The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Tennis Prince Chao Shi Chapter 1200

call! When you call ~ ▉, Tianjin rice is constantly breathed, and continuous attack consumes a lot of physical strength, and the night is standing at the same side, and there is no difference between the opening, or the feeling of being idle.

"It's really incredible, this kind of rhythm, the long wind does not flow a sweat!" The turtle cactus under the platform sighed.

On the ring.

Tianjin rice quickly adjusted the chaos breathing, and he watched the night's wind. "Changfeng, this year, you just absorb the vitality in the temple, but the speed is still so fast, it is surprising ! "

Tianjin rice originally thought that after a year of suffering, Tianjin should be above the night, but see the speed of the night, Tianjin rice realized that he was too much. Of course.

"Oh! What do you say?" Night's wind is slightly fond, "My speed is not full!"

"What are you talking about?" Tianjin's eyes fell shocked.

"Let you see the real speed!" The night's wind disappeared again on the platform.

"I have disappeared!" The audience outside the field exclaimed.

"Nani!" Yamu tea and Clin were also surprised. They also couldn't see the ghosts of the night, which indicates that the speed of the night has surpassed their binocular vision to capture.

"Well?" Tianjin has a third eye on the forehead. This eye makes Tianjin's insight into the general martial artist.

Snapped! Suddenly, one turned, Tianjin rice, her hands, actually she raised the knife attack of the night long wind.

"Hey ... long wind, it is really regrett! Your speed is really very fast, but it is so fast that my third eyes!" Tianjin's mouth has a smile.

"Yes?" The night long wind danced, holding a white ribbon in his hand, "Do you see what this is?"

"This is ..." Tianjin rice.

At this time, Tianjin's trousers suddenly fell, showing white four-pool.

"Hahaha ..." The audience of the entire competition is laughing, "It's too funny, he is fighting pants!"

"How is it? That is my belt!" Tianjin looked down. ≮ Alternative:, ≯ ≯ ≯ .

"Good speed!" The Bike standing in the roof of the Wudo Temple could not help but stand up. It is clear that the speed of the night is far beyond his imagination.

"When is you?" Tianjin rice was shocked to rise, "I didn't see it at all!"

"Wow! It's too fast, it is incredible!" Kling and Yamu tea have grown up their eyes, this is the first time that the night is in front of everyone, it shows such an amazing absolute speed.

"How is the baby who repairs to this speed ... This kid is not a planet!" The turtle fairy under the ring is more and more feeling that the night is not like a planet.

The turtle fairy lives for hundreds of years. The talents of Clin and Yamu Tea are already unprecedented, but the night grows more than they also strongly, this has to make the turtle cactus amazed.

"Why are you so surprised ... I haven't used it yet!" The night is shrugged, and he has not used the power of dragon icon, but the speed has not played less than 50%.

At the end of the root, it is still too small in the eyes of everyone. If you look at the universe of the entire Dragon Ball World, the speed of the night is not much.

Especially those fighting power over 10,000, even more than 100,000, that speed is really awkward.

··· ▉ ▉ · ··

"Changfeng, you are really powerful! My speed is more than yours, but I will not easily admit!" Tianjin's face has recovered calm, he has already expected that there will be such a scene.

A year ago, Tianjin dinner felt that the night is always hidden in the end.

"I want to make the trick of my recent research and development, I have been retaining the killing skill!" Tianjin cue confidently.

"Oh! Then put this set first!" The night grewer threw the white belt back to Tianjin.

"Ah!" Tianjin rice remembered that his trousers were all lost, and quickly raised his face and re-extensively put the belt.

......... [.......

"Haha ... too teasing!" It was a laughter on the ring.

Snapped! After the Tianjin rice set, the feet stepped open, and I took a horse step on the ring, and the arms were unfolded.

"Oh, do you want to use a new qigong?" Night lived on the action of Tianjin rice.

"Well ... The Qigong gun is too dangerous, and it is not necessarily valid for you! This time I developed the power of the trick is not as good as the gas gun, but you must not open! Even if you speed!" Tianjin rice new The trick developed is very confident.

"Do you have to hide? Is it a full range of stereo attacks?" Klinn cave opened.

"It's impossible, no one has so much!" Yamu Tea said onside.

"What will be an amazing move?" Everyone turned his gaze to Tianjin.

"Changfeng, your speed is indeed beyond the scope of my third eye, but if I have twelve eyes, you can't escape!" Tianjin rice at this time, the muscles of the upper body are all rumed.

"Oh? Twelve eyes ..." Laughing at night, he has guessed the trick of Tianjin rice.

"Hey! Sorry, long wind, this time I don't want to lose to you!" Tianjin rice suddenly erected on the front of the chest, at this time, the vitality in Tianjin is directly divided into four shares.

... ... suddenly, Tianjin rice expanded the arms, the brush, actually in the same part!

"Wow! What is this trick?" The audience under the ring exclaimed.

1140 chapter, the weakness of the four punches

bass! After one divided into two, Tianjin rice has not stopped the action, and the two body simultaneously crossed on the chest and then expanded again.

! At a time, four Tianjin rice appeared on the ring, every one is exactly, and every body has a feeling, it is not bordered or residual.

"Oh, put the vitality into the four?" The night grew well looked at the four Tianjin rice, and the brow was pick.

"Well!" The biko Temple roof is also shocked.

"Scorpio, this is not a fist, really have four Tianjin rice!" The background of Klin and Yamu tea were surprised.

"My God! Tianjin's meal will become four people, what is going on?" The referee took the microphone shocked.

The audience under the platform also widened the eyes. "How can there be this" seven nine zero "?"

"Hey, these four bodies are true, this is the new trick I developed, called a four-body!" Tianjin meal four body Qi Dao, with a synchronous rate of 100%, and there is no difference in the body.

"Changfeng, now I have twelve eyes, your speed also fled my line of sight!" Tianjin's four bodies were shunmed into the four corners of the platform, then they were one-handed, at the same time Night windy winds.

"Four-strand gas simultaneously attack?" The night was very windy. He didn't think that Tianjin rice fist is too powerful. If the body's vitality is divided into four, the strength of each body must be a big reduction, and it is calculated simultaneously. Attack, do not have a single body.

"Wow! Nowadays, the four Tianjin players run to the four corners of the battle, they seem to have to launch off-attack!" The referee explained.

"Come on! Tianjin rice!" The night's feet turned to open, nor did it sneak the attack of Tianjin rice in the same place.

"See you!" The four Tianjin rice in each body is gathered to both hands.

In the first moment, the four Tianjin dinner simultaneously shot the golden light wave in the center of the center, and the speed is extremely fast.

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