The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1304 of the Chapter 1304 of the Host System of Tennis Prince

"Yes! This is not a joke!" Bike coldly drive.

"What do you say! Dare to look down on us!" Tianjin rice is anger.

"Okay, two don't have noisy! If you are as described in Tex, the human fighting power is probably on me, no one can do it!" Night long wind stopped the quarrel of the two.

At present, the strength of Bick and Tianjin rice is not enough.

"I have a good way. Why don't you remove him before the Dr. Gaoto, a small island, you should find Dr. Gauli, you should find Dr. Gaulong!" Burma proposes .

"Ah! Good way, you can solve the problem without suffering!" Klin called the attachment.

"No!" The night's wind shook his head. "Dr. Garo has nothing, there is no reason to kill a person who will criminal in the future, may change from hetero!"

Night-hard wind knows that since the superhen system has released the task, it represents the emergence of the human being is not reversible. Even if Dr. Gaul is killed, there will be some people who have made people, and there is always a change in hetero. It may improve the difficulty of tasks.

Moreover, the night-catching wind also wants to see how the horrible man in the Terrus is more than the sky.

"Changfeng, do you want to inform Baggi Tower, he is also a big force!" Klin said.

"Don't worry about him, I haven't changed it to the super-semi-Saiyan people, it is useless!" The night is shaking, "the safety of the earth is still guarded by our planet!"

"Ah!" Tianjin rice and other people have nodded, and Bick did not make an objection, although the Mik is the American star, but the earth grows, he and the night are the mother. Planet.

"After half a year, we must go!" Tianjin gone solemnly, and then flew over the sky with dumplings, soon disappeared in the sky.

"Bike! This time you practice by you with Klin and Yamu tea, you don't have to be polite, let them practice according to your method!"

547 "Ah! Changfeng, we want to cultivate with you!" Clever is dissatisfied with dissatisfaction.

"Haha, I also want to cultivate with you, but the vitality between the earth world has not been able to meet my cultivation. If I practice it here, I can only stop, so I want to practice in the universe!" Before the night It has been tried to absorb the vitality between the heavens and the earth on the earth.

But the Earth's vitality or energy is really limited, and it has not been able to meet the high-cost wind that has skyrocketed N times now, so the night-catching wind is only the harsh, and the vitality is more violent.

Of course, the night costume can also choose to return to the small world, but the night is not wanting to absorb the energy of Xiaocheng, because the night grows is now a no-hole, where to go, the energy of the energy will be quickly sucking.

Night winds, don't want to go back in small days, so only the planets who are suitable for cultivation in the universe.

"The universe is cultivated ..." Everyone heard the night-length style, the expression is different, although they know that the gap between themselves and the night, but did not expect this point.

"Everyone! Goodbye after half a year!" After the night is finished, it disappears directly in the same place.

"Hey! Changfeng ..." Burtagen did not urgently stop the night length, and he was relieved. "This KiQi has to make trouble!"

1262 chapter, hard work for half a year

bass! At this time, the huge Star Warrover slowly launched in the top of everyone, and then the bottom hatch was opened directly, and the night's wind was directly flashed back to the Star Warcraft.

Then the Star War Battle ship was invisible in the top of everyone, and finally disappeared.

"The Star Lowership! Random look for super concentrated polisies!" After the night's wind gave the Star Lowns Hale of the Stars, he ran to the Gravity Training Room of the Star War Ship to start training.

"Yes! Captain!"

In the first moment, the Star War War ship crossed the atmosphere of the earth and then started to fly to the universe.

"Okay! You two don't live, I want to customize the secret training program!" Bike looked at Kedlin and Yamu tea, his mouth was grinned.

"Ah ... The life of hell is to start ..." Klin and Yamu tea are called hard, but the two people are not the opponent of Bike, only to listen to the bike.

The lens turns to the left of Begda.

After Bergi Tita left, it came to a high-tech research base on the earth. It has found the best scientists in the base with force.

"You ... what do you want to do?" Dr. Ai held his head with his hands, very scared to look at the Bergi Tower that suddenly broke out.

"I want you to build three hundred times gravity training room. If you can't do it, I will kill everyone!" Bergata coldly threatened.

"Three hundred times? This is impossible ... Even if you can make it, no one can bear, if your weight is sixty kilograms, in that case it will become 18 tons! Your organs are impossible Can withstand! "Dr. Ai pushed the glasses on the nose. Since Begitta needs him, Dr. Ai is not afraid that Bergi Tower will kill him.

"Hey! Less nonsense! You only make it!" Bergata right hand grasped into punches, then burst into a box of more than ten meters thick steel wall. "I must surpass Christie guy, I am The strongest Saiyan! "

"Ah!" Dr. Ai was shocked by Begitta. He has never seen someone can rely on the steel wall of the laboratory. "Don't kill me! I will do it right away!"

Dr. Ai is a very top scientist on earth, and Dr. Brima's father Bruffs is a scientist, and he will soon develop three hundred times more gravity room.

Bergiita did not resigniate Dr. Ai, directly into the three hundred times gravity room, started to practice, is completely a deputy, not to surrendenever the venue of the night.

And the night lengthy wind in the universe found a very ideal cultivation of the planet.

When the night long is on the planet, it feels full of red yuan flow, and even liquefied trends.

This air and Earth's vitality and super-golden golden vitality are different. It is a quite violent ingredient.

However, the strength of the night, the strength is enough to support him to absorb this red voyage, and it can be broken, and no more suitable for the night-hard work than this red planet.

And the environment of this planet is also very bad, almost no life can survive on this planet, and the night-long wind repair is also unscrupulous. Anyway, it is a dead star without life.

Time is like water, half a year's time is in the hardship of everyone.

Bang! At this point, the night-long wind discs are sitting in the air, and he is a gray earth, and his head is a huge red vortex gathering the yuan flow, the top of the top.

The night long wind is around the muscles, the eyes are closed, and the body has a rhythmic bright.

"There is still three days, I have to move!" The night's wind finally opened his eyes, while slowly stood up, his head of the swirl flows quietly.

The hardships of the half year, the muscles of the night, the muscles of the night, the face is cold, and the night long wind is more restrained than before.

There is no big, there is no heaven and earth, the night cost is just a generous grip, then slowly loosen.

Only he knows how big it is on this red planet in this red planet in half a year and night.

Originally, the night's wind is intended to use the four lottery times of the current lottery, but the night is finally cultivated, and the night is not planning to use the lottery.

He has an absolute confidence in his current strength. The artifices described by Tex have not been placed in the eyes.

There are still three days from the agreed time, and the night grows back to the Star War Battles and then returns to the Earth.

When the night is on the distant planet, this planet has enveloped the red violent voyage, while when the long wind leaves, this red planet turned into a gray planet.

The hardships of the night-catching semi-year are actually absorbing the vastness of this planet into their own vitality. He is like a non-counting gantry to give these difficulty!

on the earth.

Bike and Yamu tea and Clin three flew to the island that was about to birth.

"Bike, do you say that we have a victory?" Klin asked on the side of flight.

"It's hard to say! If the super-semi-Saiya from the future is true, we want to fight with the people in our current strength. However, the night, the guy should come, and the specific is not Must be! "Bike cold," After finishing, you will know! "

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