The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1196 of the Chapter 1196 of the Prince of Tennis

"Little hazyger, even though!" Bike coldly looked at Kelin.

The turtle cactus outside the ring look at the new bike is a bit surprised. He doesn't know the identity of Bike, "this guy, not simple!"

"In this case, you will pick it up!" Kelin did not plan to stay, in the face of the bike, Kerlin knew that anything is fatal.

bass! The hands were launched, and the Klin suddenly watched.

! Then, the body's center of gravity is booming. At the same time, Kllin reclaimed the double boxing speed to the waist and put a new posture.

The scene is silent, but the night grows can be obviously felt out in the constant enthusiasm of the mind.

"This move?" Yamu Tea and Tianjin rice were shocked. They got along with Klin a year, and I haven't seen Kolin's posture of this attack.

"Hey!" Bike snorted, and the brow is also a pick.

At this time, Klin yelled, "Ha!"

Then, a grasp of the double boxing to the Bike, bombing, between, two golden light columns from the two hands of Clin, extremely angry to the Bike.

"Specuier small skill!" Bike directly jumped, jumped to the sky, "Do you think I can't hide?"

!! In addition to the two golden light column, the audience outside the ring is Qi Qi scream.

At this time, the two golden light column turned into a ninety degrees in the air, directly climbing the back of the Bike from the outside of the platform, just like a precise guided missile.

"Well?" The eye flashed in the eye, and then the red light was flashing in the pupil.

The , the eye is directly emitted in the eyes of two red light columns.

boom! boom! After the two four-channel light columns collided in the air, they directly exploded, between the time, the explosion resounded throughout the competition.

"Strong!" The audience at the scene was shocked. "Alternative: ^ ^ ^

bass! At this time, Clin suddenly appeared on the right side of the Bike, the previous meta-wave attack is only the attention of Kelin in order to attract Bike.

The next weight box is the purpose of Clin. guard

! Even Bike did not expect the speed of Kelin so fast, and then he was directly bombarded by Klin, and his body immediately flew out. Star S

!!! And Clin is a steadyness in the air, and finally, a steady falling on the ring.

! The Bike flying out of the air returned to God, in the air, turning into the body, and then stopped in the audience outside the ring.

"Ah! The Klin players started the continuous violent attack, and the marcier is almost out of bounds. Now he is stopping in half empty, it is a thrilling scene!" The mirror male referee explained.

"Hey!" Bik's mouth, "small light head, better than I think!"

! The Bike flew back to the platform, coldly looked at the opposite Kling.

"This guy ... actually ended my heavy boxing, I didn't look like a thing!" Clin brow wrinkled, and then the right foot instant.

Kelin wanted to occupy the leadership of the game, so it was a flash to the Bike's side.

The Bick is also awkward at this time, and the Clin will catch up again.

In this way, the shape of the two people is constantly moving on the platform. In addition to martial artists, the audience is difficult to see the movements of the two.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Two people or feet or to punch, it is easy.

!! The two have been in the middle of the platform to the end of the platform, and then the two jumped almost simultaneously in the air.

··· ▉ ▉

"Hey! This bald head is really annoyed!" The body of the Bike suddenly pulled up, and then kicked to Kelin.

! Kellin did not react this time, kicking it directly on the chin by the Bike.

call! The body of Clin is constantly flying out, and it looks at the audience who fame directly out of the ring.

"Not good! Kelin is going out!" The turtle fairy under the stage was shocked.

"Not so easy!" When the night grew, he felt that the voyage of the Clin patient was changing.

"Goodbye, small haggs!" The Bike's mouth laughed.

call! And the body of Klin suddenly swayed in the air, and finally turned out.

"Nani!" Bike and the live people are surprised.

....... ..... [▉.

The night grows is the mouth of the mouth slightly forth, "When does the Kllin learn to dance?"

Before the night's wind, I thought that I would like to teach Klin and Yamu tea and other people's dance, but I have forgotten this thing too seriously.

I didn't expect that Clin is now in the air to reverse the body, stopping in the air, and the right hand wipes the blood of the mouth out of the mouth.

"Klin ... he also practiced a dance air, it is really unbelievable!" Tianjin meal sighed, he didn't understand, why no one taught without people.

"It is good to come with beginners, it is good!" The night is still not forgetting to review the clink of Clin.

Snapped! Clin and Bick are slowly flying back to the platform.

"It's really ... I am too surprised! I don't know how to explain it, the two players have the ability to fly!" Said the male miter explained.

"Hey! To be honest, I am really surprised, not because of the dance air, but because your skills and Kung Fu ... also have the Yu Wang!" Bike looked at the Kedlin Shen Sheng, "in order to express I respect, I will let you see my real strength! "

Bike suddenly raised the right box, the momentum of the whisper had changed.

"Hey! Real strength ... Your big bad guy, what is the matter!" Kelin double boxing, facing the bike is also a fear, after all, is a dead.

And to some extent, it is also the enemy of Klin, Klin really wants to report the enemy!

1136 chapter, strange uncle

"Hey ..." is the kid of Klin, is you ready? "Bike smirked.

! Kelin sways, "less waste! Let it come!"

"Don't worry, I will not kill you now!" The cold light in the eye is, and then the right hand is in the back.

! Suddenly, the Bike was immediately extended to the gram.

bass! Let Klin did not think that the right hand of the Bike was constantly stretched, almost instantly grabbed his ankle.

"Ah!" Kelin was shocked, he was directly pulled back into the Bike, and the Horse's elongated hand continued to shrink.

"What! His arms can become long!" Tianjin rice and Yamu tea have grown up.

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