The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1194 of the Chapter 1194 of the Prince of Tennis

"Peach white is the idiot, the cave wave is going to be more powerful, the greater the power, he actually dispersed the vitality. I don't know how this guy becomes the world's first killer, and the martial arts talent is low!" Night long wind I disdain my mouth in the background.

Chapter 1133, anonymous

"This is impossible! The bastard, actually blocked my super hole!" Peach white is not from the beginning of the independent.

! At this time, Tianjin has started, his body is like electricity, instantly coming to peach white, then a punch.

A loud noise, the peach white abdomen is directly thrown out of a big hole, and the machine parts are fragmented.

"Ah ... ah!" The peach white rose, and finally fainted directly on the ring.

"Actually ... actually knocked down ..." The crane fairy outside the ring was scared.

Tianjin rice lifts the peach white body, then jumping down the platform, throwing the peach white to the Hexian.

"You take him away, remember, don't let me see you again. Next time I will leave anything more!" Looking at the Tianjin rice, I finally put peach white and crane fairy.

"You forget the uncomfortable emotions!" He fairy took a peach and white running road, while he looked back.

"Wow! Tianjin rice, you are so powerful, a punch knocked down the world's first killer!" Kelin said to Tianjin rice.

Tianjin rice is not a reply, directly returning to the background, and obviously defeating his elders is not a happy thing for Tianjin rice.

"Kelin, Yamu tea, you don't bother Tianjin, let him quiet!" Night long-winding.

The mirror male referee jumped again on the ring.

"Every audience, I am sorry! It is more small accidents than Wu, and now the General Assembly will continue!" The ability to control the rhythm of the conference in the conference is still good. After all, it has organized a lot of experience, and experience is still very rich.

The audience under the ring did not be frightened, but it cheered for the wonderful performance of Tianjin.

"Well! The second game is now the champion night long player of the first martial arts meeting in the two sessions of the world!" The referee was announced by the microphone.

"Night long wind! Night long wind! Night long wind ~!" When he heard the news of the night's wind, the entire competition is boiling, and now there is a large half of the members of the Night Friendly Tourism, the momentum is very vast.

"Wow! Changfeng, your popularity is high!" Kelin said no envy.

"That is of course, the long wind is the two championships! This session is very chance to impact the gold badge, reach the three-gamement of the ancient people!" Yamu tea is attached to the side.

"Changfeng, playing!" Burma, etc. under the ring, is excited.

"And the opponent of the champion player's nightly wind is an anonymous person in the pre-selection, although it is a girl, but the strength is not a small! Anonymous player is not willing to publicly name, so we only have this called her!" Referee Explain.

"Now there is two players to play!" The referee shouted, and now the sounds sound at the same time.

The night's wind is directly on the platform. His opposite is the previous black straight cheongsam beauty. This time the cheongsam beauty puts the hair behind, and the shape of the single horse is also quite attractive.

However, this cute girl is now angry and watched at night, and his mouth is still lying, it seems that it is very dissatisfied with the night.

On the ring.

Night wind is very confused, watching the cheongsam beauty, "I know you?"

"Hey! Ask yourself!" The beauty of the cheongsam is very dissatisfied.

"Who is the girl?"

"It's really inexplicable!" The background of Klin and Yamu tea came and looked at the two people on the ring.

"Quickly, what is these two people doing?" Lan Qi under the ring became blonded state.

"Good cute girl ..." The turtle fairy is intoxicated.

The side of Burma is frowned, "What is the relationship between this girl and the long wind!"

"I don't know, I seem to have a fear of hat! Is it a girl who is surrequinked by Changfeng?" Which Pot is not open.

"Dead pig head! Shut up!" Burma was able to pinch the old pig ears of Oolong.

"Pain ... pain!" "Wulong is a small call," I am wrong, play your hands! "

On the ring, the referee announced the beginning of the game, jumped directly into the ring.

! Without any hesitation, the cheongsam beauty directly launched an attack on the night, and one was a high kick, directly kicking the head of the night.

"Oh ... speed is not bad!" A miles of the loud wind escaped the beauty of the cheongsam, and the speed of the cheongsam beauty was a little unexpected.

Snapped! Snapped! The cheongsam beauty is not hidden, then it is to turn around and close the night. After the continuous combination of punch attack.

"I have seen you?" Asked the night.

"I am mad at me, you have forgotten it, you will be my heart!" The beauty of the cheongsam is very angry, the speed and frequency of attacks are accelerated.

"Wow, I have known this girl!" Kelin shocked.

"Negative Han!" Burma heard these three words, the face was very popular, "What is the relationship between this guy and the long wind!"

bass! At this point, the two hit the air from the platform.

Night winds basically did not shot, all defense, and the actions of the cheongsam beauty are the murderer, completely do not leave the feelings.

"Strange! This hoe's skill is good ... very like a martial arts routine!" The turtle fairy muttered himself.

"Your negative person, forgot our agreement?" The beautiful woman turned over in the air, and his face was slowly looked down on the night.

"What is the agreement?" Night winds are now the two monks can't touch their minds.

"Bastard! You said that I have grown up, I have to marry my wife!" The cheongsam beauty shouted.

"What?" Boolean is shocked.

"Wife?" Klelin and Yamu tea one (a good) vice-shocked expression, they can't believe it heard.

"I am going ... and this kind of thing, why don't I know?" The night's wind is also a very embarrassing expression.

Although there is a beautiful wife, the night grows is happy, but Looking at Burma, the ring, the night, there is an unknown prevail.

"You always tell me, your name?" Asked the night.

"Hey! I don't tell you, unless you defeat me!" The cheongsam beauty high-channel, "You hurry, don't hide the flash!"

"Well, since you have said this, then I will only shoot!" The night's right hand suddenly appeared.

"Hey! I am not afraid of you, come!" The beautiful woman's hands were exhibited and made.

When the night is long, he doesn't want to hurt this girl who looks like to know his own, "still sent her to a stable!"

1134 chapter, sudden comprehension

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