The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 124 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"What are you talking about! Your guy said, the more it!" Taicheng couldn't help.

This time, the night's wind stopped him. "Self-satisfaction in the game, weak chicken can only call it now!"

Qing Dynasty also has such a madman? Cutogenic red is a bit uncomfortable, most hate more people who are still mad! Cut original is going to talk ...

"Cut the original!" Li Hai's real Tian Xuan Yilang came, "What are you doing, hurry!"

"Oh! I will come immediately, just told our opponent!" Cut the original turned and left.

"Hey ~ ▉▉ , is it a true field?" The night grew well called the real land.

The real field turned to look at the night long.

"Please take your dog next time, don't come out, you will be born!" Night grows.

"What are you talking about!" This case is finally unclear, this first grade is actually so arrogant.

"Cut the original!" Triada hit the Cut the original red, frowned, and aimed at the night of the night, and finally did not speak, leaving.

"Haha, the long wind is good!" Taicheng laughed, "This is too crazy, but it is too far away with you!"

Laughing at night, I didn't talk, just looked at the rain outside the pavilion.

"Tongbi shrite the skill? You TM is still a hundred years!" When the night is growing, "when the game, I will let the guy know what is called a ratio!"

PS: Sleep over, updated late, sorry.

110 chapter, orange mission

Rain has been down.

"This rain stops stopping!" Chrysanthemum felt inexplicable irritability.

At this time, Longaki coach held a red umbrella back.

"Quiet! The results of the committee came out" Dilongaki.

"how is the situation?"

"Do you continue?"

"No! The game is postponed for a week!" Longji Coach.

" ~ ▉

"This level of rain is not big, the game, the competition!" Taicheng is very eager to prove the strength of youth.

"Cold and quiet, don't mess, this is the decision of the Tennis Committee!" Dilongaki coach persuaded.

"There is no way!" Qingxue only left the scene of the Kantong Conference.

"Changfeng, come on! Be careful that the guy called Cutohara!" Orange said unfaithful.

Laughing at night, "The kind of guy, I won't put it on my heart, but I've been a little threatened by the Vice Minister of Haiwai."

"Well! After going back to school, we strengthen training, come back next day!" Said Longaki.


!! Walking in the final night, heard someone seems to be in training.

"Who is it in the sea?" The night's heart gave birth to a curious, decided to see.

"Dashi predecessors, my stomach pain, first go to the toilet, let's go first!" Night flood.

"It's much more, well, let's go first, don't take him!" The big stone laughed.


Court on the court.

A guy who is wearing an orange team dress with a black tennis cap - 250 - runs in the rain.


A droplet dripped dripped with a ball, the water bead turned into a hemispherical shape, and then four splashes, visible the speed of the ball.

This person is the current fate ACE Deputy Minister of the Hai Da Jiazhen Zhenmiro!

"Oh? Not good!" Night-length wind came out from the tennis bag.

! Night wind jumps, gets up, hit the ball, and it works.

! The ball flew to another drip drops.

Hey, the water droplets were directly opened by the ball, turned to hundreds of small water drops, and then instantly evaporated in the rain, quite a strange scene.

A serve, high-stricken!

Ding! At this time, the system prompting the system prompting for a long time.

Trigger random open: defeat the true land

Task Level: Orange Task

Failure punishment: Deduction of 100000 redemption points If the points are negative, the superhen system will sleep

Successful reward: 100,000 points point lottery number plus one

Task evaluation: Beat the true landmark, fight the arrogance of the Hai Da!

"The mission is just right, I really want to have a trick with this guy!" The night is very good, "the reward is also good!"

The points of the night's strength have been accumulated until now, I haven't used it for a long time, I have passed 15,000 mark. If this time I will win the real land, I will break through 250,000 mark! It is not easy from the initial poor farmers to the present. If you lose, it turns 50,000 directly, this is the night length that cannot be accepted.

So, this game can only win, can't lose!

The true fields did not pay attention to provocative night-long winds, and they will continue to practice the serve.

"There is a task, I will not be you, I will force you to shoot!" Night long-distance.

Snapped! The tennis in the hand hit the servant of the true nano, and took the real field to go out and hit the real field aiming down the drops.

Zhenfei looked at the night's long wind, finally can't stand it, "Do you have anything?"

"Nothing, your serve is just so!" The night's grew up said, "It seems that you can stay in the country in the country, because I haven't upgraded to the country!"

"Nani! You are a child, what you want to say!" Zhenfield is not very late.

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