The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1193 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

Many spectators also started the game of Wom, between the people, and the lives were very lively.

"Wow! Have a lot of people!" Kelin explored his head in the background.

"Oh, this person is nothing!" The night is laughing, he has experienced the 100,000 viewers in the audience, but not in this Dragon Ball World.

"I really have a lot of people, this time I must play well!" Yamu Tea clenched his fist, the first two games were stopped, let Yamu Tea's performance is very dissatisfied with their own performance.

He has always thought of playing with the night, and the first martial art of the world will be a good opportunity.

Chapter 1132, the first depend

"There is not much nonsense. Below is the first game of peach white players and the last runner-up Tianjin players debut! There is two people!" The male referee was high.

"Start!" The audience under the stage excitedly cheered.

In the channel of the player, Ke Lin holds the boxing of Tianjin rice: "Come on!"

Tianjin rice is todped, then the biggest meteor is going to the platform.

"Don't worry, I will not kill you now, first play you half dead, wait until I won the final champion, I will kill you with the boy!" Peach white and said after the Tianjin rice.

"Hey ... You don't know the terrible of the long wind!" Tianjin rice is very unlikely.

Above the platform, peach white and Tianjin meal.

"Who is the guy, looks like a terrible look!" The shape of the peach white robotically looks very embarrassed.

"Well! The first game is now ... Start!" The Mirror male referee announced that it jumped 31 sets, and there were two people in Tianjin and peach white.

Snapped! Both are simultaneously pose a posture, and the one-legged feet open.

"Well ... I started, I don't know how much this peach is white?" Ke Lin's eyes looked at the two people on the platform.

"Don't worry, Tianjin rice is much stronger than this waste!" The night is growing.

On the ring.

The , peach white left foot, directly to Tianjin rice, he first launched an attack.

Tianjin rice is back, and the figure is in the moment. He suddenly disappears in the original place, then come to the side of the peach white, and then a knife directly bombards the head of the peach white.

boom! Peach white is directly knocked down, and the ground of the ring has been intimate contact.

"Nani!" The Hexian under the ring is surprised, and he has not seen that he did not expect Tianjin to grow like this, and the speed will be faster than the previous world.

"Hey ..." The peach white is shaken, and his head is super high strength mechanical alloy, which makes his fight against the ability to be more than before.

"Hey ... Yes! Kid, you have improved a lot!" The peach white machinery is constantly shining to Tianjin rice.

"Peach white! Dumplings, I am too lazy to keep with you! Look at the copy of my elders, I advise you to abstain so good!" Tianjin cooled voice.

"Hey! You are not mad, you are still not my opponent!" The peach white voice just fell, Tianjin rice has disappeared in front of him!

After almost a moment, I came to peach white, Tianjin rice sound was cold, "I am much better than you think!"

"You ... When did you go to me?" Peach is shocked, then speed turning, then it is a continuous attack on Tianjin.

"Kid, you don't say eight! How can you be the opponent of my first killer!" Peach is stimulated by Tianjin rice, like a mad dog, a continuous attack of Tianjin.

"Drink! Ha! Ah!" Peach white is a playing feet and a swing, and Tianjin rice is only very casual, it is very easy to avoid all attacks of peach white.

"Go to death!" The peach white hand is a claw, directly grasping the head of Tianjin.

Snapped! Tianjin rice finally shot again. He immediately lifted his right hand, and slammed the left wrist of peach white.

"This ... How is this possible?" The craftsman under the ring will be full of sweating.

"Peach white! I don't want you to be too shameful, after all, when you and Hualian people start to teach me, you still quit!" Tianjin cold channel.

"Radust!" The peach is full of rush, and I will give up my own mechanical left hand directly.

After the white left hand dropped, it revealed a silver-rated steel thorn.

Tianjin meal, peach white with steel thorns directly.

! Tianjin's training suits were taken now!

"Ah! The Klin and Yamu tea in the background watching were surprised.

The night grows is disdainful, "it is a waste, or it is necessary to play a means!"

"Be careful!" The turtle cactus and Burma under the ring were also reminded.

"Distinguishes! The peach white player is penaltime! It is strictly forbidden to use any weapons in the game. I announced this game. The game is the victory of Tianjin, the mirror male referee is also big.

"Less nonsense! What rules are there! Hahaha! Tianjin rice, I want to kill you!" Peach white is already irritated.

"Yes, peach white is so dare! Put the turtle fairy to kill all the guys!" He fairy excitedly shouted.

"Tianjin rice, when do you want to play? For these guys, don't have to be in love!" Night wind.

"Ah!" Tianjin dinner nodded, "The long wind said that, these guys did not have a martial artist dignity, I am ashamed to Wu!"

! Tianjin rice directly grabbed his training suit, but also revealed the upper body of the muscles.

At this time, peach white twisted open his right arm, and a gun cartridge was out of the peach white right arm [out], directly aimed at Tianjin's chest, "Hey! Kid, you don't mad! I am now Use my secret weapon super hole to send you to hell! "

"Worse, the other party must use it!" The turtle fairy under the ring is a little worried. After all, the name of the first killer in the peach and white world is quite 920.

"Hey! You have no use soon, I have set up the tracking system, the Super Cave Wait has been tracking you until it is completely killed!" Peach white is full of confidence.

"Okay! Come! You come!" Tianjin meal loudly, the body is directly movable.

"The arrogant guy, I will send you to hell now!" The peach white right arm suddenly lit, "Super Cave!"

A huge golden light wave directly moves toward Tianjin!

"You are dead! Black!" He fairy was excited under the ring.

! At this time, Tianjin rice began to poured blue vitality, and he did not avoid anything.

"It's not to dawn, is he already asked?" Peach is a bit surprised.

"Drink!" When the peach white super hole is in front of Tianjin rice, Tianjin rice roar, the permanent voyage is also boiling in an instant.

! After the dazzling golden light and blue light, Tianjin rice still has no injury to the platform, and I have never moved.

"It's amazing!" The audience under the ring exclaimed.

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