The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 123 of the Chapter 123 of the Prince of Tennis

"Oh ~ ▉

Tennis locker room.

"Hey ~ ▉, do you see the nearest issue of tennis weekly?" Asked the pill.

The night's wind shook his head, "The small weekly weekly is not looking at, the contributor is usually written!"

"Haha! This issue of tennis weekly is your special report!" Said a magazine from the bag.

The picture is printed on the night long wind against the Hexagon Middle School Sunflower Taro, the title is "the strongest newcomer in history!"

The author is in the well. He boasted the ability of the night long in this report. Satellite TV is still early! 'Conclusion.

"My kao, this guy does not have to publish my report without the agreement. The small newspaper is a small newspaper, which is also this level!" The night did not help but said.

Taicheng has an interest in tennis week, and a weekly magazine that grabs the loud life. "Hey, I have a report!"

Large! Large! All is the big sea!

The focus of this issue of tennis weekly is the Guantong Conference, but in addition to the night's report, the young report has been less than the poor, Taicheng only found his name in the corner.

The rest of the whole is the report.

"The king is standing the country, the country, the country!"

"The king Lihai newcomer secrets!"

"Core Analysis of Yahai!"


"Cut ~ ▉ ! Tao City is angry to put tennis weekly on the ground," What? I don't have to lose like our youth! "

"This issue of tennis weekly, I also saw it, and the statement of the deputy director of the sea is very interesting!" In the glasses of dry governance, it flashed a white light.

"The reporter asked him to see the view of the war school game tomorrow, he actually said that tomorrow's game is just a simple exercise competition. Their goal is to enter the National Competition to get the three-Dian Dynasty!" Dry Himentary continued.

"Exercise Tournament is too arrogant!" .

The handcuffs did not speak on the side, but the eyes flashed a golden light, and the expression was cold.

"The king? Then I will pull it down the Malay!" The night is growing.


Next day. Kantong Conference site.

Youth, a group of people, is not a seafood, but an unexpected rain.

Rain, the largest natural enemy of tennis people.

"It's so strange, it is still sunny when I am going to school!" Chrysanthemum is helpless.

"The afternoon precipitation is 50%! The weather is clear, the ground is sweeping water, the game may be normal, but the possibility of the game is also very high!" Dry Herozhi also wrote painting on the notebook.

"It's really, don't be better, the committee can decide soon!" The pill is dissatisfied.

"You can only wait for the time being! Dragoni teacher and handcuffs go to the board, it should be a quick result!" Da Shilong.

"It's really a fire! It is raining when it is in this key!" Taicheng took the ball and felt dissatisfaction.

"It can only be said that the Tennis Middle School Committee is too poor, and can not build a ceiling of the alley!"

"Cut ~ ▉ ▉ .

Recently, the night's wind is also moving, and the new home has a special top private tennis hall. Everyone in the Qing Dynasty has already seen it, it is very envious.

"Oh! Do you have anything?" A voice came from the rain.

Qing Dynasty people looked up, they were the nip tail and orange apricot.

"Hi, Changfeng Jun, I haven't seen you for a long time!" Orange said with a little, and then pulled it immediately from the bag and took a large bus cart, Long Bao, One Week, One Weekly, one, let the night long signature.

The night-long laughs shook his head. Every book was signed on the top of the book, "gave the dearest orange apricot!", In the back, I still wonder if it is shameful, I will have a happy orange apricot.

"What! Come to cheer for us, God tail!" Tao Cheng turned his head to God.

"Stupid, I am coming to investigate!"

"Investigation? Investigate us?"

"Of course, it is a big sea, in the semi-final, you must also give them a lot to them when you have a national contest!" God tail recalled the game, and his face was unhappy.

"Right, do you have a brother? Apricot?" Asked the night.

"That ..." Orange apricot was to answer.

Suddenly standing on the side of the squatting training, look at a direction in a serious look, "~"

Everyone's eyes are attracted to the past, extremely past ...

It is the three of the Hai Da, the real field, and the original red is also willow!

"Let's go!" Li Hai's real land and Liu turned away, and Cutogenic Red has also come to the past.

"Not two weeks, I see your minister's hand, now you are the trump!" Cut Yuanzi also face the expression of Laozi ', "I hope that you will make me feel a little in the game!"

"What do you say!" Taicheng stood up and wanted to teach the original red.

Not two, Tao Cheng, "I don't know if I can't play today, but it is better than one!"

"Hey!" Cut Yuan also turned to see the god tail, "Does not move? Want to revenge?"

"There is also a national contest, and it will not be the same last time!" God tail cold channel.

"Oh, it's really looking forward to it!" Cut original red and ridicule, "If it is a half-hanging game, it is really not interested!"

"Do you say a half-hanging level?" Orange apricot angrry wanted to go to the front and Cutogenic theory, and the night grew up.

"Injury in the competition is the certificate of half-hanging levels ..." Cutogenic Red Road.

"It is clear that you deliberately! Just because your brother is hospitalized!" Orange Anti.

"Injury in the game is your problem, you can only show that your basic training is not enough!" Cut original also does not matter.

"Oh, the weak chicken relies on the means to win the game, I dare to say basic skills, laugh at the dead!" The night is finally talking, "Apricot, you can rest assured, I will let this guy know what is not enough."

"Hey! You are the strongest newcomers in the so-called history!" Cut original also looked at night long wind, "but so! I still look forward to the game!"

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