The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1192 of the Chapter 1192 of the Prince of Tennis

"I am really dead, but I am resurrected now, I spent a lot of time!" The peach is white and cold, "is a revenge!"

"Who is this guy?" Klin didn't know peach white.

"This guy is the brother of the Hexian. I used him before, I didn't expect him to resurrect!" The night is cold and looking at the mechanic peach.

"What? There is still this kind of thing!" Klin and Yamu tea were surprised.

"Hey! I spent all the savings of the killer, so that the world's top scientists have created a new body for me!" The peach is white, "the little son, you are dead! I It's a big better than before! "

1131 chapter, rebel battle

"Night long wind! You must pass the qualifier, so I can tear you with all the people in the martial art!" After the peach is finished, turn to Tianjin rice.

"Then it is you, Tianjin! You dare to betray the teacher's disciple of the turtle cactus, you this traitor!" Peach white cold channel.

"I am not a disciple of Turtle Cactors, I just think that you are taught to us!" Tianjin rice is reversed.

"Hey! You are also preparing to be dead!" Peach is white.

"Waste is always waste, and the vest wearing a robot thinks it is strong?" The night long-faced horns emerged, "Tianjin rice, this guy will give you!"

"Okay! This guy will give it to me, not only for myself, but also for dumplings! I have to defeat him!" Tianjin meal sink.

"Hey! The stink of stink is still so arrogant, we walked!" The peach is turned to leave the ring.

After that, the night-length wind and a party also looked at the Bike's game. Bas basically a shot against the opponent, did not see the bottom of the Bike.

However, it can be determined that the newborn Bike is much stronger than the old bike, the night grows can effectively feel the gas on him.

The competition of each qualifier is very fast, and each group has a strong player.

The first life of the night is killed from the qualifiers, promoted to the race.

Next, Tianjin Rice and Clin and Yamu Tea are almost simultaneously completed the qualifier.

Then, the opponent's opponent Bac and the mechanical peach white is quickly advanced to the race.

"Wow! The girl is also promoted!" Clin is surprised to call.

The beautiful beauty of the cheongsam of the front and night long-faced faces is even more powerful.

The last promotion is a uncle with glasses. Everyone has never seen this person, and I don't know how he will advance.

"Well! The eight race players have now been produced. Please take the qualified player to come over!" The familiar sunglasses men's referee appeared again.

Like the last process, the ink mirror male referee took a lottery box. "Please draw it in turn!"

"I am coming first!" Klin first got the past.

"Wow, you are scared by the male referee." You are not dead? ... Do I see ghost? Don't kill me, I don't have the relationship with me ... "

The mirror male referee looked at the magist and killed the Kedlin, but now Klin is still in front of him, how does it not let the Mirror men fearful, he thought he saw the ghost.

"Haha, I am not a ghost! I am resurrected!" Ke Lin smiled.

After the lottery ceremony, the first round of the first round of the first arms road in the 23rd world was coming out.

Peach white white against Tianjin rice, the night's fighting, the anemia, that is, the previous cheongsam beauty.

In addition, Kelin pumped into the new bike, and Jacmu tea pumped with the uncle of the glasses, the name is called Shen.

"It's a regret, dumpling is eliminated!" Turtle cactus ran to the background of the competition and the night-lived people.

"But everyone is still good!" Blue Qi smiled.

"This little fairy!" The night's wind sweeps a blue Qi, and the Blue Qi is more tasteful than before, and it is full of [tempering] person's breath.

"The guy who defeated dumplings is peach, it is really uncomfortable!" Ke Lin shook his head.

"Peach white? He is not killed by you, the long wind!" Turtle fair was shocked.

"He resurrected with the identity of the mechanic, but also very threatened to kill the long wind and Tianjin rice!" Yamu tea explained.

"Peach white ... This guy is not good to deal with it, he is quite understanding Tianjin rice!" The turtle fairy frowned.

"Don't worry! Peach white is a waste, he fame but Tianjin rice!" Night wind is very casual.

"This is a bit amazed!" Suddenly, there was another old man who came over.

"Hexian, is you!" Everyone was shocked.

"Hey! I saw these idiots, Turtle fool's stupid boutique! Don't say that I didn't remind you, before you haven't killed it, you are best to hurry! Otherwise ..." He fairy is clear.

"Old babies ... I have been a guy who is in the venue, what qualifications are there again!" Turtle fairy replied.

"You!" He fairy remembered that he was slammed by the turtle fairy, "Hey! How long have you been proud ... I have become a mechanic's peach white, I can't imagine the power, my And you still have to finish! "

··· ▉ ▉ ···

"Oh ... this old family is quite confident!" The night's long is disdainful, and the peach white is not within the scope of him.

Night wind is estimated that the peach white is dead, that is, there is no two hundred combat power, it is not the opponent of Tianjin rice at all.

It is necessary to know that Tianjin rice can be a year to cultivate the temple, and its combat power is too late.

"The game is about to start, please go to the Wushu Temple collection!" The broadcast sounded again.

"Okay! Go, remember not to force yourself, the opponents who have fails will give up, the maintenance strength is the most important!" Turtle fairy said.

"Yes!" Three people nodded, and then turned around to go back to Wudao Temple.

[... [..

"Come on, the long wind!" Burma and Blue Qi and Oulong and other people refueling.

Oolong guys also dressed in all the championships of the first martial arts will be the first martial art of the three people.

At this time, the entire competition is already the people of the people. The audience is everywhere. The first martial arts in the world will be more and more than a fire.

Many of them are all rushing at night, and they wear a unified night-hearted responses, they seem to have a little funny.

On the ring.

The mirror male referee took the microphone and saw so many viewers under the body. He was also quite excited. "Everyone everyone is good!"

"Good!" The scene cheered.

"Now, the first martial arts will be in the 23rd world ..." officially started! "The Mirror male referee announced the start of the game, ... ... The familiar sound, now there is a happy ocean.

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