The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1302 of Wangzhao System, Prince of Tennis

"I don't know! But I feel that his strength is very strong!" Even if the teenager in front of the teenager is introverted, the night grows can still feel the powerful gas in his body. "It is impossible to have such a powerful gas on the earth. who are you?"

"Like you, the body is the blood of the Saiyan!" The joy finally opened.

"Ah, is he is another living Saiya in the universe said by Begita?" Clin was surprised to widened his eyes.

"Not him! That person should be above me, it will not be so young!" Night wind and other people have won five Saiyan people in the universe from the mouth of Latit.

Among them, Latitz and Na Pak have been killed by night, coupled with Bergiita and night costumes, and finally there is a mysterious Saiyan who has not appeared in the universe, but age should be at night. The wind is equivalent to the Bergiita.

And the age of the teenager in front of you is obviously small than night long wind, obviously not the last mystery.

"Night ... Changfeng ... Mr., I have something to tell you, can you talk alone?" The teenager thought for a slap.

"Yes!" Nodded at night and left.

"Why do you want to avoid us, it's really!" Yamu tea complained a few words.

"You will wait for a while, I will come back!" Night live winds have a strong self-proclaimed strong self-proclaimed Saaya's teenager or extremely curious.

"Just here, they can't hear it!" The night's wind flew to a cliff wall opposite the Burt of the mysterious teenager.

The teenager nodded, and then suddenly bustard the night, "Master, I am late!"

"Nima ... When did I have a cheap apprentice!" The night is very surprised to look at the teenager in front of you.

"Originally, I planned to go to the Earth in Kru De, but the machine has a problem, causing me to be a little later. Fortunately, Master has killed Cruid!" The teenager is very calm. .

"Wait! Who are you? I don't remember what apprentice I have received, and why do you know that Cruid's things?" The night is frowned.

"There is not yet, but you will receive me in the future, my own skills are you taught. As for the things of Kru, I listen to yourself!" The juvenile continued to put fierce [material].

"Future?" The golden light in the eyes, and he thought of a possibility.

"Master, I would like to ask, can you now be in accordance with your own will, always change into a super-seizure?" The teenager continued to ask.

"Hey! Do you think you are talking to anyone!" The gas in the night, began to run crazy.

"What are they talking about?" The opposite Clin and others looked at the night, the mysterious teenager was a confusion.

"Open!" The night's long wind suddenly drunk, the whole body blue voyage turned to the ultimate, and finally turned into a pure golden voyage.

"Ah!" The crowd of everyone was shocked.

... Night long wind full body boiling with pure golden vital fire, the whole man's hair is also inverted, turned into pure gold, he instantly opened the state of Super Saiyans.

This is not difficult for the night, as long as it breaks through the stage of the Super Saiyan, with the coldness of the gas to gas, it is as simple as drinking water, and the night is not fighting, you can Long time maintains the status of the super.

This is what the gas control in the body reaches people who enter the micro levels can do.

"It's a mission, you can do so strong at this time, too powerful!" Mysterious teenager admired.

"What to do? Why is the long wind he becomes a super-Saiyan state!" Burma was shocked.

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"Do they want to duel?" Yammu tea is sweating on the head, "will destroy this city, what is the long looking?"

"Then what do you want to say?" The night's wind is cold, turning into a super Saiyan, the night grows is a cold frost, his heart has tried to believe in mysterious teenagers in front of him.

"I am also a super scorpion!" The mysterious boy suddenly rose, and it was also the gas of the pure gold super.

"Oh? You are really a Saiyan, and actually so young, you can stimulate the blood veins, it is not simple!" The night-lived green eyes shine in Jinguang.

"That ... that boy is also a super-seizure, how is it possible!" Clin shocked a pi share to sit on the ground.


"What do they want to do?" Yamu tea in the side is like a rain.

"I am sorry, Master!" The mysterious boy suddenly said.

"Well?" The night is very windy.

bass! At this time, the mysterious teenager suddenly pulled out the long sword behind, and then dried to the night long wind, a pair of two sections of the night long wind.

"Hey! The speed is too slow!" Nightly wind and right, and directly took the mysterious teenager's attack. "Your gas control is still not a top!"

"Ah! I played it, they played!" Klin shouted.

boom! boom! boom! The mysterious teenage attack is not stopped, and there are more than ten swords to the night long wind, all of which are easy to block the night.

"You are not my opponent!" The night's right hand is exhibited, directly blacked the mysterious teenager's long sword, and then the right arm dragon icon.

Night-length wind is slightly borrowed directly to take the long sword in the hands of mysterious teenagers!

"Good!" The mysterious boy is full of surprises. "Master is really unleading, this time is so strong!"

! The night length will throw the long sword to the mysterious teenager, mysterious teenagers, , the long sword just returned to the sword .

"It's too powerful, they are two people!" Yamu tea is stunned, "Is that the power of the Super Saiyan?"

"Now you can say who you are, the boy from the future!" The night grew away from the Super Saaya, and recovered the normal state.

1260 chapter, time machine

"Okay, but what I said, you must not tell others!" The mysterious teenager also broke out from the super-Saiyan model.

"Don't worry! I will judge that I can't say it!" Night-lasting style nodded.

"Well! Perhaps, people in this era will feel some incredible, I am going to take a time machine from 20 years later, the future world comes here!" The mysterious teenager saw a sacred.

The night's eyebrows pick one, "Twenty years later! This is what you are the future generation of the Saiyan!"

The night-catching wind has actually guess the teenagers in front of the Boolean to go back to the current timeline from the future.

"Yes, my name is Teks, I am the son of Bergi Tower!" Tex slowly.

"Sure enough, you have a little similar to Bergi Tower, who is your mother?" Night "four or five seven" winds are more curious.

"My mother is a planet called Anning, but she has already passed away when I am a few years!" Turkish replied.

"I really didn't expect Baggiita, which would be proud of the bare, actually combined with the planet!" The night is slightly surprised.

"Master! I am here to come here, but I don't want to tell you, but there is a major thing to tell you!" Terrus positively.

"What is going on, you have to spend a long time to run back!" Night wind is also a face.

"At 10 o'clock in the six months, there will be two super horror people on the island of nine kilometers nine kilometers southwestern southwestern southwest ... their power will become stronger and stronger, and finally can't pack it!" The eyes flashed in the eyes.

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