The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1197 of the Chapter 1197 of the Prince of Tennis

"This is the unique physical fitness of the Mekikan!" The night's brow wrinkled.

! At this time, the other hand of the Bick clenched the fist, the muscles of the "Twenty-three Zero" arm were also booming.

! Bike one tricks on the bald head of Clin, Ke Ling flew out, and the body smashed toward the wall of the Wudo Temple.

call! At this time, Kelin turned into a flip in the air, and then fought with the high wall of the Wudo Temple, and it came directly to the Bike.

boom! Clin speed is extremely fast, directly counts the right hook boxing to the side face of the Bike.

The Bike lightning is back, then the hands are supported, and the clin is kicked to the high altitude, followed by a squid and jumped up.

Bike a series of movements are very fast, the audience at the scene can't see what he is doing.

"Klin, be careful!" Yamu tea rushed in high air.

Kelin grabbed the abdomen, "it is evil!"

"This is my last chance!" Kelin strengthened the pain, the body flipped in the air, "let me send you a gift!"

Kllin combined with a flower in the air, and then placed on the waist. The remaining vitality in his body continued to surging the hands of the Clin.

bass! At this time, the Bick suddenly appeared behind the mind, and then the back of the boxing, "is over!"

"Waiting to be you!" Kelin turned to be a hand to the Bike, the blue light column of the turtle sent Qigong directly covered the Bike.

The near distance, if the Bike is really hit, even if he is a universe, it is enough.

Unfortunately, the body of the Bike disappeared at this time, and the clock hit is an obstacle.

"Ni!" Clin shocked his eyes.

"When you are behind!" When the night's wind reminded, it was already unhappy.

Bik's appeared behind Klin, holding his hands into a fist, from top to bottom to the last fatal blow!

Bang! After Kelling was hit, it was like a shell, and it was generally above the ring.

At a time, the gravel flew, the audience under the ring screamed, and many viewers were broken.

The body of Clin is a round pit hole in the ring. It is almost very useful to Bike, this hurt is not light.

"Clin!" Burma, Burma, who was outside the ring, did not dare to see the scene above the stage.

The mirror male referee is also a big jump by this violent.

"Sure enough, Klin is not a Bike's opponent!" The night's wind shook his head.

Snapped! Bike slowly falls on the platform, "If this small light is not dead, it must be a major threat to the world I rule, but I am now being annihilated now in !"

"Wow! I really hurt, I am dying!" Let Bike stunned, Klin actually swayed again.

"Hey!" Klin double boxing, looking at the Bike.

"He ... he stood up, the Clin player stood up!" The Mirror Men's referee shoud.

"Klin, don't be barely!" Night wind reminded a sentence in the background.

"Hey! No! I have to be!" Klin a PI shares sat on the ground, the vitality in his body has been expensive, and it is not hurting by Bacona.

"Ah! It's really unexpected results, the Clin players have been smeared! This game is winning! Let us applaud for the wonderful games brought by the two players!" The referee shouted.

"Wow! Playing well!"

"Wonderful!" The audience outside the platform cheered.

The three games in the race are indeed the most exciting, the strength of the two people is not as big as the difference between the two game players.

Although Kllin was defeated to bike, it was also a good thing, his progress was obvious, and the one-year Tianjie cultivated made Clin's fighting power.

"Well! Kelin has grown into a first-class martial artist!" The turtle fairy nodded at the ring.

"Eat it!" The night-hearted wind helped the background, then throw it to the clin half a fairy bean.

"Haha! It is a fairy bean!" Kelin smiled into his mouth and chew chewed.

Soon, the physical strength of Clin recovered again, the vitality of the body was also recovering, and the effect of the fairy bean was still very obvious.

"Changfeng, your fairy bean is really delicious!" Ke Lin smiled.

"Don't think that I don't know what you are thinking, this fairy bean is not a candy, you have to save some!" The night is right, and a small bag of fairy beans will be thrown into Klin.

There are thousands of golden fruits in the small world, the effect is better than the fairy bean, the fairy bean is not effective for night growth, and he will throw it to Kelin.

"Haha!" After Klin took the fairy bean, he immediately closed it, and he was afraid that night length is returned.

"Your guy, don't swallow alone, distribute to Yamu tea, Tianjin rice them!" The night is very helpless.

On the ring, the mirror men's referee once again.

"Next is the fourth game of the first martial arts meeting in this world. If you have the last two players Yamu tea and Shen Len!" The referee announced the way.

"Oh ... Hello!" Middle-aged uncle wearing glasses touched the brain spoon from the player channel to the platform.

"What, this uncle is very common, how did he pass the qualifier?" Many viewers under the ring are surprised.

"Yeah! It seems that it is very weak!"

"Yamu tea, you are so lucky! The opponent is so weak!" Klin took the shoulder of Jaji tea.

"Haha, I am really embarrassed! Klin!" Yamu tea smiled and walked to the platform, "I quickly solve this battle!"

"Yamu tea, don't underestimate your opponent! I always feel some unrestrained!" The night is suddenly reminded.

"You have a heart, the long wind! This uncle is just luck to enter the race!" Yamu Tea did not put the reminder of the night's wind in his heart, and the time in one year, let Yamu tea to his own strength. full of confidence.

1137 chapter, flying bomb

On the ring, Yamu Tea and Middle-aged Uncle were standing.

Middle-aged uncle is doing hands on Yaku tea, "Hello, please advise!"

"Ah! Uncle is welcome, we are each other!" Yamu Tea is very easy to drive.

"Fourth game ... Start!" After the referee announced the beginning of the game, jumped into the platform.

"I am ready! Uncle, you will take a trick first!" Yamu tea put the defensive landation.

"Oh, then I am welcome!" Middle-aged Uncle deliberately put a very exaggerated posture, "I am attacking!"

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