The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1303 of the Chapter 1303 of the Prince of Tennis

"Who? Is the universe?" The night brow wrinkled.

"No, they are artifices made from the Earth people, and the original red silk scientist is manufactured by Dr. Georo!" Tex explained.

"Red Silk Army? Artificial?" Night Changfeng remembers that he is already destroyed by the headquarters of the Red Silk Army.

"Yes! History is written in the Red Silk Army, but Dr. Geor is alive, and continues to conduct a secret research!" Turkish.

"Dr. Gaul, I haven't heard it at all. His purpose is to retaliate me?" Asked the night and asked.

"Yes, and he still wants to complete the red ruling world. However, Dr. Gaot will kill it in the future, and the artificial people have independent consciousness to laugh and destroy. ! "The Turkks headed down a cold sweat.

"You have turned into a super-seizure, isn't it the opponent's opponent?" Asked at night.

"Yes! They have two people, even if they are handed over, I am not their opponent!" Tex low.

"Wait! You don't say that I am your master? Is it in the future, your timeline, even I can't overcome the human man?" The night-long wind could not accept Timark Timark.

After coming to the Dragon Ball World, the entire world plot is accelerated, he should not stay in the Dragon Ball World for 20 years.

"Master, you have left the earth before you rise! I can't get in touch with you, and in the battle with the human being, my father, Klin, Yamu tea, Tianjin rice and dumplings and Bick All are all dead! "Trogus is a sad color.

"With the death of Bike, Dragon Ball does not have a reputation, no one can resurrect! The artificial people are really too powerful!" Terrack gripped in the boxing, and the gods were very excited.

"That is to say, in Timark Timel, I left the earth and there was no power on the earth, so that the human man was ruled!" I thought in the night.

"I hope Master, you don't leave the earth, and eliminate the two people after six months, change the future!" Tervex looks at the night long, "Only you can overcome the horrible guy ! "

"I will overcome them, I will not let this world repeat your timeline!" The night's weight is focused on nod, in fact, he can't determine if he can defeat the artificial man.

From the previous feeling of the night, the long wind has a superficial strength, but it is still a super-seizian one form, although Bitran is strong, but it is impossible.

It is also possible to say that the human combat power of Tex cannot be defeated separately is topped on the night.

Ding! At this time, the prompt of the super-god system in the night-long style sound ...

Trigger the main line task: defeating the artificial man, blocking Dr. Gaulo

Task Level: Orange Task

Task reward: two lottery times

Failure punishment: Deprivation of users

Systematic evaluation: User's new crisis, defeating unknown artifices, save the earth of different timelines

"Well? Actually just an orange mission!" The night's wind was slightly surprised, but also said that the current combat power and man-made people were not big, there was no difference in the last time and Flissa, so the superhen system judgment is just Orange task.

The task's rewards have a good number of lottery, and the punishment of failure is quite serious. If the death of the Undead, the blood is deprived, if the blood of the Super Saiyan is deprived, the night is not playing.

So this orange task, the night grows don't have lost.

Task evaluation of the earth who saves different timelines, this night is a little doubtful, this sentence is obvious, that is, not only to save the globe of the night line, but also to save Telks The time of the timeline.

Of course, the night-catching wind does not want to go to the Time line of Tirks at the moment, because the night's wind still does not dare to ensure that the current strength is in the timeline of the Tirks. on.

Night long winds decided to solve the human artifices on the earth on its timeline.

"Yes! Master, do you remember not to let Baygun 4.4 tower know this matter, or it is likely to be there!" Turkz reminded.

"Know!" Night-lasting style nodded, in fact, the night's long wind did not think that his current time line event change can affect the timeline of Turk.

According to Tex's description, this is probably two parallel spaces that are related to each other but are not absolute relationships.

"Right, do you have a drawing in the time of the time?" Asked the night.

"Some! Dr. Burma told me to carry it with you, say it will be!" Tex took out a notebook from the arms and handed a night. "This is Burt's notes!"

"Sure enough, the time of the Booema inventory!" The night long wind passed the notes, probably turned over, all of which didn't understand the numbers and graphics.

1261 chapter, temporarily left

"I have to go, I also have the task of protecting Dr. Burt, can't stay too long here!" Terry side.

"Ah, give me a good time! If this is the smooth, I will take the time to go to your timeline to help you!" The night is deep.

"I know, everything is given to you, Master!" Tex gave the night long-lasting ok gesture and then directly on the sky, and disappeared in the eyes of everyone.

"Ah, that boy is getting rid of!" The opposite Ya Tu tea is exclaimed.

The night-long wind is a flashback to everyone, holding a notebook in his hand.

"Who is the breeze? What is the boy?" What did you say? "As asked curiously," he is also a super-semi-Saiyan, it is surprising.

"Well ... this is ..." The night cost is some hesitant to tell everyone these things. He doesn't want to cause everyone's panic.

"Night long wind, you still say it is better, this thing is too important!" Suddenly, the Mark's figure appeared behind the night.

"Oh? More than 31 grams, you haven't gone yet?" Yamu tea looked at Bike.

"Well! Because our Weixing people heard extremely sensitive, so I have heard it when I have a long wind and that teenager, I have heard it!"

"What is important thing?" Burma looked at night long wind, "Changfeng, you told me!"

"Okay!" The night is helplessly shaking his head, handing the notebook in his hand to Burma, "Anyway, you will know later!"

Night wind turned to everyone, and hidden Tenks of Tex, he didn't want Begita to knew Tex 's things, so as not to affect the original Elsen Time line at the point.

Time machine is originally a product that violates the scientific law, and I have seen a lot of books about parallel space before crossing.

A time node can differentiate countless timelines, and the story of each timeline may be different. Of course, if some events are changed at a time point, it can cause some of the time lines that have fallen.

"Things are like this ... Burt, you have to help me study the time, it is likely to use it later!" Night lived on Booema.

"It's amazing, this above the principles and formulas are unable to imagine! Through the derivation of the formula, the passing time is really possible, too powerful! This is developed, the inventor must be a peerless Wizards! "Burma quickly finished the notebook, and then it was amazing, and the excitement.

"It's yourself!" I thought about it in the night, didn't say it.

"If the teenager is telling the true words, we will die?" Jachus tea exudes fine sweat.

"So I want to save life, this half a year, we have to cultivate!" Bike coldly holds the shoulder.

"That, we will meet in the place where the artifices will appear half a year! The long wind tells me time and place!" Tianjin rice asked.

"It is half a year, the specific time is unknown, the location is the difficulty of the southwest direction, the small island near nine kilometers. If you want to go, it is best to go to the island in advance or a week." Night long-term wind slowly replied.

"Hey! This enemy is not before, there is no confidence, I still don't want to go! Otherwise, not only doesn't help, but be a cumbersome!"

"Hey! Bick, you want to say that our strength is not enough?" Tianjin rice is very uncomfortable to look at Bick.

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