am going ... I don't know, I actually cultivate a year!" The night is slightly surprised.

"Yes! Wu Tianshan sent people to inform us that the first martial arts in the world will be extended, it will be held tomorrow! If you can't come down, we are so late!" Kelin touched the nose.

Night wind, this sweeps a granlish and other people.

Clin, Yamu Tea and Tianjin rice and dumplings, everyone is two eyes, the body is also more confident, it seems that they have not been idle in this year, they are hard practice.

"Everyone seems to have improved a lot." "Night is laughing.

"Of course, I will lose to you this final!" Tianjin rice silence.

"And me, I will not let you easily finalize!" Yamu tea also took the head.

At this time, God slowly flew, said to everyone: "The first year of practice is over, you should have a good harvest! Next is the first martial arts in the world!"

"God also knows the first martial arts in the world?" Klin shocked.

"Of course, and I know that this time the world's first martialo will also meet the newbus!" The words of God once again shocked the people.

"Hey ... Is it a revenge?" The night grew away, and the night grewer did not put the Bike in the eyes.

"Yes! Newborn Bike will be more terrible than old bike!" The God sighed, "When necessary, you can kill him directly, don't take me!"

"This ..." Clin and others followed the nation of the gods for a year, and he was very good at all times, and he also gave birth to the pourings learned. This made everyone very grateful to God.

They don't want God to die because of the relationship between Bike.

"Well! Let's see it again!" The night's wind swept a man, guess their minds.

In fact, the night's long wind does not want to kill the newborn bike, Bike as the potential of the universe, if you can pull it into your own camp, it is naturally the best.

"Well, time is not too early! We are still preparing, and immediately rushed to the world's first martial arts meeting!" After the wind and the heroes and waves [wave], rush to the world by the capsule The first martial art will be held.

Next day.

, Tiangong is not beautiful, the world's first martial art will actually have heavy rain at this time.

Blue Qi supports the umbrella and the Turtle Cactus standing in the registration office of the first martial arts in the world.

"Well?" The Turtle Cactus stopped watching a table.

"How come they haven't come yet?" Blue Qi face is also anxious.

"Blue Qi, you are more and more beautiful!" The voice of the night's wind suddenly came from the back of the Turtle Cactus.

When the two turned, the night's wind and a party appeared behind them.

Tianjin rice and dumplings are wearing raincoats with a fight, Klin and Yamu tea, Balma holds a blue big umbrella.

Night long winds have nothing, but the rain will not be close to the body, and the night long wind is weighing a layer of faint blue protective cover.

"With the vital gas to stop, this stinky boy's strength has increased a lot!" The one-handed one handlessly, let the turtle fairy are very surprised.

"Changfeng, Klin, you finally come back!" Blue hair blue Qi exposed sweet smile.

I have not seen a year, Blue Qi is more beautiful than before, and more women taste, and watching night is also bright.

"Oh! Klin, you are too tall!" The turtle fairy turned his head and sighed in his heart. "These kids seem to be less than a small!"

"Haha, Wu Tian teacher, you still have the same spirit as before!" Ke Lin touched the bald head and laughed.

A group of people gathered again, everyone's mood is great, and the sky is also clear, and the rain stops.

"Well, time is not too early! You first sign up!" Turtle fair reminded.

"Oh! Yes, I almost forgot this!" Night live wind does not want to waste this opportunity, and each lottery is very precious for night-long winds.

This time, the turtle fairy did not participate in the identity of Jackie Cactus, he knew that he would be able to toss itself, and the Yangtze River pushed the waves, a generation of newcomers won old people.

The era has changed, (Zhao Zhaohao) said that the Turtle Cactus of the God of Martial Arts is already in the past.

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