The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1195 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

Suddenly, the right hand of the night, the right hand started to illuminate the blue light and it is getting brighter.

"Ah, the long wind should be serious! He won't be so lovely to be so lovely, is it?" Klin shocked.

"Do you want to kill people?" Yamu Tea Caves opened.

bass! At this time, the night long wind and right arm bending the bow show, the muscle ridge on the arm.

boom! The right cold right palm suddenly stretched with the beauty of the cheongsam!

The blue rays, a blue-collected giant, a giant to condense the pitch of the night long wind, cover the cheongsam beauty.

"This ..." The whole space in front of the cheongsam is blocked by the blue giant, and her whole person is stupid to stand in place, there is no action.

Because she did not have any dodge at all, this seems to be a powerless full screen attack.

"Changfeng's stinky kid wants to do anything, is he want to kill this girl?" The turtle fairy is also shocking by this blue giant.

The audience under the ring, the speech, many viewers have a bit of their eyes, and they don't dare to see it again.

"Ah! Good powerful tricks, is this a new trick for night long players? It is terrible!" The male referee continued to roar. "Is there an anonymous girl to like this?"

From the blue giant capture of the sky, the cheongsam beauty is already closed, and the attack tricks of this moment, she is not expected to be able to live.

bass! The explosions in the unexpected people did not sound, and the blue rays devouled the cheese and the beautiful woman was quickly restored to the calm.

"I am dead? I can't feel it!" The cheongsam woman slowly opened his eyes, and then saw the face of the night.

"Hey!" He looked for a while, and the cheongsam beauty finally found himself alive, and unconsciously pushed the ring.

It turned out that the giants of the night-catching wind used the vitality of the vitality, it looked at it, in fact, there was no power, under the control of the night, and then pushed the cheongsam beauty, and chemurized into a blue star light disappeared between the heavens and the earth. .

"Call ..." The people at the scene saw a look, the cheongsam beauty was no injury, everyone was reluctant.

"Haha, I will say, the long wind can't be so violent to such a lovely girl!" Kelin haha ​​laughed.

"Who is it just afraid of death?" Yamu tea turned over the eyes of Clin.

"Hey! Kill her! Dead wind, stinky!" The only one is dissatisfied is Boolema, which is inevitably screaming.

"Ah ... Anonymous players seem to fall off the platform, but she doesn't seem to be injured! What is going on?" The Mirror male referee was a little hair, and then quickly returned.

"In any case, this game is the victory of the defending champion night long style, let us congratulate him!" The referee shouted.

"Beautiful attack!"

"Haha, scared me! We are all cheated!" The audience under the ring turned up, almost everyone cheered for the loungeless wit.

"The stink of the long wind, even I was deceived! This kid has reached a unimaginable realm of the control of the body's energy!" The turtle fairy gave a white beard.

"This impact is not just scary so simple!" Bike At this time, the roof of the Wudo Temple is watching the night's greater competition.

"How, you are nothing?" The night grows to the front of the cheongsam beauty, "I can tell me your name?"

"Hey! Your negative person actually didn't think of me, I am a daughter of Kiki, Niu Deyu!" The original cheongsam beauty actually came to the Dragon Ball World Earth, the small Loli Qi Qi Qi.

"You are Kiki?" The night is shocked, and the very short Loli's figure in his mind and the girls in front of the girl gradually coincide. "It's really you!"

"DBAA) is that little girl!" Burma and Oolong are also surprised.

"Who?" The turtle fairy is confused.

"She is a daughter of Niu Deyu, who used to save her, and helped the Niu De Wang destroyed the fire on the flame mountain!" Burma didn't believe his eyes, "" This only two years, how can she be so big? And so ... "

"There is a woman taste!" Oolong pointed.

"Dead pig head, you give me a chapter!" Booema screamed on the oolong pig.

"Of course, I am, you don't agree, wait for me to grow up, will you marry me? I have waited for you for a long time, you don't come to me, so I am here!" Kiki is very dissatisfied.

"Ah!" Night Changfeng This only thought that he did not intentionally seem to have promised such a thing, but when Kiki is a little Loli, the night's live wind is to promise, completely did not think that Kiki two years of time change So big.

From a small lotion to the dark, only a short two-year time.

"I seem to have said it!" I have never flowing through the sweat, and the forehead is actually lining the sweat.

"I finally think of it! Let's get married now!" Kiki directly hugged the right arm of the night.

"You let me let me go!" Burma couldn't stand it again, and directly jumped into the competition.

"He is my husband, I don't let go!" Kiki did a ghost face in Burma, but it was a tightening of the night.

"You ... bounce!" Burma lungs must be blown up, she also hugged the left arm of the night long.

One left one left one right pulled the night long wind, the night long didn't know what to do at all, "What is Nima going? Suddenly, there is a rhythm of love in love in love!"

Burma is the beginning of Qingmei Bamboo Horse, while Kiki is the unmarried wife who is married like a parent.

"Haha, stinky boy, you also have today!" The turtle fairy smiled in a smoking.

Klin and Yamu tea and others are watching, "" Long wind is good! "

At this time, the mirror male referee ran over to help the night's long wind, "the night long player, the game is over! Please take a rest to the background!"

"Oh! Haha, the game is over, I almost forgot!" The night's long wind suddenly disappeared in the original place, and it came to the Wudo Temple.

The breath of Booema was pulled back by Oolong and Lan Qi, and Kiki was invited to other places to continue watching the game.

"Hey! After the game is over, I want you to look good!" The two women said in the same way.

"Call! Finally escape!" The night's long-lasting sighed, and then came to Klin and Yamu tea.

1135 chapter, Bick debut

"Changfeng, you still have a wife?" Klin surprised.

"Don't say this, your opponent is Bike, you have to be careful. If you don't work, you will abstain right, don't force!" The night grew up, "I don't want to collect a dragon ball!"

"Oh! I know!" Kolin nodded.

At this time, the male referee had once again appeared on the platform. "Everyone please quiet, the situation just now is only an accident, now the martial art will start again! Next is the third game, there is a four session Strong player Clin and mysterious player's maritime! "

Bike didn't use its own name to sign up, and use the magic teenager such name, this is enough to explain that the Bike is still a little taboo.

On top of the ring, Clin and the Bike slowly returned from the air.

"The game begins!" The referee has saved, and the Klin feet stepped.

"Hey! Big bad eggs, I will not be in love!" Ke Lin's eyes looked at Bick.

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