The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1201 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

Shine will take the entire platform into a golden, and the audience under the ring is also a speech.

"The power is too weak, it is not as good as Qigong!" The night long's body suddenly turned up in the center of the ring, it seems like it is three different points.

At a moment, the night-length wind also showed four figures on the ring.

"Wow! The long wind also has four!" Oolong called a small call outside the ring.

"That is not a fist, just the speed of the long-winding movement is too fast, it seems to be four more!" The turtle fairy is more understanding of the night length.

At this time, the four figures of the night grew at the same time the right fist.

! The four-Tianjin rice, the four light waves, who were in the evening of the night, and died directly in the air!

"What!" Tianjin rice foundured, he did not think that the speed of the night is coming so far.

However, the twelve eyes of Tianjin now still played a small role. He looked at it, and finally locked the real position of the night, "I saw you!"

Four Tianjin rice put their fingers next to the third eye on the forehead, four Tianjin rice in the body, also moved to the third eye of the forehead.

bass! bass! bass! ... The four red light is shot from Tianjin rice, almost in an instant hit the center of the center, the night of the night, exactly the body of the night.

A loud noise, four red rays, there is always, hit the night grows at the same time!

"Oh ... I said that you flee my twelve eyes!" Tianjin's mouth came from a smile.

"Ah! The forehead of Tianjin Rice players all hit the body of the night-catching player, it is really amazing!" The referee is called outside the ring.

"Changfeng!" Kiki is a little worried about a night's long style. At this time, the night's wind whole people are outside the smoke shroud. The audience at the scene can't see the situation on the ring, and the red light shot in Tianjin rice will The center of the ring is bombing the pit.

"Tianjin rice ... is too powerful!" He sat down on the forehead. He asked himself that he can't resist such a fierce attack.

"Tianjin rice, are you laughing too early!" The sound of the night is out of the smoke ...

"Ni!" Tianjin rice smile was solidified on his face.

After the smoke is exhausted, there is no injury in the ring. This time he doesn't even turn on the Buddha statue. It is shrouded a blue vital shield to block the four red in Tianjin. Ray attack.

"It's amazing! The long style is too powerful, so you can get no injury, what attack can be hurt!" Turtle cactus surprise.

"Tianjin rice, your weakness of your four fists is too obvious!" The night grew in the wind, "If the opponent is Bike, you will be killed in an instant!"

"What do you say?" Tianjin's face was red, "my eyes clearly caught you, as long as the continuous attack, you will always have a flaw!"

"No! You will be divided into four in the body. The four bodies have only one quarter of the body! This is not to strengthen your strength, but it is too much to weaken your strength. Now Clin and Ya Wood tea can beat you easily! "The night long-term-style lactary rushed, and the body started instantly.

"Not good!" Tianjin rice reminded the reminder of the long wind in the night, realized the drawbacks of the four fists.

But it is already too late, the night long wind flashes to one of the corners of the ring, a punch.

The strength only has a quarter of Tianjin meal at all, and it is unable to block the ordinary attack of the night. It is directly born directly.

call! call! Call ~ ▉ Changfeng 2.7 The shape is constant, and the other three corners appear on the ring.

Or the hand knife or feet, put the rest of the three Tianjin rice, hust!! Hey ~ Falling into a position and overlapping it.

"Good speed!" Klin and Yamu tea and the turtle cactus could not completely see the movements of the night.

The Backer on the roof of the Wudao Temple is also a big surprise. He found that the speed of the night is more than he imagined.

"Unfortunately, Tianjin! I also expected you to study what is more powerful than the gas gun!" The night's wind is slow, "but you are not completely unhappy, if you You can solve its biggest weaknesses, let four bodies have the same combat power as the body, that is very powerful! "

Chapter 1141, God to Bik

"When the breeze, Tianjin rice is divided into four, it has seen the opponent's flaws, the understanding is too high!" The turtle fair sighed under the ring.

"I didn't expect you to be broken by you so soon, and the speed is fast, I have no time to show!" Tianjin's four-handed shadow is one, "Let four of the body have its own combat power, it is indeed a good idea. ! "

If the night grows, gives Tianjin meal some inspiration, but it is difficult to do this, the vitality in the human body is limited, and it is almost impossible to divide four, and each of the energy can remain unchanged.

Of course, this is not absolute, martial arts don't have a wonderful change, Tianjin rice may not be able to develop four-legged four-legged.

"What are they talking about ... I didn't even see how Tianjin rice was born, and I didn't see it!" Yamu tea has bleed a lot of fine sweat.

"Yeah, and Tianjin rice is fighting for such a long time, the long wind is still not red, this time he does not even use the turtle to don't use the Qigong 31 or there are no use of the police!" Kllin feels that the gap between herself and night is not, but it is getting bigger and bigger.

"Tianjin dinner is out of bound! The night long player promotion finals, this is also the champion of the night long player for the third consecutive, he will have the champion of the first martial army of the three consecutive martial arts!" Ink The male referee is excited.

"Before playing!"

"so amazing!"

"The night is the strongest, the night long champion!" The audience of the entire competition site seems to have become a fan of the night, and they are crazy shouting.

The entire competition has become a joyful ocean. Burt also seems to have forgotten the previous things, excited to jump.

"Oh ... my little money is doubled!" Oolong lined up his own pig's mouth.

"Wow! Changfeng, you are a good! You have become the most powerful martial artist!" After the long-lasting wind returned to the background, Kiki was posted.

"I said that Kiki is very hot, can you not stick this tight!" Don't talk in the night, but his body has a natural reaction.

"Hey ... Changfeng, are you bringing a weapon?" Kiki asked some doubts, she was topped by the night of the night.

"No, I didn't bring anything!" The night grew smile.

"Ah!" Kiki suddenly realized what, the whole face suddenly became red, and immediately pushed the night long, and he said [Jiao] shame: "Hello hate!"

"I am going ... you post it, now I still blame me?" The night is helplessly shakes his head.

"What is the long wind and she are doing ..." Klin and Yamu tea obliquely sneak two people, "Well, she must be the wife of Changfeng!" Lan

At this time, Tianjin rice is also re-wearing training clothes back to post. {≮ Alternative:?

"It's a pity, Tianjin rice! ▉ . [

"No! I have tried my best, I am worthy of my hardships, so I don't regret. But tell the truth, I didn't think that the strength of the long wind was so strong, so much and insights were more powerful than me! I It's really not to see his strength! "Tianjin sighed.

"Yeah! I have been practiced with the long wind for so long, and I haven't seen him all the way!" Klin attached to the side.

"Yes! This doesn't know how he cultivates it, it is like a planet!" Yamu tea is nodded.

At this time, the Buckk of the Wudo Temple stood up, his face was gloomy, and after preliminating the strength of the night, Bike had completely collected a despise heart.

"Sure enough, it is destined to death, hey! This is enough to stimulate!" Bike flew to the battlefield, the cold light flashed, he had can't wait to play with the night.

At this time, the mirror male referee came again to the platform.

"Next is the second semi-final of the first martial arts meeting in this year. The winner of this game will compete with the last prostitute with the two champion night long wind players!" Referee.

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