The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1199 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"In my fighter, actually only suffer from slightly! Your strength is better than me!" Yamu Tea arched handed.

The night grows, it is in the back, "What is the lively!"

In the eyes of the night, the fighting power of God is definitely stronger than Yamu tea, but he is borrowed by uncle's body to participate in the world's first martialo, its strength can play more than 30%.

Yamu tea has developed an air ball. It was very chance to defeat the God. Unfortunately, the final fighter consumes too much energy in his body, and Yamu tea finally relaxed, think that he is angry. That will be killed, so it will be looked down.

If you hold the [long] -993-war, the night grows do not think that the middle-aged Uncle God is resigned.

"Well ... Yamu Tea This air action is very good!" Night wind recalled the gas group of Yamu tea, you can pursue the enemy is not a one-time attack, and it is a lot of inspiration to night. .

At this time, the mirror male referee returned to the platform.

"After four fierce competitions, we have four masters to enter the semi-final, they are Tianjin meal players, night long wind players, and the magic teenagers have the application! Let us cheer for their wonderful performance!" Referee Holding a microphone.

"Ye!" The audience of the entire competition began to cheer.

"The level of the first martial arts in this world is in my opinion. It is really amazing!" The referee continued.

"Indeed, every person entering the semi-final is the super master of this world, and even the Yamu tea and Clin in the Tianjie have been defeated!" The turtle fairy pushed the sunglasses on the nose.

The scene is also a jubilant. The audience who came to the scene is also a big call value, this high level of competition, many people are difficult to see once, and the first martial arts in this year (DBBI) Just started, the next game can meet each other, it will be more exciting.

"Well! Now start the semi-final competition, the first game is called the two champions of the two championships! This is simply the repel of the final last year, please ask two players!" The referee shouted.

"It's coming, the night is coming!" I heard the name of the night's wind, the fans of the attendance group of the night, the fans of the resort group were very enthusiastic. They waved the super banner with the three big characters of the night. Warcorn, the atmosphere at the scene was also enthusiastic.

At this time, the night long wind and Tianjin rice are rushed to the platform from the player channel.

"This game, I will not lose again!" Tianjin meal.

Laughing in the night, "Is it? That's going to go, I also want to see how much you have in the past year!"

Snapped! The two instantly flashed over the platform, and one left and one right is opposite.

"This game is interesting!" Klin looked at the two people on the stand on the background.

"Is the opponent of the long wind?" Kiki suddenly slammed into the body of Clin and Yamu tea.

"Ah! How come you?" Klin and Yamu tea were shocked.

Yaku tea is holding the chin: "Yes! Long, the opponent is strong, you have to exceed your imagination!"

"How much should this game look at the true strength of two people!" The Bike disk sat in the roof of the Wudo Temple and his eyes turned to the ring.

"The game begins!" The mirror male referee announced the moment of the game.

Tianjin has started, and his right angels directly rushed to night, compared with the ability of the first martialo conference in the previous world, all aspects of Tianjin rice.

Almost instantly came to the night before the wind, then a series of dazzled near-attacks.

Snapped! Snapped! Night long winds are standing in the same place, just waving with the right hand, there is one one blocking all the attacks in Tianjin.

"It's evil! The speed of the long wind is too fast!" Tianjin dinner did not think that the night's wind could block all his own strikes.

! At this time, Tianjin rice jumped directly to the high altitude, then the right hand was a cold, and even drunk, "Drink!"

boom! A golden column is switched from Tianjin's menu, and the lightning is shot to the night.

The night is not awkward, the left hand is in front of it.

! The golden transmissions are directly captured by the night-catching wind, and it has fallen into the platform.

bass! At the same time, Tianjin meal suddenly appeared after the night length, and immediately kicked the head of the night.

This time, Tianjin rice is faster than before, the power is also very big, and there is a wind and wind behind the night.

! A moment of turn, the same posture and angle of the night cost.

boom! After the two feet are opposite, after a dull collision, Tianjin's power is still pressed by night.

despair! despair! despair! After continuous turning over, Tianjin rice finally stabilized in the edge of the ring.

"Can be evil! What is the power!" Tianjin's right foot is already full of redness, and it is very painful.

"This ..." At this time, the scene was quiet. This fierce intensity exceeded everyone's imagination, and the mirror male referee did not have a way to see the movements of the two. There is no way to explain.

"It's too strong, these two people!" There is a speaker outside the field.

! At this time, Tianjin Rice was started again, and the figure was actually disappeared in the field.

"Oh? The speed is good!" When the night's right foot stretched back, then after the land, it was still disappeared in the event.

"Ah!" The whole competition is a bit.

"They disappeared in two people!" The Turtle fair under the ring was shocked.

boom!! On the ring, although you can't see the figure of two people, you can still hear a fierce fight.

"Wow! The strength of the two players is too amazing. We can only hear the fight!" The referee shouted, the audience at the scene was also turning.

"Well! These two people are indeed qualified as my opponent!" The Bik's eyes stared at the two of the two people.

"Tianjin rice strikes seem to be invalid to the long wind, the long wind has not been shot!" Klin sighed.

"Yeah! It seems that Tianjin rice is still not a long-winding opponent!" Yahu tea attached to the side.

"Hey ... you ... can you see them two?" Kiki widened his eyes, and it was empty on the ring.

1139 chapter, horror speed

The top of the ring.

The close attack of Tianjin rice is constantly being continuously, but it is all relieved by the night.

In the eyes of the night, Tianjin rice movement is faster than before, and it is more smooth, there is not much extra action.

However, Tianjin's flesh power is also the physical quality and a very large distance, although he is also the descendants of the universe, but Tianjin is still not completely developed, so the night is now The body is still far from Tianjin.

boom! boom! boom! After the continuous attack of Tianjin rice, finally, the strength of the whole body is a punch to play a punch on the chest of the night long.

bass! The figure of the two once again appeared on the ring.

"Hit it!" The referee shouted, "No! It is the residual!"

Tianjin rice hits is nothing but the residual shadow of the night grows!

"Wow! This game is really unexpected, although I didn't see the movements of two players, but I believe it must be fierce than all the games!

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